Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 500 I Can't Remember How Dad Is Called Two Words

Chapter 500 I Can't Remember How Dad Is Called
Chapter 500: I don't remember how the word dad is called
In a man's heart, once he has other women, his impatience and dislike will be seen immediately when facing his wretched wife.

He began to lose his temper inexplicably at Mu Qing.

Their two children, spent in their quarrel.

Especially Haocheng, when he saw him arguing with his mother, he was like a raging little lion glaring at him, wishing he could tear him apart.

At that time, he didn't look for reasons on himself, but because of such Haocheng, he had a reason to lose his temper with Mu Qing.

He blamed Mu Qing, she didn't educate the child well, which made Haocheng's temper so bad, he didn't know how to be polite, and he treated his father as if he saw an enemy.

Whenever he said this, Mu Qing looked at him with distressed expression, and tears fell silently.

She questioned him: "Haocheng became like this because of him. As a father, you have not seriously spent a day with him. Do you know whether Ah Cheng is in the small class or the big class? Do you know Sisi's exam results this year?" How is it? Do you know what Ah Cheng likes to eat?

Did you know Sisi changed her teeth? "

Questions followed one after another were thrown at him, but he couldn't answer any of them.

Only then did he realize how much he had failed as a father.

At that time, he thought that after such a big quarrel, he could file for divorce.

But because of these problems, he felt guilty in his heart.

He put Qin Ningzhen outside to raise him.

And Qin Ningzhen is a very stubborn person, after pregnancy, she has to be stubborn to give birth to the child.

He, Lu Yike, is rich, so it's okay to raise a few more children.

Therefore, he did not stop Qin Ningzhen.

Qin Ningzhen didn't make any noise, and he also felt that his life was comfortable, and he just went back and forth on both sides to enjoy the blessings of Qiren.

In fact, ever since he quarreled with Mu Qing intentionally or unintentionally, Mu Qing had already suspected that he was having an affair.

But she will still prepare dinner and wait for him to go back.

But the time for him to go back is getting less and less, and it is getting later and later.

Mu Qing is not like Qin Ningzhen, Qin Ningzhen doesn't like cooking, and likes to go to romantic high-end restaurants with him.

At that time, he was still young, and he always felt that the relationship between husband and wife should be the same as that of young couples, living a romantic and emotional life.

Gradually, such a comfortable life made him a little carried away.

He was even more indifferent to Mu Qing.

Haocheng and Sisi also felt more and more resentment towards him.

Haocheng seldom called his father anymore.

Every time he went back, he would see him having fun with that little girl from the Gu family, Gu Yilan.

As soon as he went back, he put on a small face, as if he saw an enemy.

On that day, Qin Ningzhen, who had always been quiet, suddenly took Haokai and Si En to his house and made a big fuss.

Mu Qing didn't quarrel with Qin Ningzhen, and waited for Qin Ningzhen to have enough quarrels. He took out the divorce agreement he had prepared, and she silently signed the divorce agreement.

Child, of course he wouldn't take her away.

The child stayed, and she left without saying a word.

He just said something when he was leaving, "Yike, I have never been sorry to you, give the shares under my name to Haocheng and Sisi!"

This was the first sentence she said to herself that day.

She took nothing with her, and left everything to her two children.

That is to say, from that day on, he never saw Mu Qing again.

He also gave Haokai and Sien the shares she left behind at Qin Ningzhen's request.

And Haocheng, with his own hard work, got a share in the company.

Looking back on everything in the past now, he feels that he is really a jerk.

I am not human, now that I think about it, it is understandable for Haocheng and Sisi to hate themselves so much.

Especially Sisi, these years, when she came back, she always just went to see Haocheng, never came back to see him.

Lu Yike closed his eyes in pain. In fact, after living with Qin Ningzhen, he discovered that Qin Ningzhen loves money very much.

Unlike Mu Qing who is indifferent to fame and fortune, he will not take money too seriously.

Moreover, Qin Ningzhen is not as diligent and thrifty as Mu Qing in managing the house. She likes luxury goods and comparisons, but he is rich, and she wears them out, which makes her look good.

Men, everyone loves face, and he, Lu Yike, also loves face.

But looking back, he finally failed.

As a father, he also failed, and as a husband, he seemed even more failed.

Liang Wei saw that Lu Yike was in pain all the time, and he asked worriedly: "Chairman, are you okay?"

Lu Yike slowly opened his eyes, sighed heavily, and asked: "Secretary Liang, how has Mu Qing been doing these years?"

Liang Wei shook his head apologetically, and said: "Chairman, I'm sorry, I just found out about everything. If we want to know other things about Madam, we can only investigate. However, this matter, Miss Lan Xin, I'm afraid I will know more, after all, they live together."

Lu Yike nodded slightly and said, "Secretary Liang, please make an appointment with Director Lan for me, I want to meet her."

When Liang Wei heard this, he looked at him with some embarrassment, and said, "Chairman, Mr. Lu and Ms. Lan Xin go to and from get off work every day. I'm afraid it will be difficult to ask her out."

Lu Yike narrowed his eyes slightly, which is true, Haocheng is very protective of Lan Xin now.

He looked at Liang Wei and said, "Then you should call first and ask. If Lan Xin agrees to see me, she will arrange the time herself."

Liang Wei nodded: "Yes, Chairman."

"En!" Lu Yike waved his hand at Liang Wei.

Liang Wei nodded and left.

Lu Yike's face was pale, and he let out a painful breath.

At this time, he was inexplicably envious of Gu Xihong and Lin Mengyi next door.

These two people have been bickering all their lives and have never divorced.

Old, still insipid life together.

Although Lin Mengyi is strong, everything she does is for her family.

Just like Mu Qing back then, she clearly knew that he already had a woman outside, but she still didn't say anything, didn't ask, she just wanted to protect her family and children.

But at this moment, Lu Yike's call suddenly came to mind.

When he saw it, his eyes were suddenly startled, and excitement flashed across his eyes, and he quickly answered the phone.

"Sisi." He shouted excitedly. For so many years, after his daughter got married, she never called him again.

An indifferent voice came from the other end, saying, "Chairman, long time no see."

"Sisi, won't you call me daddy?" Lu Yike said excitedly.

Lu Sisi over there smiled coldly: "Chairman, I remember, I don't remember how the word father is called."

(End of this chapter)

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