Chapter 499 She's Back
Chapter 499: She's Back
Ning Feifei leaned over to look slightly surprised, "Wow! So fast?"

However, Ning Feifei glanced at Lan Xin worriedly. She hasn't clicked on this video yet. If she clicked on it, she would definitely be very unhappy.

Lan Xin clicked to watch the video, and Ning Feifei quickly said, "Director Lan, why don't you watch it?"

Lan Xin glanced at her and asked, "Why don't I look at it?"

Ning Feifei looked embarrassed, and said with a smile: "Director Lan, I'm afraid that you will be sad when you see it. After all, Xiao Ruoxuan is a dramatist, and she scolded really badly."

Lan Xin smiled and said, "Feifei, I thought it was a big deal? I've been scolded since I was a child, if I cared about it every time I was scolded, I would have died hundreds of times by now."

Lan Xin smiled slightly, and clicked on the video to watch. Xiao Ruoxuan was held up by two security guards and thrown out of the Lu Group's gate.

She pointed at the company's gate and cursed: "Lan Xin, you stinky woman, you dare to snatch my man, you shameless woman, go to hell..."

Lan Xin smiled and said, "Why didn't they say anything against Lu Haocheng?" Really, she didn't even think about who she was?

She is a public figure, so she should accumulate on a down-to-earth basis.

As the saying goes, always be insolent, but less stable.

Frivolity does not mean youth, and youth does not equal frivolity.

Ning Feifei said from the side: "Director Lan, people scold women for this kind of thing. For example, if a man has another woman outside, very few women will really blame their husbands. It's other women who seduce their husbands. It's the same thing."

She has personally experienced this kind of thing. She obviously didn't do anything, but was scolded bloody by others.

Especially in the wechat group of her previous company, those men and women stood up and said that she was shameless and seduced the boss of their company.

Originally, she was considered outstanding in their company.

There is nothing wrong with being beautiful, what is wrong is that because I am so beautiful, I always make others think that I am a dubious woman.

Lan Xin looked at her and smiled, "Feifei, you're right. I've seen this happen to other people too."

She put the shoes on slowly and said, "Let's get on with our work."

As for things on the Internet, she usually doesn't care much.

Seeing that she was in a good mood, Ning Feifei suddenly felt relieved.

After seeing this, she suddenly found that her mentality was not as good as hers.

However, Director Lan is often associated with Lu Haocheng because of his god-level appearance.

When she was working, her earnest appearance and the beautiful picture made people unable to take her eyes off her. Even she had to wonder if she was also attracted sometimes.

Lan Xin is not a woman who looks stunning at first glance, but a temperament that becomes more amazing and attractive the more she looks at it.

Therefore, Lu Haocheng's vision is quite unique.

Lan Xin glanced at Ning Feifei, and found that he was standing there looking at her. His eyes were always a little unclear, and there was also a hint of appreciation. She smiled slightly and asked, "Feifei, why are you looking at me like this?"

Ning Feifei smiled slightly, that smile was more sincere, she said: "Director Lan, you are beautiful!"

Lan Xin: "..."

She smiled and said, "Feifei, I am already a mother of three children. How can I be so beautiful? If you say you are beautiful, you are also beautiful, so we don't have to flatter each other. I took a break for a while. Today It’s my first time working, and I’m very busy.”

As Lan Xin said, she stood up and walked to her desk.

Ning Feifei also smiled, returned to her desk, and continued to work.

Once Lan Xin puts herself into work, she is very serious.

And Lu Zhen Group!
In Lu Yike's office, he was fine, so he looked at his phone and saw the video of Xiao Ruoxuan scolding Lan Xin.

Lu Yike paused slightly with the hand holding the phone, and stared at the video motionlessly.

This Lan Xin is simply too hateful.

Every day is causing trouble.

At this time, Secretary Liang walked in, looked at Lu Yike and said, "Chairman."

Lu Yike looked up at him, nodded slightly, and said in a deep voice, "I'm back."

Secretary Liang also nodded and said, "Chairman, I have found out that Mr. Lu has been living with Lan Xin for the past few days, and Lan Xin's mother is the chairman's ex-wife. Is she also Lan Xin's current mother? "

"What?" The mobile phone in Lu Yike's hand suddenly fell to the ground.

His dark sharp eyes stared at Liang Wei in shock, and after a while, he asked in a trembling voice: "Secretary Liang, are you sure you read correctly, the person you saw was Mu Qing. "

Liang Wei nodded slightly, and said: "Chairman, I have been by your side since I was young. Madam, I remember that she seems to have lived with Lan Xin all these years."

He saw this in the morning, and after asking the neighbors around, he found out about the relationship between Lan Xin and Xu Muqing.

But not long after they moved to Yongqing Road, the neighbors next door didn't know much about their affairs.

"It seems that President Lu has already found his wife before. Lan Xin and his wife are mother-daughter relationship, so it is understandable for President Lu to protect Lan Xin."

After Lu Yike was stunned for a few seconds, his dull eyes moved slightly.

"Muqing, she's back. After more than twenty years, she's finally back." He muttered to himself in a low voice. When he was young, he was youthful and energetic. He turned a blind eye to Muqing's virtuousness, gentleness, and consideration. I can't understand her intentions.

But now, when he was older, he only realized bit by bit how kind Mu Qing was to him during the years when he lived with Mu Qing.

Mu Qing is really virtuous and gentle, no matter how late he goes back, there will always be hot meals prepared in the kitchen.

She also taught and took care of the two children patiently, without letting him worry about them.

But when he saw those hot meals at that time, he didn't feel anything, he just felt that she was wasting his time and ingredients.

He has social gatherings every day, and basically eats dinner outside, and his stomach feels very uncomfortable every time he comes and goes.

Once, he complained to her that he was too tired and often ate out, and I didn't feel well either.

She looked at him and said, "Don't be too tired alone, you can't earn enough money, your health is important, in the future, try not to eat out, no matter how late you come back, I will prepare dinner and wait for you to come back to eat. "

So, she persisted, but he didn't seem to have eaten a single meal.

Plus, at that time, he was already with the young and beautiful Qin Ningzhen.

When I came back, I saw Mu Qing who was slightly fat after giving birth. He was young and energetic, and there was a contrast in his heart. He always felt that Qin Ningzhen was the most suitable to be with him.

(End of this chapter)

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