Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 563 I Don't Play With Rookies

Chapter 563 I Don't Play With Rookies
Chapter 563: I don't play with rookies
Lan Xin smiled and said, "If you don't tell me, I'll forget about it."

Lu Haocheng smiled and said, "I'll do it."

Lan Xin nodded with a smile and turned to go in.

in the living room.

Mu Qing, Yi Tianqi, Shen Jiaqi, Xiaojun, Ran Ran, Qiqi, have to wait for Lu Sisi.

Lu Sisi looked at her mother whom she hadn't seen for many years, and tears fell instantly, "Mom!" She cried out with a smile, her voice choked up.

Mu Qing walked over and hugged her gently.

Tears welled up in the corner of her eyes, "Sisi, thank you for coming back." She originally thought that her daughter would hate her very much, but her daughter, like Ah Cheng, did not blame her. She was very grateful that her children understood her and loved her dearly.

Lu Sisi smiled and said: "Mom, it's good that you come back safely." She could see clearly how difficult it was for her mother back then.

Now that there is a third party in her marriage, she can better understand her mother's mood and difficulties back then.

However, back then, my mother was too kind to have nothing. She left everything she had to the two siblings, but in the end it all fell into the hands of others.

Lu Haocheng watched from the side, the corners of his lips slightly raised. At this moment, he was very happy!
Mu Qing smiled and let go of her daughter.

Chu Feiyang on the side suddenly shouted: "Mom, look quickly, twins, no, no, they seem to be triplets." Chu Feiyang looked at the three Lan Zijun brothers and sisters who were sitting on the sofa together.

Lan Ziqi looked at Chu Feiyang with disdain, what's so exciting about the triplets?

Only then did Mu Qing look at Chu Feiyang, "Feiyang."

Chu Feiyang's big eyes flashed, his long eyelashes trembled slightly, and he called out quickly: "Hello, grandma!"

Mu Qing had a phone call with their mother and son before, so she was very affectionate to this grandson.

But Chu Feiyang's gaze was fixed on Lan Ziqi, who was beautiful and very personable.

Mu Qing dragged Lu Sisi to introduce Yi Tianqi to her, "Sisi, this is your Uncle Yi."

Lu Sisi laughed through tears, and said, "Uncle Yi, I have admired your name for a long time!"

Yi Tianqi smiled and said, "Sisi, welcome back."

Lu Sisi smiled, her eyes were full of gratitude. He touched her mother and made her live a happy life. She was very grateful for that.

Mom is a very traditional woman. She thought that she would never marry another in her life.

Sui Muqing took her to meet Shen Jiaqi and Xiaojun, three brothers and sisters.

The meal is ready, and we are waiting for Lu Sien to arrive, and we will have dinner together.

And Chu Feiyang took the mobile phone, ran to sit next to Xiaojun and Ranran, and sat next to Qiqi.

Chu Feiyang looked at Lan Ziqi and asked, "Why did you make yourself so miserable? Your arms and legs are broken."

Lan Ziqi: "..."

Did he see that her limbs were broken?

"Accident!" Lu Ziqi looked at Chu Feiyang quietly and contemptuously.

Why does she feel that Chu Feiyang is stupid?
"Accident? Then why didn't you be more careful?" Chu Feiyang watched her hands and feet in plaster casts. In his impression, such scenes were only seen in movies.

Lan Ziqi remained silent, some things cannot be avoided without being careful.

Chu Feiyang saw that Lan Ziqi didn't seem to like him very much, he had an idea, raised the phone in Yang's hand, and asked with a smile: "Are you playing chicken?"

Lan Ziqi quickly glanced at the level on Chu Feiyang's mobile game screen, and said in a low tone, "I don't play with rookies."

Chu Feiyang: "??"

Immediately, he reacted quickly, "You, do you dare to say that I am a rookie?"

Lan Ziqi said, "How long have you been playing?"

Chu Feiyang: "One year."

Lan Ziqi sneered: "It's been a year and you're still a gold rank, you're really awesome!!"

Lan Ziqi gave Chu Feiyang a thumbs up.

"Hehe..." Lan Ziran also smiled at the side.

Chu Feiyang immediately looked at Lan Ziran, and asked suspiciously, "What are you laughing at? Can you play?"

Lan Ziran smiled and said, "I stopped playing a few months ago."

Chu Feiyang suddenly smiled triumphantly: "Can't you play? I'll teach you."

Lan Ziran smiled, does he still need to "teach"?The three of them are already invincible gods of war.

I haven't played it for a long time. At present, I don't have any interesting games.

For my brother, computers are what he is most interested in, for him, acting is the most interest, and for my sister, painting is the most interest.

"Chu Feiyang, don't mislead your son." Lu Sisi looked at her son helplessly.

Looking at the three children sitting on the sofa, they are as obedient as little sheep, and he likes it just by looking at them.

Chu Feiyang puffed his lips and cheeks in an instant, "Mom, don't I want to be friends with them?"

Being called a rookie by Lan Ziqi, he was always unhappy.

Of all the children, he was the best at this game.

Lu Haocheng walked over, picked up Qiqi, and said, "Feiyang, you will live here from now on, you have plenty of time, let's eat first."

"Oh!" Chu Feiyang glanced at Lan Ziqi in his arms, why did he feel that when she looked at him, it was as if she was looking at an idiot.

Chu Feiyang was not convinced. After dinner, he really wanted to ask, why did she say she was a rookie?
Everyone sat down to eat together. Lu Sisi watched the sumptuous dinner and there were dishes she liked. She smiled and said, "It's been a long time since I ate a meal made by my mother. The dishes made by my mother are the best."

Mu Qing smiled and said, "Sisi, Lanlan and I made these together, you should eat more."

Lu Sisi glanced at Lan Xin, "Mom, I praise you, and you don't forget to bring this girl to be praised together. It seems that Mom likes Lan Lan more than me." Lu Sisi said with some taste.

Lan Xin smiled and said, "Sister, don't say that. These are shrimps made by my mother. My mother said you like eating them the most."

Lan Xin said, picked up the chopsticks at the side, picked up a few shrimps and put them in Lu Sisi's bowl.

Lu Sisi looked at Lan Xin and smiled: "Lanlan, I didn't expect you to have such a relationship with our family. I like you the most, my sister-in-law."

Lan Xin "..."

She glanced at Lu Haocheng quickly, and Lu Haocheng looked at her with a slight smile on his lips.

She smiled slightly, then shook her head slightly, she and Lu Haocheng, haven't even written a word yet?

At this time, Yi Tianqi was assisting from the side: "Lanlan, don't shake your head! Dad also thinks you two are more suitable."

"Father..." Lan Xin's face was slightly embarrassed, and her father also said the same.

"Mom, I think you and your future father are more suitable." Lan Ziqi also joined in the fun.

Lan Ziran also smiled and said, "Uncle Lu is a good man."

Lan Zijun said: "I think it's not bad either!"

Lan Xin: "..."

She suddenly looked at her three sons, "You three brothers and sisters, we have an appointment!"

Lan Ziqi smiled and said, "Mom, do we need to make an appointment for this kind of thing? The three of us, the three of us, didn't make an appointment. That is to say, we have the same idea as grandpa. We just think that grandpa is right."

(End of this chapter)

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