Chapter 554 Just That Exaggerated

Chapter 554: Just Exaggerating

Lu Haocheng smiled and said, "Lanlan, there are people who can believe it."

Lan Xin tossed her hair lightly, her gentle face was full of amorous charm, which was fascinating, and her every move had the capital to attract wild wind and waves.

When Lu Haocheng looked at her like this, she became more and more charming, especially when she was in a good mood, her whole body exuded an attractive light.

Even an ascetic man like him can't restrain himself.

He was also considered a clean freak, but he never hated her approaching.

Instead, he couldn't help but want to get closer to her.

His eyes were a little darker, and his voice was hoarse: "Lanlan, you are so charming, I want to hide you."

Lan Xin: "??"

Could it be that Lu Haocheng is blind.

Is she charming?She was pretty at best.

In terms of charming, Yanyan is the most charming type, looking at her is delicious, even she, every time she sees Yanyan, will be amazed.

She smiled and said, "Lu Haocheng, are you sure you read it right?"

Lu Haocheng smiled brilliantly, his eyes full of affection: "Lanlan, you actually want to ask, am I blind?"

Lan Xin: "..."


How did he know what she was thinking?
Looking at her expression, Lu Haocheng knew that she thought so.

"Silly girl, although you have been away from me for so many years, your nature will not change. You were always like this when you were young. You like to belittle yourself and deny your goodness." The same is true for her when she grows up. , very self-aware.

Lan Xin quietly looked at his handsome face with well-defined corners, revealing a hint of domineering, but he was low-key but so magnetic.

She said apologetically, "I can't remember what happened when I was a child."

If she remembered what happened when she was a child, maybe she wouldn't have such a strange attitude towards Lu Haocheng.

Lu Haocheng took a few steps closer to her, his eyes full of pity: "Lanlan, don't worry, I remember everything about you when you were a child? I can tell you anything you want to know."

Lan Xin smiled sweetly, "Go home!"

Lu Haocheng looked at her sweet smile and cat-like satiety, which made people's heart itch unbearably, a deadly smile rippling from the corners of his eyes and brows.

Amazement flashed across Lan Xin's eyes, she turned and walked forward.

Lu Haocheng said, "Lanlan, we seem to be going to the movies tonight."

Lan Xin stopped suddenly, "Isn't it tomorrow night?" Could it be that she remembered wrongly.

Lu Haocheng looked at her with a confused face, and couldn't help but chuckle, "Lanlan, you misremembered, it was tonight, you promised me not to go back on your word."

"Eh..." Lan Xin frowned, thinking that she was fine tonight.

Then go see him today.

"Then let's go!" Lan Xin didn't refuse either, this was something she had promised him.

Lu Haocheng looked at her back, with a pair of bright and deep black eyes, with a hint of warmth in them.

Watching her walking towards the elevator, Lu Haocheng said, "Lanlan, let's go through the passageway yesterday."

Lan Xin said, "No need!"

Lu Haocheng: "Lanlan, the following are all reporters."

Lan Xin: "You clarified, what else should I be afraid of?"

Lu Haocheng smiled, yes, I'm afraid it won't be her.

"Hey! Wait for me." Mu Ziheng ran towards the two of them.

Lan Xin looked back at Mu Ziheng, saw that he was holding a lot of documents in his hands, and said with a smile, "Boss Mu, are you going back to work overtime?"

Mu Ziheng glanced at Lu Haocheng with a full face, and said angrily: "I can only go home and work overtime. If he stays alone in the office, he will be driven crazy."

Although Ou Jingyao also worked overtime, Ou Jingyao might not say a word to him all night.

Ou Jingyao lives with him, and Lu Haocheng lives with him, there is no difference, he can see people but has no sound, he seems to live alone.

Lan Xin glanced at Ou Jingyao's office, and seeing that the lights in his office were still on, she smiled and said, "Is Secretary Ou working overtime tonight?"

Mu Ziheng glanced at Ou Jingyao's office with an unhappy expression on his face.

This crow mouth only said to work overtime in the morning, and asked him to work overtime in the evening.

How hard he is!Only running around.

"Well! He also works overtime." Mu Ziheng said, carrying the documents into the elevator.

Lan Xin and Lu Haocheng also walked in.

Mu Ziheng looked at Lu Haocheng and became angry, "Buying Huazhong Entertainment, I'm as busy as a dog."

Lu Haocheng smiled meaningfully, and said, "Think about your future wife."

"I..." Mu Ziheng jumped to the top of his forehead angrily. Lu Haocheng had already pinched him by seven inches. Now he didn't even have the place to complain.

Sin!He just did it to himself.

"Hmph! I need to find an assistant to help me." Mu Ziheng said.

Lu Haocheng said, "As you like."

Now that his workload has increased, it is good to find an assistant.

As soon as Mu Ziheng heard the words "Follow you like", his mood improved by half in an instant.

"That's about the same. I'll send out the recruitment information tomorrow, but I need to find a man." Mu Ziheng laughed.

Looking at a male secretary like Ou Jingyao, he felt that he was much more pleasing to the eye than women.

Lu Haocheng glanced at him: "It's up to you."

"Hehe..." Mu Ziheng raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Boss Lu, you finally said something human."

Lan Xin smiled helplessly. Even though Mu Ziheng complained a lot, he still worked very hard. He never slackened in his work.

Lu Haocheng didn't speak, and looked at Lan Xin, and said, "Lanlan, let's finish our meal first before going to the movies. I booked the tickets for 8:00."

"Okay!" Lan Xin nodded, as long as he has made all the arrangements.

Mu Ziheng glanced at Lan Xin, and smiled strangely: "Lanlan, Haocheng spent all his time waiting for you, and finally kept it until the clouds opened and the moon was shining. Before I met you, I even sat with him." Elevators are always with trembling legs, now that we have you, our life is getting better and better." At least we don't have to watch Lu Hao, who is uncertain every day.

During this period of time, he was so comfortable that he almost forgot what Lu Haocheng was like before. Sure enough, when people live comfortably, they will forget many things.

Lan Xin glanced at Lu Haocheng, then looked at Mu Ziheng with a smile, "Boss Mu, it's not such an exaggeration."

Mu Ziheng said categorically, "That's just an exaggeration."

Lan Xin: "..."

Lu Haocheng said: "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb."

Mu Ziheng: "I'm not dumb in the first place."

Lu Haocheng was speechless, and glanced at the elevator out of the corner of his eye, it had already reached the first floor.

"Ding" The elevator door opened.

From the corner of Lu Haocheng's eyes, he saw the crowd outside.

"Ah..." Mu Ziheng also saw the reporters outside, "Why are you sitting on the first floor?"

When Lan Xin saw it, her expression was straightened, her eyes were sharp and confident, and she said, "If you go to the first floor, go to the first floor."

With a smile on her face, her pretty face was full of confidence, and she stepped out of the elevator at a leisurely pace.

(End of this chapter)

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