Chapter 561

Chapter 561: Let's all stay together

Lan Xin looked at the public opinion on the Internet, but it didn't have any influence on her, and she was always preparing for the next fashion show.

The members of the Gu family did not expect that Gu An'an would have such an opportunity.

But right now, their family is not happy either.

Things in the company annoyed their family.

Gu An'an has been in trouble recently.

Lu Haokai learned that she really went to L. When P Company went to work, his attitude towards Gu An'an completely changed. He picked Gu An'an off work every day. Gu An'an's life was as sweet as honey.

And Qin Ningzhen, who had been depressed for a while, also became more energetic because of Gu An'an's recent scenery.

In the evening, the setting sun is like blood, colorful.

In a high-end restaurant, the lighting is warm and romantic, and Qin Ningzhen is dressed up glamorously.

Wearing a burgundy suit on her body, not only does it not show her age, but it makes her even more glamorous and charming.

Her beautiful face was painted with exquisite makeup, and she looked nervously at the entrance of the restaurant. There was no calculation in her eyes full of calculations, but anticipation and a touch of hatred.

Under her gaze, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes had a handsome appearance and a pair of long and narrow peach eyes full of passion. His every move highlighted the man's elegant and calm temperament to the extreme.

The anticipation in Qin Ningzhen's eyes gradually turned into astonishment. He is still the same as before, with the same demeanor, and one is addicted to it at a glance, unable to extricate himself.

Although he is over forty, he is well-maintained and his figure is well-managed. If someone says that he is thirty, he is more domineering, mature and stable than when he was young. He is still handsome and charming, mature and amazing charm.

Back then, she was deceived by this face, she was willing to do anything for this man, but in the end, he still abandoned her, and painted a strong and cruel stroke in her life.

It is also the most painful in her heart in her life, and it is also a memory that she has never dared to reveal.

The man saw Qin Ningzhen first, and he smiled softly: "Ah Zhen, I'm sorry to make you wait for me." The man's voice was clear and pleasant.

Hearing the sound of Ah Zhen, Qin Ningzhen's heart began to throb.

Once upon a time, hearing the sound of Ah Zhen, her heart was happy.

After Zhai Hua left, she had warned herself that she would never forgive this man again, but when she saw him appear, her heart jumped on him in an instant. The love that had been hidden in her heart for many years was here. A moment came out like a tide.

Youdao is ignorant of goods, half life is suffering, ignorance of people, life of suffering, these words have not deceived the world.

Because of this man, she has done many things.

Qin Ningzhen looked at him resentfully, sneered and sneered: "I thought you would never appear in front of me in this lifetime, what made me even more unexpected is that you still have the face to appear in front of me, when you abandoned me When you are young, you should never communicate with each other until you die."

"Azhen." Zhai Hua looked at her in pain, "Azhen, you also know how difficult it was for me back then, I had to leave, but now don't worry, I have succeeded in my career, that's why I came back to you licking my face of."

Career success!
These few words made Qin Ningzhen inexplicably excited, "Zhai Hua, have you really succeeded? Has the company fallen into your hands?"

Zhai Hua smiled and said, "Ah Zhen, do I dare to come back to see you if I don't succeed? If you hadn't helped me back then, how could I be here? As soon as I succeed, I will come back to you immediately."

Qin Ningzhen was very excited. As long as he succeeded, she would have something to look forward to.

Zhai Hua smiled and said, "Ah Zhen, how have you been doing these years?"

Qin Ningzhen glanced at him resentfully, "Walking with a bad old man, you think I can live a good life, we have been sleeping in separate rooms, and made me like this, you still have the nerve to come back to see me, and dare to ask me How are you doing, Zhai Hua, won't your conscience hurt?" Her tone was filled with endless sarcasm.

Zhai Hua lowered her head guiltily, "A Zhen, I know I'm sorry for you, but now that I'm back, there's still time to make up for everything."

Qin Ningzhen's tears suddenly flowed uncontrollably.

"Make up, how do you want to make up?" She choked up and asked.

It had been so many years, and she had already erased the man in front of her from her life. When she had forgotten all about it, he suddenly appeared in front of her again, which caught her by surprise.

Zhai Hua raised his eyes, his narrow peach eyes were full of guilt, he stretched out his hand, took Qin Ningzhen's hand and held it in his, looked at her affectionately and said, "Azhen, I'm back now, we can still be like you As before."

"Have you ever been sneaky?" Qin Ningzhen looked at him with a sneer.

Zhai Hua looked at her sadly, and shook his head: "Ah Zhen, after so many years, I still love you. This is my sincerity. You also saw my situation back then. If I stayed, The properties of the Zhai family will be robbed by others, I really have a hard time leaving without saying goodbye, and you are clear about what happened back then, there is nothing I can do about it, Ah Zhen."

"Woooooo..." Qin Ningzhen's years of forbearance and pain erupted at this moment.

"A Zhen..." Zhai Hua got up quickly, walked to her side, and hugged her tightly. This woman sacrificed a lot for herself.

And he fell in love with him. After so many years, he has had countless women around him, but she is the most suitable for him.

He is old now, and he only wants to have a stable home, and he doesn't want to be adrift.

And Ah Zhen has two children...

On Saturday, Le Jinyan was coming back, and Lan Xin's house also welcomed another person, Lu Haocheng's sister, Lu Sisi also came back early.

And asked to live with his mother and brother.

Lan Xin wanted Qiqi to move in with her, but Ranran took the initiative to share a room with Xiaojun, and Ranran's room was given to Lu Sisi and her child.

After everything was ready, Lu Haocheng drove to the airport to pick up Lu Sisi.

And Mu Ziheng happily went to pick up Le Jinyan.

Le Jinyan also wanted to stay at Lan Xin's house, but Lan Xin had no choice but to take out the utility room on the first floor and buy new furniture for Le Jinyan.

However, here, it is more convenient for Jinyan. This is true. In a big city like Jiang City, there are often traffic jams during peak hours. Living together saves each other effort.

Lan Xin said it was a utility room, and Le Jinyan didn't mind it either.

When she was in Fan City before, her small apartment was also very crowded, and Jinyan didn't dislike it, and often went to live with her.

But Lu Sisi's flight was earlier, Lan Xin cooked dinner with Mu Qing at home and waited for Lu Sisi to land.

Le Jinyan's flight is at ten o'clock in the evening, so she can only eat supper.

(End of this chapter)

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