Chapter 501 is purely a warning
Chapter 501: Purely a warning
Lu Yike listened, feeling pain in his heart, "Sisi..."

"Chairman Lu."

Lu Sisi on the other side interrupted him again.

She was silent for a while, then continued: "Chairman Lu, I called you today just as a warning. My mother is back. With your ability, you now know that my mother is back. My mother was killed by Qin Ning back then. Zhen threatened the lives of our brother and sister, so she disappeared for so many years and did not come back. Now she has come back with great difficulty. If she is forced to leave by you shameless couple again, then, sorry, I will return to China immediately. I will die with your shameless family of four." Lu Sisi's last few words were extremely decisive.

"Lu Sisi, you haven't called me for more than ten years, and you finally called once. Are you talking to me like this?" Lu Yike was angry, but also felt distressed.

Haocheng and Sisi were both present at what happened that year.

"Hehe..." Lu Sisi smiled coldly.

"Chairman Lu, I'm sorry, I have never had anything to say between you and me. Back then, I saw with my own eyes how you and that woman forced my mother away. You didn't explain a word, so you took out I signed the divorce agreement for my mother, which shows that you are already ready to divorce my mother. My mother is a good woman, and fortunately she divorced you. How can I thank you for this matter?"

"Sisi, what happened back then..."

"What happened back then was that Ah Cheng and I were too young to do anything. We couldn't help our mother. Seeing my mother being forced away by you, do you know how much hatred I felt in my heart? Didn't that woman enter Lu's house? In a month, you followed her advice and sent me abroad. Do you think I didn't hear what you said that day?
I had no choice but to leave, leaving Ah Cheng alone to face you, do you know how much pain I felt in my heart?

Do you know how Ah Cheng has lived these years?His mother left, and his closest relationship with the Gu family, Xiaoyi, was also lost by him, and he had nothing left.

Do you know that he dare not be at home alone?Do you know that all these years, his three friends have taken turns to accompany him?Do you know all these? "

Facing the questions raised by his daughter one after another, his heart ached as if digging his heart out.

He didn't know that Haocheng had such a miserable life in these years.

He also didn't know that Qin Ningzhen used such means to force Mu Qing to leave.

"Hehe..." Lu Sisi's sarcastic smile was extremely sad and cold.

"I knew you didn't know anything. That woman has always wanted the lives of our two sisters, and let her son and daughter inherit the Lu family... No, it's the Lu Zhen Group.

I have had many accidents here, and Ah Cheng also often has car accidents. I know you guys did these things. A family of four was disappointed.

However, your family of four owes our family of three, and you still have to pay back what should be paid.

When my mother left, she said that she would give her shares to Ah Cheng and me, but you gave them to those two bastards.

Now that it’s all said and done, let me remind you by the way, how did you take my mother’s equity in, and spit it out to me, I will return to China at the end of the month, set up a new company, and Ah Cheng Cooperate with the company, when the time comes, I want you to pay back everything you owe us. "

Lu Sisi's voice became more and more agitated and ruthless, and she hung up the phone quickly.

Lu Yike's phone slipped from his hand and fell to the ground.

Made a low crisp sound but not broken.

He was completely dumbfounded, he never thought that his daughter would have such thoughts.

It never occurred to him that even Sisi knew what Qin Ningzhen was doing, but he, the person next to him, didn't.

He suddenly remembered what Mu Ziheng said to him that day.

There was a wolf sleeping next to him, and he felt sick for him.

It seems that everyone knows that Qin Ningzhen is a person, but he himself doesn't know?
Qin Ningzhen is a woman who has both the strength of a big woman and the charm of a small woman.

When he comes home, she will act like a baby to him and do all kinds of things he likes. In her own eyes, she can be soft or strong.

In his eyes, she was exactly what he liked.

Lu Yike just sat there in a daze.

In the Gu family's room, Gu An'an flipped through the news on his phone and smiled viciously.

Gu Yilan, even if I'm not by your side, I can still ruin your reputation.

Last night, she unexpectedly received a call from Xiao Ruoxuan, who happened to know about the relationship between Lan Xin and Lu Haocheng with her.

She knew Xiao Ruoxuan, and she explained Lan Xin's matter with embellishment.

This woman was particularly obsessed with Lu Haocheng when she was filming the Lu Group's autumn products last year. She was also very wary of Xiao Ruoxuan at that time. After all, she didn't want any woman to compete with her for Lu Haocheng.

Who knows that it didn't take long for this woman to be hidden because of the scandal, and she also breathed a sigh of relief.

She didn't expect that after she came back, she couldn't wait to find Lu Haocheng.

It's really a coincidence that it's better to come here, even if she is resting, she can still make Lan Xin miserable.

However, this Xiao Ruoxuan was really stupid, so stupid that the security guard threw it out.

His reputation was bad at first, and now it's even worse.

But the more this is the case, the better it will be for her, Gu Anan.

Let her breathe a sigh of relief today, and tomorrow, she is calling her to give her condolences.

If she doesn't do some things, someone will naturally do them.

"An'an, are you asleep?" Outside the door, the voice of elder brother Gu Yicen suddenly came.

Gu An'an quickly put down the phone, smiled and said, "Brother, I'm awake, the door is unlocked, come in, brother."

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Yicen, who was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, walked in with a smile and asked, "An'an, have you rested for a few days, are you okay?"

Gu Anan smiled sweetly, looked at the handsome elder brother and said: "Brother, thank you for your concern. These days, elder brother chats with me every day, and I am fine. The place where I fell is almost healed. .”

When Gu Yicen heard this, he smiled and nodded, and asked, "An'an, tell your elder brother honestly, what happened to you falling down the stairs?"

He was on a business trip at the time and didn't know about these things. He only heard about them after he came back.

An An's child is gone, and he was very sad to see her these days, so he didn't ask much.

Yilin, his father, and his mother are not willing to bring up this matter, he always feels that this matter is a bit strange.

While everyone was not at home, he asked Ann carefully.

After all, she is my younger sister, so I can't watch her being bullied by others.

(End of this chapter)

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