Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 540 Who Was It Convenient For?

Chapter 540 Who Was It Convenient For?

Chapter 540: Who is it convenient for?

Lan Xin was also very thankful that she really came up safely.

She looked at Ning Feifei and smiled: "Feifei, I also feel very lucky. This is also the first time I have encountered such a thing, as if I became a big star overnight."

Ning Feifei looked puzzled: "Director Lan, I think this is Xiao Ruoxuan looking for an opportunity to take revenge on you. A few days ago, she was thrown out by Mr. Lu's people. If she wants to clean herself up, she can only blame you for all the mistakes." on the body."

Lan Xin: "..."

What does that have to do with her?
Why did she feel that meeting Lu Haocheng was just unlucky?

Lan Xin said, "Feifei, can she still be white?"

What Xiao Ruoxuan did today, she felt that it didn't seem to have much effect.

Ning Feifei smiled and said: "Director Lan, I can't tell you clearly about the things in the entertainment circle. Some of them are hacked by the whole network, and it is possible to become popular overnight. But the idols of the people who eat melons love their appearance and acting skills. Xiao Ruoxuan Neither seems to hold water, and she's the one who ruined other people's families. She has a bad reputation, but it's hard to clean up."

Lan Xin frowned slightly, she had never watched the TV series played by Xiao Ruoxuan.

She doesn't think too much, no matter what the world thinks of her, strength is the most important thing.

She smiled and said, "Feifei, let's go to work! I've been absent from work for several days, and I'm going to faint again."

Ning Feifei smiled and said, "Director Lan, don't worry about your work ability."

Lan Xin smiled, sat down on the desk and began to sort out the materials.

In Lu Haocheng's office.

Lu Haocheng sat on the desk gloomyly, with a strange aura around him. He stared at those who abused Lan Xin on the computer. With those sharp eyes, he wished to penetrate the computer and kill them.

Mu Ziheng went to the utility room to find Ou Jingyao who was sleeping, and after Ou Jingyao sorted out his almost perfect image, the two went to Lu Haocheng's office.

As soon as he entered the office, an unusual anger spread, and Mu Ziheng's first reaction was to turn around and leave this hell on earth.

His body was more honest than his mind, and he turned around to leave.

Ou Jingyao's faint voice reminded him: "Mu Ziheng, you are going in the wrong direction." That lazy voice sounded a bit seductive and hoarse.

Mu Ziheng paused, this damned Ou Jingyao, why did he remind him?
Lu Haocheng is now angry because of those rumors on the Internet?Who is that, his favorite, Lan Xin!

Whoever moves will die!

And it will die miserably!
Therefore, at this time, Lu Haocheng was even more angry than usual.

Moreover, he is an invisible rich man, and he owns the shares in the entertainment industry.It's just that few people know it.

He turned around with a smile, "I haven't woken up yet, I'm too tired from working overtime these days." He twitched himself.

With that said, he bit the bullet and walked in front of Lu Haocheng.

Ou Jingyao sat casually on the leather sofa, sitting quietly. He also exuded a fatal attraction, full of extravagance.

Mu Ziheng also sat down silently, waiting for Lu Haocheng to issue orders.

Lu Haocheng shot a sharp gaze, and an aggressive aura hit, Mu Ziheng flinched involuntarily, looking at Lu Haocheng defensively.

He was actually worried that the luxurious coffee cup in front of Lu Haocheng would hit his head.

Lu Haocheng's indifferent voice came: "Who did it?"

At this moment, Ou Jingyao had casually turned on his laptop.

The ten fingers tapped the keyboard quickly.

After 3 minutes, he said, "It's Huazhong Entertainment."

Mu Ziheng said: "Eh... Isn't Xiao Ruoxuan just entertaining in Huazhong?"

Lu Haocheng said: "Huazhong Entertainment, how much investment do I have?"

Mu Ziheng: "..."

"You seem to be asking the wrong person, you should ask yourself."

Lu Haocheng: "Jing Yao, check it out."

Ou Jingyao nodded slightly, and his slender fingers moved quickly.

After a while, he looked up at Lu Haocheng and said, "50.00% of the shares."

Lu Haocheng raised his head slightly, his brows and eyes were full of arrogance, and there was a sense of wildness in his every move, "Buy Huazhong Entertainment, block Xiao Ruoxuan." On that uncanny handsome face, there was no trace of warmth.

Mu Ziheng said cautiously: "Haocheng, it's enough to block her, why buy Huazhong Entertainment." He couldn't afford to be tired, he was more tired than Ou Jingyao and Su Jingming.

Now that there is another Huazhong Entertainment, he will be so busy, will he still have time to marry a wife and carry on the family line?
Lu Haocheng glanced at him with deep and cold eyes, "Which agency does Le Jinyan belong to? If she returns to Fanshi, will she re-enter a new entertainment company and buy Huazhong Entertainment? Who is it convenient for? "

Mu Ziheng was so excited that his heart was trembling instantly, and he said excitedly: "Lu Haocheng, why have you suddenly become so kind?"

Ou Jingyao indifferently cast a sideways glance at the excited Mu Ziheng, this idiot, Lu Haocheng is making it convenient for his own son, how can it be convenient for him?

In Lu Haocheng's place, when it comes to Lan Xin's matter, the brotherhood is only a penny.

Suddenly, their eyes collided, and Mu Ziheng looked at Ou Jingyao with a puzzled expression, "Ou Jingyao, do you have something to say?"

Ou Jingyao slightly looked away, and two words came out of his thin red lips, "No!"

Mu Ziheng: "..."

He obviously looked at him as if he had something to say.

Lu Haocheng glanced past Mu Ziheng, and said, "Mu Ziheng, go to Huazhong Entertainment immediately."

Mu Ziheng was more active this time, got up quickly and said, "I'll go right away."

As he said that, he left with stares in his eyes. He manages Huazhong Entertainment and can open the back door for Yanyan.

Ou Jingyao didn't speak either, and got up to leave.

Lu Haocheng frowned and asked, "Is it that simple?"

Ou Jingyao, who was just about to sell, stopped slightly, and asked half sideways: "You want to make it more complicated, and now the Internet is boycotting Director Lan's design works."

Lu Haocheng didn't take it seriously, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly: "Don't worry about it, Lanlan relies on strength, and when the autumn products are launched, it will naturally hit the face."

Ou Jingyao frowned: "It's best if you have such confidence!"

Lu Haocheng: "What happened to Qin Ningzhen just now? There's a lot of movement here. It's impossible for her not to do something?"

Ou Jingyao's eyes suddenly became incomprehensible, "There is a large army of sailors, I'm afraid it was paid for by Lu Zhen Group, but it's just the black and blue director, it seems that Xiao Ruoxuan has nothing to do!"

Lu Haocheng asked again: "What about Gu An'an?"

Ou Jingyao: "Who is that?"

Lu Haocheng: "..."

He looked at Ou Jingyao with a dangerous breath in his eyes.

There was a sneer on the corner of Ou Jingyao's mouth, no matter how he looked at it, he was poisoned: "It's nothing to do with her, but you don't have to worry about it. With Xiaojun around, these abusive comments will disappear soon."

(End of this chapter)

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