Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 555 I Believe Everyone Has Sharp Eyes

Chapter 555 I Believe Everyone Has Sharp Eyes

Chapter 555: I believe everyone's eyes are sharp

Those reporters who had been watching for a few days suddenly saw Lu Haocheng and Lan Xin coming out of the elevator together.

They carried long guns and short cannons one after another, and started filming non-stop. The three of them were instantly surrounded by a group of reporters.

Many pairs of eyes stared directly at Lan Xin. On Lan Xin's calm and confident face, there was a calm and generous smile, and there was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, which made her shine brightly under the spotlight.

She is in excellent condition today, with fair and translucent skin, and a slight smile between her brows and eyes. At this moment, she is more beautiful than the photos on the Internet.

A set of lotus color series, the hottest white-collar suit of the season, made her slender figure more refined.

Seeing Lan Xin like this, several male reporters showed undisguised amazement in their eyes.

Lu Haocheng saw their undisguised gaze, which was extremely cold.

One of the reporters asked excitedly: "Director Lan, do you have anything to say about what happened during this period? How does the negative news affect you?"

Lan Xin smiled generously: "The Lu Group has already clarified it for me, what else can I say? As for the negative impact, I just want to say that the clearer clears itself and has not been affected in any way."

When the male reporter heard this, he smiled awkwardly.

"Then, Director Lan, do you have anything to say about this season's autumn clothing?"

Lan Xin glanced at everyone, and there was a layer of luster on her moist lips, "As for the autumn clothes, I think I will tell you the answer when the clothes are on the market."

Lan Xin answered impeccably. What she said now was confident and sure, but she would only get slapped in the face.

The clothes designed by Lin Xiaoman, the former design director of Lu Group, have always been very popular with everyone, but this time she took over, it is a completely different style from before, and this is also a new breakthrough.

However, she has self-confidence and wins people's appreciation with her real talents.

The male reporter looked at Lan Xin meaningfully and asked: "Director Lan, it is said on the Internet that you are an unmarried mother and your relationship with Mr. Lu is also ambiguous. Can Director Lan explain it?" A question is very sharp, straight to the heart.

Lu Haocheng's sharp and gloomy gaze suddenly shot at the male reporter, and the male reporter suddenly felt a cold aura lingering around him.

He exhausted all his strength, resisted the huge pressure, and fixed his eyes on Lan Xin's calm face.

Lan Xin also answered frankly: "I am indeed a single mother. As for the relationship between me and Mr. Lu, I believe everyone has sharp eyes and can see clearly."

Male reporter: "...?"

Reporters: "..."

The bewildered state instantly appeared on the faces of all the reporters who answered freely and spoke lotus.

I have been a reporter for so long, and I am the only one who can downplay the interviewer. How can the interviewee downvote me.

And Lan Xin's single mother answered very frankly.

The latter answer was ambiguous.

Saying yes, I was afraid that my eyes would be blind and I couldn't see clearly.

If they said no, it was rumored on the Internet that their relationship was ambiguous.

Various gossip media have been picking up about Lan Xin and Lu Haocheng during this period.

Lu Haocheng, except for financial reporters, never accepted interviews from other media reporters. None of the reporters present dared to ask her questions.

Lan Xin was different, many women would show their feet when faced with such a sharp question, and some women wished to have something to do with Lu Haocheng.

But Lan Xin answered very cleverly, she was calm and generous, her little face with a slight smile seemed to be impeccable.

This gave all the reporters a new understanding of Lan Xin. Compared with those photos of her on the Internet, she is generous and calm at the moment, and she seems to be two completely different people.

Mu Ziheng took the opportunity to say: "Friends from the press, instead of embarrassing our Director Lan here, why not go pick up those sailors, who invited them to attack our talented Director Lan in this way, I think this news is very important to you. It's more fun."

Can it not be interesting?The two companies tore each other up, and Director Lan of the Lu Group was pushed to the top of gossip, which was also the biggest gossip in Jiang City.

Reporters: "..."

The Lu Group dug a big hole, and asked them to find out who invited the other side's navy.

If you find out, you have to have the guts to break the news!

Moreover, the company that dares to challenge the Lu Group is also a terrifying existence, and its background is known without thinking.

Seeing them looking at each other, Mu Ziheng said with a smile, "Everyone must be tired after waiting here for a long time. Come with me, have a cup of tea before leaving."

As soon as Mu Ziheng's words came out, many reporters were unwilling to follow him. Moreover, they had been waiting here for a few days, but they hadn't seen him come out to invite them in for a cup of tea.

With such a move now, there is really no silver 300 taels here.

Moreover, how could they be in the mood to drink tea now?After waiting for so long, Lan Xin just said a few words and passed away. I didn't get the news I wanted, and I don't know how to explain it when I go back?
The reporters smiled politely.

"Thank you, Mr. Mu, I won't bother you when you get off work."

One reporter withdrew, and the other reporters saw the momentum, and there was no hope of interviewing, so they left one by one.

In an instant, the reporter ran away, and the melon-eaters who were guarding outside, saw this scene, and left after seeing this scene.

Looking at the backs of those reporters leaving, Lan Xin smiled helplessly.

No matter what kind of uproar is caused on the Internet, the truth on the Internet is always changing.

And because Lu Haocheng was involved in the middle, some loyal fans of Lu Haocheng also made all kinds of assumptions, and the netizens naturally supported Lu Haocheng and tore her up.

These things can be understood when you think about them with your knees.

Moreover, many things are based on Xi Kong's baseless accusations, and anyone with a clear eye can see what's going on.

Mu Ziheng looked at Lan Xin with admiration: "Lanlan, you are so good, you sent them away with a few words, you can come to work tomorrow through the front door, instead of sneaking through the back door. You answered so confusingly, Enough for those reporters to speculate for days and nights."

Lan Xin smiled and said, "Boss Mu, we didn't leave in a sneaky way, we left in an aboveboard manner."

"Okay, okay, I left in an aboveboard manner, Lanlan, but I still want to thank you, Haocheng has lived happily during this time." Mu Ziheng glanced at Lu Haocheng meaningfully.

He was trying to win favor for him. He married Lan Xin back. He can guarantee that the work of the Lu Corporation will be easy in the future.

Lu Haocheng gave him a warning look.

Mu Ziheng returned a look of why are you so ignorant, he was helping him.

Lan Xin smiled slightly and glanced at Lu Haocheng, but said nothing.

She was also very grateful to the persistent Lu Haocheng, and she wanted to respond, but when she looked at herself, there was nothing?Some are just doing their due diligence for his company.

(End of this chapter)

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