Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 541 How did Lan Lan provoke them?

Chapter 541 How did Lan Lan provoke them?

Chapter 541: How did Lan Lan provoke them?

Lu Haocheng said: "Every time it's Xiaojun who does it, isn't my future husband useless?" He wants to do everything for Lanlan, and he doesn't want Lanlan to reject him.

Ou Jingyao: "..."

Ou Jingyao didn't realize it for a while. After all, they had been single all these years, and none of them had been in a relationship. Only Lu Haocheng's appearance was surprising. He didn't fall in love, but gave birth directly.

The most unbelievable thing is that there are only three in his life, no wonder he didn't react for a while.

He said casually: "You are still early!"

Lu Haocheng frowned: "Why is it too early?"

Ou Jingyao: "Be someone else's future husband!"

Lu Haocheng: "..."

Are there any pig teammates?There was one in front of him.

"Ou Jingyao, can't you be more optimistic?" Lu Haocheng looked at him coldly, and now he was impatient to marry Lanlan and go home.

But he also knew that he was a little too hasty these days.

That girl, because of past experience, will not fall in love with others so easily.

Ou Jingyao said, "You haven't written your horoscope yet?"

Lu Haocheng tapped the desk quickly with his slender fingers, and said arrogantly: "I have a daughter's divine assist."

Qiqi has been helping him.

Ou Jingyao said, "Just be confident!"

Lu Haocheng: "Ou Jingyao, won't you change your sentence?" Even he was speechless for this straightforward man, "And, are you going to fall in love in the future?" Lu Haocheng added.

Ou Jingyao straightened his expression, as if he was thinking about this question carefully.

Lu Haocheng was also looking forward to Ou Jingyao's answer. After all, Ou Jingyao had never been in love with any woman in his life.

If there is, it is blue.

Lu Haocheng felt quite uncomfortable when he thought of the past.

But at this moment, Ou Jingyao's faint voice was suddenly heard.

"Falling in love depends on fate, and I have never thought about falling in love. Do you say you are afraid of loneliness? I can stay with you until you grow old."

Lu Haocheng: "...?"

Seeing Ou Jingyao's extremely serious expression, Lu Haocheng flinched quickly. Does this seem to have come from Ou Jingyao's mouth?

Lu Haocheng only felt that he had auditory hallucinations. He was afraid of being alone, but he didn't have to sacrifice so much to be with him for the rest of his life.

"Which..." Lu Haocheng's eyes flickered, "Jing Yao, I have Lanlan by my side."

He almost couldn't bear to say these things.

Moreover, his mother is not an ordinary character. If he delays his son's life, his mother will definitely carry a kitchen knife... No, the butcher's knife will kill him.

Ou Jingyao: "..."

Suddenly, Lu Haocheng raised his eyes and looked at Ou Jingyao strangely.

Ou Jingyao instantly knew what Lu Haocheng was thinking?
He said in a cold tone: "I'm just saying that it's just in case. The thoughts in your heart are killed, I'm normal."

Lu Haocheng heaved a sigh of relief inexplicably, this is a very complicated question.

Seeing Lu Haocheng heaving a sigh of relief, Ou Jingyao suddenly had a feeling of entering hell. Is this Lu Haocheng?
When did that accurate eyesight drop?

Actually, it's not Lu Haocheng's fault, it's just his own words that make people can't help but think crookedly.

Lu Haocheng smiled evilly and said, "Ou Jingyao, you scared me." Although it was rumored that he was a man and woman, he was also very normal, he only loved Lanlan.

"Ahem..." Ou Jingyao coughed a few times in a low voice. He is also a handsome man who can take all men and women, so he can actually scare him...

emmm! !
He must have not woken up last night, this expression disorder is a bit six.

Lu Haocheng couldn't believe his ears.

Lu Haocheng got down to business: "Get rid of those comments."

Ou Jingyao said, "It depends on the situation!"

"What are you looking at?" Lu Haocheng looked at him with danger in his eyes.

Ou Jingyao picked up his laptop and said as he walked, "I'm afraid Xiaojun will take care of it when I'm done."

In one sentence, he mentioned Lu Haocheng's pain, so what's the use of him as a father?

He turned off the news and started to work, and today he will accompany Lan Lan to get off work.

Gu family!

Lin Mengyi saw that Lan Xin was on the trending list early in the morning.

She and Gu Xihong were chatting in the room, seeing those words of insulting their daughter, the husband and wife felt uncomfortable.

Gu Xihong looked at Lin Mengyi and asked, "Why do these news scold Lanlan every few days? How did Lanlan provoke them?"

The corner of Lin Mengyi's mouth curled up into a mocking arc, "Those people are jealous of Lanlan, who is Ah Cheng, the current overlord of the business world is more popular than a popular star, and there is no negative news. Many women in this world can't wait Marry him today. He only loves us Lanlan, those women will naturally smear Lanlan to death."

"Hehe..." Gu Xihong looked at her and smiled: "Mengyi, you are quite sober today."

Lin Mengyi knew what he meant, and gave him a blank look, "Can it be the same now as before? Before, An An said a lot of things about Lanlan in front of me, which led to such a situation. Now it's different, Lanlan is our daughter , look at her character, will she be a mistress?"

Gu Xihong suddenly said worriedly: "Now that Haocheng's company's autumn products will be launched soon, many of those comments are boycotting Lanlan's works, and there are constant abuse. Will this have some impact?"

Lin Mengyi was arranging her clothes. When she heard what he said, her face suddenly became serious. She glanced at Gu Xihong and said, "That's true, but I've seen Lanlan's works, and they can speak with strength. Besides, she's Teacher Li Yina's now." Apprentice, as long as this news is made public, then many rumors will be self-defeating."

Gu Xihong nodded proudly, "That's right, rumors stop with wise men."

Lin Mengyi smiled and said, "As long as the works designed by Lanlan are recognized and loved by everyone, so that everyone can't find faults, then these gossips are nothing?"

Gu Xihong also knew this truth, but he was still worried. He picked up his phone and called Lan Xin.

At this time, Lan Xin was looking at fashion collocations.

The phone rang suddenly, and Lan Xin looked at the saved number, Papa Gu.

She glanced at Ning Feifei, seeing that she was working hard, she didn't bother, and went out to answer the phone.

"Hi! Dad."

Gu Xihong: "Lanlan, are you alright? Dad is worried about you, so I'll call you and ask you, won't it affect your work?"

When Lan Xin heard this, a warm feeling flashed across her heart: "Dad, no, I'm fine. Dad, don't read the news on the Internet. What do other people like to say? Let them talk about it. It will be fine in a few days."

She is not from the show business circle, so she made such a big report, but she was used as a weapon by others to whitewash Xiao Ruoxuan.

(End of this chapter)

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