Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 548 It's not too bad to be my vase

Chapter 548 It's not too bad to be my vase

Chapter 548: It's almost enough to be my vase

Seeing the ugly faces of his parents, Gu Anan knew that what the second brother said was true.

She said anxiously: "Dad, Mom, is there really no other way? Your mother and father should have someone to help us with your connections over the years. "

Lin Mengyi glanced at her indifferently: "Without investors, our capital chain is broken now, and the payment from supermarket suppliers can't be settled. Now our family has no other money. Your elder brother is right. Persist for a month, if there is still no investment, our family can only declare bankruptcy."

There is really nothing wrong with this.

She also knew that Yi Cen was trying to test Gu An'an, but that was indeed the case.

She also never thought that the century-old foundation of the Gu family would be buried under her fingers.

She has also gone to various banks many times, but no bank is willing to give her a loan. If there is a loan, the previous investment will not lose money, but the difficulty is that no one is willing to give her family a loan.

Gu Anan frowned, glanced at them, and said, "Mom, what about the Lu family?"

Gu Yilin said: "What's the use of only the Lu family's help? Besides, the Lu family may not necessarily help. If our family goes bankrupt, with Mrs. Lu's personality, I'm afraid your marriage with Hao Kai will be opposed by him. An An, you have to be mentally prepared."

Gu Yilin's words were not meant to test Gu An'an, because there was no need for it, and it was the truth.

With Qin Ningzhen's character, she can turn her face on in an instant.

Gu An'an's heart fell to the bottom in an instant, let alone eating, she couldn't even drink water.

"Second brother, what about Lu Haocheng? Doesn't he help our family?" Lu Haocheng is the last hope of the Lu family.

Gu Yilin said: "The investment in this land is too high, it's useless to rely on Haocheng alone."

He changed the original residential building into a commercial building, a pedestrian street, and many attractive projects, but no one has any investment intentions.

But if it is built, it can earn hundreds of millions. This is a big platform. He calculated the square area accurately, and these buildings can be completed.

Moreover, there are many residents around, as long as the investment is in place in the later stage, they can be speculated.

Gu Anan was full of fear.

No, she must marry Lu Haokai before the Gu family goes bankrupt. In this way, even if Lu Haokai wants to divorce later, she can get a lot of property and make her life more comfortable.

"Ah!!" Gu Xihong sighed, and said, "I'm full, so I'll go back and rest first."

Lin Mengyi also put down her bowl and chopsticks and followed inside.

Gu Yicen looked at Gu An'an's ugly expression, and said with a smile: "An'an, if our family goes bankrupt, we won't have such a comfortable life in the future, will you still stay with us?"

Gu An'an immediately smiled and said, "Brother, we are a family, and we have to share weal and woe. No matter what happens to the Gu family, I will always be the daughter of the Gu family." Regardless of whether the eldest brother is testing her or not, these words must be well-spoken .

Gu Yicen squinted at Gu An'an, it's no wonder that the women here will endure hardship obediently.

She had always wanted to marry into the wealthy Lu family because the Lu family was the number one family in Jiang City.

Gu An'an stood up and said, "Big brother, second brother, I'm full, I'm going back to my room to rest first."

Gu Yilin nodded slightly.

Gu Anan turned around with a smile, and the smile on her face disappeared as soon as she turned around.

Gu Yicen looked at her back coldly.

Seeing Gu Anan go back to the room, Gu Yilin said: "Brother, is it useful for you to test her like this?"

Gu Yicen glanced at him, "Yilin, she loves money, just wait, she will find a way to get Lu Haokai to marry her as soon as possible."

Gu Yilin had a headache on his forehead, "The situation of the Gu family is like this now."

Gu Yicen said: "Yilin, wait and see!"

"En!" Gu Yilin nodded slightly, he also hoped for a miracle to happen.

After Gu An'an returned to the room, he called Lu Haokai immediately.

This time, Gu Anan found Lu Haokai easily.

After the call was connected, Gu Anan calmed down and said with a smile, "Hao Kai, where are you?"

Lu Haokai: "At home."

When Gu Anan heard it, he felt a little better: "Hao Kai, have you gone to see the date?"

Lu Haokai replied impatiently: "An'an, how can it be so fast? I'm very busy these days, so I'll talk about it later."

Wait a while?
Wait for a while to say that the day lily is cold.

She smiled and said: "Hao Kai, I love you so much, I just want to marry you sooner and be your good wife. Moreover, the sooner you start a family and start a business, the chairman can rest assured that he will hand over the power in his hands to you!" Gu An'an has always known Lu Haokai's weakness. What Lu Haokai wants most now is to monopolize the power.

Fight to the death with Lu Haocheng.

Lu Haokai sneered and said, "Gu An'an, are you joking? What can you do? To be my good wife, I think you are almost as good as my vase."

When Gu Anan heard this, she looked angry, but for her own future, she had to endure it: "Hao Kai, you really hate me. Anyway, I also graduated from a design major, so I can naturally help you."

Lu Haokai said: "Gu An'an, the only use of your marriage is to allow me to get some privileges from my father. You only have this use. As for the designer, you don't have to worry about it. I found another designer today, and it is A senior designer will definitely win against the Lu Group."

Lu Haokai was obviously in a particularly good mood.

Gu Anan frowned, is she just so useless?

"Lu Haokai, wait for me, one day I will impress you. My design is not bad, but I have no work experience. Give me some time, and you will see a different customer. An'an." Gu An'an couldn't swallow his breath.

In Lu Haokai's eyes, she was just a vase, and in her eyes, Lu Haokai was just a cash machine.

"Haha..." Lu Haokai suddenly laughed mockingly, "Gu An'an, then I'll wait for the day when you succeed and counterattack from a vase to become a good assistant."

Gu Anan was anxious, "Then when are you going to see the date, why don't we get rid of the certificate first, at least give my child an explanation, the child is gone just like that, should you give me some compensation?"

Lu Haokai became angry in an instant: "Gu An'an, you have to be ashamed, why didn't the child disappear? You know very well that you want to talk about the certificate, right? Go to the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow. Dad will also see our marriage certificate. Very happy."

Gu Anan's expression suddenly became very excited: "Okay, you agreed to go tomorrow, and you will take me there tomorrow morning, so that you don't have to come back to pick me up later."

Gu Anan sneered, Lu Haokai, I can't control Lu Haocheng, can I not control you?

(End of this chapter)

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