Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 560 1 nest of snakes and rats

Chapter 560

Chapter 560: A Nest of Snakes and Rats

Pei Yaojing smiled and said, "Nana, we've been fighting for so long, it's really boring. Now that we have joined the two younger ones, tell me, will the days be more interesting in the future? I'm looking forward to it, Nana."

Li Yina said angrily: "Pei Yaojing, this is between me and you, don't bring Lanlan in, I don't care if you want to use Gu Anan, but Lanlan is innocent."

"Hehe...!" Pei Yaojing smiled coldly, "Nana, after so many years, you are still so naive? No wonder Zixuan was snatched away by me. In this world, will there be innocent people? Only benefits can be seen here.”

"Pei Yaojing, you..."

"Nana, don't you get angry? You can't grow old too fast in our line of business. You say that Zixuan hates you because you are too hot-tempered. If a woman is in front of a man, if she can act like a baby, if she wants to You have to be gentle." Pei Yaojing said every sentence very sarcastically, the feeling of stepping on Li Yina in the mud.

Li Yina listened, feeling extremely painful in her heart.

Pei Yaojing knows how to poke her wound every time.

She hung up the phone quickly.

He dialed Lan Xin's phone number again.

At this time, Lan Xin and Lu Haocheng had just arrived home.

Lan Xin was a little surprised when she suddenly received a call from Li Yina.

"Hi! Auntie."

Li Yina: "Lanlan, I just got the news that Pei Yaojing just called me. She accepted Gu Anan, and Gu Anan will also go to work at L.P company. Pei Yaojing did this to deal with you, Lanlan, This was originally my aunt's business, but it fell on you, so you must be more careful."

Upon hearing this, Lan Xin frowned slightly, and said with a smile, "Auntie, it's okay, I'm not afraid of her, you don't have to worry."

Li Yina smiled: "Lanlan, aunt knows that you are not afraid. I have seen today's interview. Your calm and unhurried temperament has greatly changed everyone's opinion of you."

Lan Xin said: "So, aunt, no matter who Gu An'an belongs to, I'm not afraid."

Li Yina: "Lanlan, don't worry about that aunt."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Haocheng looked back at her with deep and serious eyes: "Lanlan, what's wrong?"

Lan Xin smiled and said: "Ms. Li Yina called and said that Pei Yaojing accepted Gu An'an to go to L.P company, because Pei Yaojing and the teacher have always been at odds, she wanted Gu An'an to deal with me, she was very worried, so she called reminded me."

Lu Haocheng's eyes sank instantly, and his tone was cold: "It's really a nest of snakes and rats."

Then Pei Yaojing is not a good person either!There have been many negative reports about her.

Lan Xin's cherry blossom-colored red lips slowly curled up, "Gu An'an's methods are nothing more than various framing or malicious slandering of me. I am not afraid of these methods."

Lu Haocheng looked at her, with a smile spreading from the corners of his eyes and brows, "Lanlan, don't forget, you have me now."

"And Dad." Yi Tianqi appeared behind the two at some point, looking at them with a smile.

Yi Tianqi didn't pay much attention to a multinational branch company.

Lan Xin smiled and said, "Father, haven't you rested yet?"

"Uncle Yi." Lu Haocheng also called out respectfully. Judging from the time spent together, he really likes Mr. Yi. He is very kind to his mother, who smiles happily every day.

Yi Tianqi smiled and said: "Well! I'm waiting for you two to come back, the children are all asleep, don't worry."

Lan Xin looked guilty: "Father, you and mother have worked hard."

Yi Tianqi smiled and shook his head: "Silly girl, what's so hard about it, Dad is very happy now. You have to go to work tomorrow, you two should go to rest quickly, as for Pei Yaojing, Dad will let someone sort out it for you tomorrow. Here is a piece of information, so that you can get to know her well. When she makes things difficult for you in the future, it will be easier for you to fight back."

He has confidence in his daughter, and she can overcome many difficulties. After some training, Lanlan is more capable of being independent.

Lan Xin smiled sweetly: "Dad is so kind. With Mom and Dad here, I live a very happy life every day." The coquettish tone is soft and cute, as soft as sweet spring.

"Haha..." Yi Tianqi looked at her fondly and smiled, "You, naughty, go and rest, don't tire yourself out." Yi Tianqi's loving voice was full of concern.

"Good night, Dad!" Lan Xin smiled sweetly and happily, and went upstairs with Lu Haocheng like an angel.

Yi Tianqi watched them go upstairs before taking out his mobile phone and going out to make a call.

On the third floor, just as Lan Xin was about to open the door, Lu Haocheng hugged Lan Xin from behind.

Lan Xin slightly paused the hand that opened the door, and stood there nervously.

A clear breath enveloped her, and a strong sense of security made her feel more relaxed.

Seeing the girl not struggling, Lu Haocheng curled his lips so sexyly, and whispered in her ear: "Lanlan, I don't want to leave you, what should I do?" His deep voice was full of fatal temptation.

Lan Xin's relaxed mood just now became tense again because of his words.

Such a sudden confession made her heart thump, and her heart was as excited as the rough sea.

This happiness came too soon.

She took a deep breath, Lan Xin, calm down, calm down, you still don't understand what you're thinking in your heart, wait until you clarify your mind, and then tell him the answer, so that you won't hurt each other.

She already owed a Le Jinxi, but she couldn't owe Lu Haocheng any more.

She smiled and said, "Lu Haocheng, don't be like this, aren't we together now?"

Lu Haocheng gently rubbed his head against her shoulder, and the faint fragrance lingered on the tip of his nose, making him fall in love bit by bit.

"Lanlan, go and rest!" Lu Haocheng slowly withdrew his hands, he was already very satisfied to be able to hug her like this.

Lan Xin breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to look at him. Because of the accident just now, her little face was flushed, and she became more and more charming.

Lu Haocheng watched, his throat rolled involuntarily, he forced himself to look away, and walked quickly to his room.

For her, he really has no self-control.

Seeing Lu Haocheng leave without looking back, Lan Xin stared slightly, just now her heart was like a pot of boiling water, now she felt like a basin of cold water was poured from her head, this strong emotion It was a feeling that even she couldn't describe.

It was as if all the passion was extinguished in an instant.

She took a deep breath and went into the room to rest.


The days passed peacefully for a few days.

Gu An'an really went to L. P company went to work, which caused another uproar in the circle.

It was Pei Yaojing again, and Pei Yaojing publicized the relationship between the two in a high-profile manner, making Gu An'an a steal in the industry.

(End of this chapter)

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