Chapter 580 Is This My Mother?
Chapter 580: Is this my real mother?
When Qin Ningzhen heard this, she smiled happily. As long as they get the guidance of Pei Yaoqing, their Lu Zhen Group will soon surpass the Lu Group. Lu Haocheng is really difficult to deal with that little wolf cub. One day, she must take He stepped under his feet, if he didn't do anything now, Lu Haocheng would do something to deal with her one day, so she had to do it first.

"Mr. Pei, it's settled like this. An An and I will come over early tomorrow morning to pick up Teacher Pei." Qin Ningzhen said with a smile.

Pei Yaoqing smiled and nodded, "Then I'll have to work." Tomorrow, if she has a chance, she will make that Lan Xin look good.

What Qin Ningzhen was worried about was not this. What she was worried about was that foreign-funded companies were interested in Lan Xin's works. There was news that Lu Haocheng's company also participated in the exhibition.

She has seen Lan Xin's design before, and it is absolutely unique, otherwise she would not have done this last time, plagiarizing her work, and was chased by Lan Xin to the company to accuse her.

This season's autumn products, Lu's Group may be the champion. Even now that their company has a new designer, she doesn't have much confidence.

After all, their design for this issue is barely passable.

In the past few years, Lu Haocheng's company has continued to increase in value, and the real estate under his name has hundreds of millions, and there are many industries that she doesn't know about.

This little wolf cub is really good at doing business.

Gu Anan said: "Teacher, will our company have an exhibition tomorrow?"

Pei Yaojing said: "Yes, but there is a special person in charge, we just need to go and meet each other."

Gu Anan smiled and nodded, "Thank you teacher for taking me with you!"

Pei Yaojing glanced at her and said with a smile: "An'an, you still have potential in design. You must study hard during this time, and you will definitely be able to make a name for yourself in the design world."

Since she accepted her, although it was also to use her, giving her some status was mainly to make up for it.

Gu Anan excitedly clenched the chopsticks in her hands, and said with a smile, "Thank you teacher, I will work hard!" This is her only chance to gain a firm foothold in the industry.

Pei Yaojing smiled and said nothing, the opportunity has already been given to her, it's up to her to work hard.

Her assistant, in her company, was accomplished overnight.

After Lan Xin and the others came out after eating, they didn't meet Gu An'an and the others.

Lin Mengyi looked at Lan Xin with a look of reluctance, "Lan Lan, be careful on the way back."

Lan Xin smiled and said, "Don't worry, Mom, I will be careful."

Mu Ziheng shook his head helplessly. Madam Gu wanted to kill Lan Xin before, but now she feels distressed in every move she makes.

well! !

This person is different from other people.

Gu Xihong took a step forward, looked at Lan Xin's pretty face, and smiled lovingly: "Lanlan, here, this is what my father gave you. He hasn't done anything for you all these years? The money in this card , Dad has saved it for you over the years, although it is not much, but it is a wish of Dad, when you get married, Dad is preparing other dowry for you."

Lan Xin: "...emmm!"

What's wrong with everyone today?Why are you throwing money at her one by one?

Lan Xin quickly shook her head and said, "Dad, I can't take this money. Now my family really needs money, and I can make money myself." , without any company.

When Gu Xihong heard this, the light in his eyes dimmed a lot, "Lanlan, haven't you forgiven your parents?"

Lan Xin smiled and said, "Dad, that's not the case. I have a job now, so I can support myself and don't need money from my father." In fact, she thinks her life is pretty good now. Although she is surrounded by rich people, she doesn't I feel that there is something wrong with me.

She never compares herself with others. Being happy with food and clothing is the biggest luxury in her life.

Lin Mengyi took the bank card from Gu Xihong's hand, put it in Lan Xin's hand, held Lan Xin's hand tightly and said, "Lan Lan, mom knows that no matter where you are, you can work hard to live on your own, but this is Dad Mother's heart, you take this money, and the password is your birthday."

Lan Xin smiled helplessly, "Mom, when you mentioned this matter, I just wanted to ask my mother, when was I born? I don't have any memories of my childhood."

When Lin Mengyi heard this, her throat choked, and she said in a low voice: "Lanlan, your birthday is only ten days away from Ah Cheng's, you are on September 23th, Ah Cheng's is on September [-]rd, and you, Xiao Haocheng, are over six years old? "

Lan Xin smiled and glanced at Lu Haocheng.

Lu Haocheng looked at the smile in her eyes, his face darkened, he could only hate that she was not born when Jun was born.

Lin Mengyi watched the interaction between the two, and smiled: "Ah Cheng, from now on, our Lanlan will be handed over to you. I know you will definitely give Lanlan happiness. Thank you for all these years. I have been waiting for Lanlan. I have been looking for her, and thank you for not giving up on Lanlan."

As Lin Mengyi spoke, her eyes turned red again.

Lu Haocheng said: "Aunt Gu, these are what I should do."

He immediately looked at Lan Xin, the corners of his eyes and brows were full of tenderness, but the smile in his eyes revealed an imperceptible cunning.

It is the best thing for Aunt Gu to entrust her to herself.

"Lanlan, I will take good care of you mother and child in the future."

Lan Xin: "..."

Is this mother?
How did you sell her in the blink of an eye?

She smiled and said, "Just take care of yourself."

Lu Haocheng said: "How can I do that? I have a wife and children now."

wife? ?
who? ?
Lan Xin looked at him helplessly.

Gu Xihong and Lin Mengyi watched and smiled, but did not speak.

Lan Xin looked down at the bank card in her hand, she couldn't bear to hold it.

"Mom, this..."

"Lanlan, you have to take it. When you get married, mother will prepare other dowry for you. I will definitely let you marry Ah Cheng in a splendid manner."

Lan Xin looked emmm!

Did she ever say that she would marry Lu Haocheng?
"Hey! Then I'll congratulate you in advance here, and I will definitely give you a big red envelope then." Mu Ziheng also laughed beside him.

Since Lu Haocheng found Lan Xin, it seemed as if he had been reborn during this period of time, and his life was very nourishing.

Lan Xin shook her head helplessly, how else could she explain it now?
She glanced at Lu Haocheng, and saw that he was still looking at her tenderly, as if he was happy to be tied to her.

Then, after saying goodbye, everyone went home.

Lu Haocheng and Lan Xin walked back together.

The evening wind was blowing head-on, and it was a bit cold, Lu Haocheng put his suit jacket on Lan Xin's body.

Aunt Gu's words tonight made him a little unable to restrain his joy, and it was difficult to close the corners of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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