Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 564 Same age, why is there such a big difference

Chapter 564 Same age, why is there such a big difference
Chapter 564: Same age, why is there such a big difference
"Haha..." Yi Tianqi smiled, "Qiqi, good job." Yi Tianqi smiled and looked at Qiqi dotingly.

"Grandpa, that's right, I'm grandpa's granddaughter." Lan Ziqi smiled arrogantly, looking at her mother proudly, her grandpa supported her.

Lan Xin shook her head helplessly: "Okay! You are all right, eat quickly, and go back to rest after eating. The three of you brothers and sisters hid in the room and played all day today. What are you doing?"

Lan Ziqi smiled and said, "Mom, what else can we play, let's do what we like."

Lan Xin said: "It's rare that you three brothers and sisters don't go out to read books today."

Lan Zijun said: "Mom, don't you have any books you want to read recently? I won't go."

Lu Sisi looked at the three brothers and sisters in surprise, and said with a smile: "You three brothers and sisters like to read?"

Mu Qing said: "Sisi, Xiaojun and his three brothers and sisters go to the library to read books when they have nothing to do, and Feiyang will follow them to the library in the future. There is a subway not far from the door, and they can take the subway by themselves."

what…! "Lu Sisi looked at the three Lan Zijun brothers and sisters in disbelief.

"You still take the subway by yourself?"

Lan Ziqi smiled and asked, "Auntie, what's the matter?"

Mu Qing reminded: "Qiqi, you should be called aunt."

Lan Ziqi didn't care too much, they were all a family anyway, and they could be called whatever they wanted.

Lu Sisi looked at Qiqi's big, weird eyes, and said with a smile, "Qiqi, can you take the subway?"

Lan Ziqi replied with a natural expression: "Yes! Auntie, it's not difficult to take the subway. When you encounter transfers, if you really can't tell the direction, you can ask the staff."

This is not a difficult task for the three of them.

Lu Sisi looked at Lan Xin suddenly, and asked with a smile, "Lan Lan, how do you educate your children so well?"

Lan Xin looked at her daughter and curled her lips slightly: "Sister, I didn't teach them these things, they all went by themselves. I'm usually very busy, and it's my mother who takes care of them. It's all thanks to my mother."

Mu Qing also smiled and said: "Lanlan, I took the three of them to take the subway once, and then explained it to them, and they can sit by themselves."

When Lu Sisi saw her child, she was an idiot when she went out, not to mention taking the subway by herself, even asking him to go out to buy a packet of salt would be troublesome for him.

On the other hand, Chu Feiyang was obviously not listening to them, and he never left his mobile phone while eating.

Lu Sisi said angrily: "Chu Feiyang, eat well and stop playing with your phone."

Chu Feiyang was yelled at by his mother, and immediately smashed his chopsticks on the table.

When everyone saw it, they all had different expressions.

Lu Haocheng frowned, but did not speak.

Lan Zijun and Lan Ziqi, Lan Ziran, looked as usual.

In Lan Ziqi's arrogant words, it's not surprising that such children are seen a lot now.

Chu Feiyang said unhappily: "Mom, what are you doing? Don't I usually eat like this!"

Lu Sisi always felt that the way she raised her children was already very strict, but looking at the three obedient children in front of her, she suddenly felt that her efforts over the years hadn't had any effect.

In this kind of society, only by studying can one have the capital to enter the elite class of society. Only with enough strength and capital can one live with more dignity and meet a better self. That's why she took her son back to China to go to school , a noble school in the country with a luxurious lineup that shocked the whole country. Those who go out from here must have a master's degree at the minimum.

Of course, there are some playboys who just come to fool around.

But for children, they study hard, but they must be strict and self-disciplined.

But for Yu Feiyang, let alone self-discipline, if she is a little stricter, she will only cry.

Mu Qing said from the side: "Feiyang, eat well while eating, and do what you want to do after eating."

Mu Qing observed for a while, Feiyang's temper was out of habit.

"No, grandma, my dad is usually like this, chatting while eating, it's very exciting."

As Chu Feiyang said, he looked down at his phone.

Lan Xin glanced at Chu Feiyang. Parents are the child's first teachers. Parents' many personalities and tempers affect the child's growth.

People will not become more connotative because of a good family background. A good family background can only give a good material life, but if you want to be the master of your own destiny, you can only increase the depth and breadth of your life infinitely , is the pinnacle of life.

After a meal, everyone had a good time.

Lu Sisi and Shen Jiaqi helped clean up the dishes.

Yi Tianqi sat and read the newspaper, occasionally chatting with Lu Haocheng.

Chu Feiyang still sat on the sofa playing games freely.

Lan Zijun sat for a while and felt bored, so he went back to the room by himself, while Lan Ziran and Lan Ziqi were studying the painting.

Lan Ziqi is preparing to participate in the National Youth Painting Competition.

Lu Sisi also sat aside, looked at Lan Ziran and said, "You are Ran Ran."

Lan Ziran looked up from the book, looked at Lu Sisi and said, "Auntie, I am."

Lu Sisi squinted her eyes and looked at him: "But why do I feel you are so familiar? Have I met you before?"

Lan Ziran: "??"

But he can't remember, when did he meet her?

Lu Haocheng on the side said: "Sister, she is the brightest child star in the stardom right now, and there are many commercials for him on TV."

"Wow! I saw that teenager's public service advertisement before I went back to China, and I thought that child was very cute, and that child was you?" She remembered that child's smile was as bright as the stars, and she couldn't help laughing at that time, I still envy which family's child this is, who looks so good-looking.

Lan Ziran said: "That commercial seems to have been filmed half a year ago."

"Ah ah ah..."

Lu Sisi was a little crazy, the same age, why is there such a big difference?

Yi Tianqi was reading the newspaper, when he suddenly heard Lu Sisi's excited and strange cry, he couldn't help raising his head, and looked at her deeply.

Lu Haocheng said: "Sister, what are you doing?"

"What are you doing?" Lu Sisi pointed to her son, then pointed to Lan Ziran and said, "Ah Cheng, at the same age, why do I feel like Feiyang is an idiot."

Lu Haocheng "??"

Has anyone said that about their son?

Everyone has dreams in their hearts, some are full of pride, and some are content with the status quo.

Lan Ziqi and Lan Ziran also stopped reading, looking at Chu Feiyang with the same eyes.

Chu Feiyang was unhappy when he heard the word "idiot" from his mother, but when he saw Lan Ziqi's strange eyes, he felt very sad in his heart.

"Wow wow wow wow..." He threw the phone away, closed his eyes, opened his mouth wide, his facial features were so tangled up that he couldn't see clearly, and burst into tears.

Lan Ziqi couldn't help but muttered: "Crying so ugly, the emoji is prettier than him."

(End of this chapter)

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