Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2400 She wants to be with him

Chapter 2400 She wants to be with him

Chapter 2400: She wants to be with him

"Xixi, let me take you up. Tomorrow is the weekend. You should rest well. I will call you after the banquet. I have already arranged for Xiaofeng and his companions to apply for the job. There will be a special person Take them there, you don't have to worry."

Yue Lingxi looked at him, grateful: "You've been very thoughtful, I don't have anything to worry about."

Lu Zijun smiled and got out of the car to pick up his things. After Yuesheng's incident, Xixi's mother also knew about their relationship, so he can go upright now.

After Lu Zijun picked up the things, Yue Lingxi also got out of the car, and the two went upstairs together, but they didn't notice two furtive figures in the distance.

The two entered, Yue Lingfeng and Yue Wei were both there.

Seeing her daughter and Lu Zijun coming back together, carrying big and small bags in her hands, Yue Wei glanced at the two with complicated eyes.

She is really worried about Xixi because she is rich and noble.

"Auntie, hello!" Lu Zijun greeted respectfully.

Yue Wei smiled: "Hi, sit down first."

"Sister, Mr. Lu, are you all okay?" Although Yue Lingfeng knew that his sister was fine, he couldn't help but worry.

Yue Lingxi shook her head and smiled: "Xiaofeng, Mom, don't worry, we're all fine."

The wound on her neck was almost scabbed because of the medicine she had used.

A few people chatted about what happened the night before yesterday. What Yue Lingxi didn't know was that the Yue family went bankrupt.

She only knew now that after taking a quick look at Lu Zijun beside him, he could really make Yue's company go bankrupt overnight.

Lu Zijun looked at her, "Are we together?"

Yue Lingxi: "Is the Yue family in debt?"

Lu Zijun shook his head slightly, "I don't know about that, Yuesheng has a lot of evidence, the police station is too busy, and the Chu family you went to find, because Yuesheng was arrested, their family also provided some evidence, Yuesheng may I will be severely punished for treason. As for the Yue family, I didn’t do anything, people like them who are only interested in profit can easily know the law and break the law, as long as the evidence is found, they can be crushed.”

He is a genius in this respect, but it's just a matter of moving his fingers.

Yue Lingxi was a little worried. If her adoptive parents knew that this matter was related to her, they would never let her go. With their clingy temperament, they would only keep harassing her.

Will this affect her life very much?
Lu Zijun seemed to see her worry, and said: "The Yuesheng family is a lost dog now, and they can't cause any big storms. I'm afraid they will come to secretly, but I have already sent someone to monitor their every move, Xixi, you don't have to worry about it." .”

Yue Lingxi: "..." She was really worried.

Because the Yue family couple also have no bottom line in life.

People are most afraid of meeting people who are unreasonable or have no bottom line.

After Lu Zijun talked to Yue Lingfeng about the job application, he left.

After going downstairs, he answered a phone call, and then walked towards the alley behind the complex with gloomy eyes.

The lights in the old community were dim, and the evening breeze was blowing, making shadows and shadows.

The two people hiding in the alley and sneaking around happened to be the Yue family couple.

Seeing Lu Zijun walking towards them, the husband and wife hated and became angry.

Yue's father was originally because of Lu Zijun, his son went to prison, his family's villa was sealed off, his family was bankrupt and heavily in debt, and now he could only sleep on the street. All this was caused by the man in front of him, and he stepped forward angrily.

He said viciously: "Lu Zijun, you actually dared to destroy my Yue family, and now you dare to appear in front of me. I order you to immediately take away your so-called evidence. I am also Xixi's father. You have ruined our Yue family. If you are like this, you still want to marry our family, Xixi, so go ahead and dream."

Lu Zijun looked at him and thought it was ridiculous, "When you abandoned her, why didn't you say she was your daughter? Now that something happened, I think she is your daughter."

Father Yue's complexion was ugly, and he seemed to have aged several years overnight.

"That's because she is not our biological daughter, but we have also raised her for more than [-] years. The grace of raising her is greater than the sky. She will be a father for a day and a father for life. I will always be her father."

Lu Zijun looked at him sharply, "I don't want to insult Xixi if I hear this a second time. If you dare to trouble her again, I will make Yuesheng unable to get out for a lifetime."

When Father Yue and Mother Yue heard this, their hearts tightened.

Not daring to make any more moves, he stood there as if listless.

They don't care about anything, what they care most about is the lifeblood of the Yue family.

The couple left silently.

Lu Zijun watched them leave before leaving.

On the second floor, Yue Lingxi looked at her mother as if she had something to say, but she didn't go back to her room because she was exhausted.

She knew that her mother was worried, and she knew that her mother was afraid that she would be hurt.

But my mother looked at her several times and didn't speak.

The lights in the living room are very bright, and my mother is much more energetic than when she lived in the rental house.

"Mom, do you have something to tell me?" She knew that her mother knew, and Xiaofeng would not hide this matter from her mother.

Yue Wei nodded, and still expressed her worries: "Xixi, mother is worried that you will be hurt. The rich family is as deep as water, and the seemingly peaceful family actually has a lot of open and secret fights without blood."

This kind of problem, Yue Lingxi has also thought about it. She grew up in that kind of environment since she was a child. Take the Yue family as an example. Their family must be well-matched to find a son and daughter-in-law. The family background of the other party's daughter must definitely help. Their family's business, otherwise don't even think about marrying Jinyue's family.

"Mom, don't worry. The Lu family is not that kind of family. Their family is harmonious and their parents are reasonable people." She could still feel this.

Yue Wei knew the story of the husband and wife of the Lu Group, the story was very touching, and the husband and wife were also truly affectionate.

I believe that the son they teach will also be a real gentleman.

"Xixi, since you have chosen, mom won't stop you. Mom just wants you to live happily."

No one can predict what will happen next.

Just like her, she used to think that she would have a bright future and live happily with her family, but in the end that person still failed her.

The child was wrongly held, and the two children grew up alone, and the life of being away from home was really too hard.

She is not afraid of suffering, but what she fears is that her children in this world will also suffer the same hardships and walk the same path as her. This is a scene she never wants to see in her whole life.

"Mom, thank you. Don't worry, I will be happy. Lu Zijun treats me very well. Although I haven't known him for a long time, I can feel his kindness. I want to be with him." If it is She would not say such things before, but after what happened today, she felt that she really fell in love with Lu Zijun.

As soon as Yue Lingxi finished speaking, the mobile phone on the sofa rang. She picked it up and saw the familiar number. Her face suddenly became pale as snow.

(End of this chapter)

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