Chapter 549 She is too flamboyant

Chapter 549: She is too flamboyant

Lu Haokai said: "Okay, let's go there at 9:[-] tomorrow morning."

Gu Anan hung up the phone happily, feeling that things were going well.

She waited with joy for the arrival of tomorrow morning.

She never dreamed that Lu Haokai promised her to get the certificate in advance.

Suddenly, her phone rang again. Seeing that it was Xiao Ruoxuan, Gu Anan frowned, a little unwilling to answer the phone, but if she didn't answer, Xiao Ruoxuan would keep calling, and she understood why Xiao Ruoxuan made this call.

She took a deep breath, cleared her mind, and answered the phone anyway.


"Gu An'an, you killed me. What do you think I should do now? Now that I've been blocked by the company, my life is over like this. What do you want me to do? All kinds of contract terminations have made me heavily in debt. I can't live anymore."

Gu An'an said: "How do I know what you should do? Who asked you to post the photo? That's Lu Haocheng, and you don't post it in a secretive way. Don't you know his methods?"

Xiao Ruoxuan: "I... How do I know that he will see it?"

Gu Anan sneered and said: "Xiao Ruoxuan, your mind is too simple. If you want to match it with Lanxin's picture, and with your own picture, how could Lu Haocheng let you go? You must know that in addition to financial reports these years, He has never had an affair with any woman, and he dare not have any woman rub his heat, but you do this blatantly, who can blame for stepping on a landmine?"

Gu An'an said bluntly, since she did that, she has reason to refute Xiao Ruoxuan.

In the last staircase incident, she miscalculated.

Xiao Ruoxuan: "Gu An'an, no, you have to help me this time, I was kicked out of the entertainment circle, how do you tell me to live in the future."

A look of viciousness appeared in Gu An'an's eyes, she couldn't protect herself now, how could she control her life or death.

She said: "Xiao Ruoxuan, if you beg me, it's better to beg Lu Haocheng, he will solve all your problems with one word."

Xiao Ruoxuan also sneered and said, "Gu An'an, you asked me to do this. If I tell Lu Haocheng about this, will Lu Haocheng also deal with you in reverse?"

A nervous fluctuation suddenly appeared in Gu Anan's eyes, and the arrogance and confidence just now disappeared instantly.

She said: "Xiao Ruoxuan, are you trying to kill yourself? Let me tell you, everything is because of that woman named Lan Xin. Her appearance is Lu Haocheng's purpose to deal with you. He cares about that director very much. You have the ability Go find her for revenge!

I am on the same front as you. I didn't expect you to deal with me in reverse. I have never done anything to you. You are really heartless. "

Xiao Ruoxuan: "..."

After a while she said, "How can I find her?"

When Gu Anan heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief, "I don't know where she lives now? However, she is being hacked on the Internet now, and she can't hide for long. By the way, there is another person who hates Lan Xin very much. I know, it's Jiang Jinghan, she hates Lan Xin deeply, you can go to him to deal with Lan Xin together.

Don't forget she ruined both of your lives. "

After Gu An'an finished speaking, she hung up the phone with a sneer. Her brows were slightly raised, and she looked at the night outside the French window with a look of pride in her eyes.

Gu Yilan, just wait and see how I destroy you.

You shouldn't come back, let alone Lu Haocheng's side. As long as you don't come back, Lu Haocheng will marry me under the pressure of the Gu family and feel guilty about you.

I will not fall into this dilemma now, my life has also been ruined by you.

Gu Anan threw the phone on the bed aside, a little upset.

There is no way to go on like this, you must rely on your strength to make a living.

She majored in design and must excel in this area.

Otherwise, she will be looked down upon by Lu Haokai for the rest of her life. She can control Lu Haokai for a while, but not forever.

And when her ability is strong, she can go to work in the company and own her own shares and company, which is the highest honor for her.It is also her lifelong dream.

Gu Anan took a deep breath, turned on the computer, and searched for the current senior designers on the Internet.


The next day, at noon, there was another upsurge in Jiang City. The marriage between Lu's Group and Gu's Group was a foregone conclusion.

Gu An'an posted her and Lu Haokai's marriage certificate on her pornographic Weibo, and the wedding date is tentatively scheduled.

It caused an uproar in the circle.

The Gu family also saw the news immediately.

In the Gu family company.

Gu Yilin and Gu Yicen looked at the marriage certificate posted by Gu Anan on Weibo.

Gu Yicen smiled and said, "Yilin, I'm not wrong, but she's quite capable, and she argued with Lu Haokai the next day."

Gu Yilin said blankly: "She is too flamboyant."

Gu Yicen smiled foolishly: "That's just right, this news can silence the mouths of those shareholders, and we can stabilize for a while."

Gu Yilin didn't think there was anything good, after all, it could only be stable for a while.Still need to solve the problem fundamentally.

Gu An'an was so happy that he wanted to beat gongs, drums and set off firecrackers to celebrate.

On Lan Xin's side, Lan Xin had a sad face.

Lan Xin arrived at the company early in the morning and found that there were more reporters than fewer.

Lu Haocheng still took her to the office from yesterday's passage, and passed another day smoothly, but she also knew that going on like this was not a problem.

I have to say that apart from Gu An'an's affairs, she was on the hot search again today.

The title is: Lan Xin of the Lu Group, formerly known as Jiang Lanxin, sent her adoptive mother to prison ungratefully and brought down her adoptive mother's company.

This news had appeared before, and it was also a hot topic that day. After Tao Mengyi's tax evasion was exposed, those rumors were self-defeating.

But during this period of time, she has been on the hot search list and has always been a hot topic in people's mouths. Whether these things are true or not, this conclusion is two-sided.

Fans of these news are flirting with each other about her. If this continues, her three children will definitely be hurt.

"Oh!" Lan Xin sighed, why is it so difficult to be a good person.

Seeing her sigh, Ning Feifei also knew that she was worried about the past few days.

"Director Lan, should we do something?"

Lan Xin looked up at the girl's big innocent eyes, and smiled: "What can we do now? No matter what I do, no one will believe it without substantive evidence. Besides, people like me are insignificant, But it has always been regarded as a hot topic by people, and someone is manipulating it behind it? So we do nothing now, and the other party spends money to invite sailors. In fact, the purpose is very simple, which is our autumn product this season."

(End of this chapter)

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