Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 581 Our family does not raise white-eyed wolves

Chapter 581 Our family does not raise white-eyed wolves
Chapter 581: Our family does not raise white-eyed wolves
Lan Xin saw his heart-warming behavior, and also smiled: "Lu Haocheng, do you really have to marry me?"

Lu Haocheng nodded hastily: "Lanlan, if you don't marry me, if I don't get you back, I think I will grow old alone in this life!"

Lan Xin instantly felt pressure doubled.

In fact, it's not that she doesn't think Lu Haocheng is bad, but she really has no plans to get married.

She smiled and said, "Then wait a little longer, I need time." This is what she said from the bottom of her heart.

Lu Haocheng's smile froze slightly, and there was an unconcealable sadness between his brows.

Do you still have to wait?How long will he have to wait, but so many years have passed, it doesn't matter if he waits.

It seems that what he did was not good enough, not enough to impress this little girl.

"Okay, Lanlan, no matter how long you wait, I will always wait for you." Lu Haocheng said in a low voice, his tone full of persistence.

Lan Xin raised her eyes suddenly. Under the dim light, she could still see the man's handsome outline clearly. Seeing the man's persistent expression, she was deeply shocked.

He has been waiting for him for so many years, but he actually wants to make him wait any longer, just to prove whether he has him in his heart. He holds a sincere love, but she must not lie to him.

Only in this way can he be worthy of his more than ten years of waiting and dedication.

She said: "It shouldn't take a long time. I need time to sort out my feelings for you. I can't lie to you, and I don't want to lie to you. Just like I am to Jinxi, there is no love, only family affection." This is also the truth in her heart.

When Lu Haocheng heard this, he felt extremely good.

To Le Jinxi, she has always been affectionate.

"By the way, Le Jinxi will also go to the exhibition tomorrow." Lu Haocheng said.

Lan Xin nodded, "Their company has developed very well in the past two years, and this time is also a good opportunity."

Lu Haocheng followed the temptation again, "Lanlan, I'm very tired from the exhibition tomorrow, and we won't be coming back tonight. Where is the hotel arranged?"

Lan Xin looked at him: "It's not too far away, and the return journey is only two hours away, why live outside."

Lu Haocheng thought for a while and said, "Then let's adjust the time tomorrow!"

Lan Xin suddenly looked at Lu Haocheng thoughtfully.

She always felt that there was something about Lu Haocheng, she had that feeling, but she couldn't tell what kind of feeling it was.

Take care of your home.

Luxurious villas are brightly lit.

Not long after Lin Mengyi and Gu Xihong went back, Gu Anan also came back.

At this time, Gu Xihong and Lin Mengyi were sitting in the living room chatting, waiting for their two sons to come back.

Seeing his parents arriving home early, Gu An'an complained a bit, "Dad, Mom, why didn't you wait for me to come with you? But I still want to congratulate Mom and Dad, they made 20 billion today."

Gu Xihong lowered his head and did not speak.

Lin Mengyi glanced at her, and asked coldly, "What happened last night? You should be very clear."

Gu An'an knew that her mother would hold on to this matter, but at that time she really couldn't think of any other way.

She also had various considerations in her mind, but there was no perfect solution.

Lin Mengyi looked at Gu An'an in front of her. She didn't want to be the adopted daughter of the Gu family for a long time. She wanted more.

Gu Anan sat next to Lin Mengyi, and said with aggrieved face: "Mom, you also know that although I have obtained a certificate with Lu Haokai, I have no right to speak. Even if I cry and ask Lu Haokai to help, he may not Help, and it's not his turn to call the shots in the Lu family!"

Lin Mengyi looked at her and sneered slightly: "Then did you cry and beg him? Your two elder brothers really had no choice but to ask Hao Kai for help. If I knew, I would definitely not let them go. If the Lu family If you want to help us, you have already done so.”

Gu An'an looked embarrassed, how could she know that a Yi Tianqi suddenly appeared?
And Yi Tianqi has no reason to help them Gu's family!

She couldn't help asking: "Mom, Mr. Yi, why did he help our family? And who is his daughter?"

She has been thinking about this question all day today.

Which woman has such a good life.

With such a father, even she is very envious.

Gu Xihong suddenly looked up at her, "An An, why are you asking these things?"

Gu Anan smiled and said, "Dad, I'm just curious too."

Gu Xihong put the newspaper in his hand on the tea table aside, and looked at her seriously, "An'an, we don't blame you for what happened last night, but since we brought you into this home, we haven't treated you badly. Hao Kai, Dad also hopes that you can live a good life, you must know how to be grateful when you are alive."

Listening to this, Gu An'an knew that her father was insinuating something else.

She nodded obediently, "Dad, I know."

Lin Mengyi said from the bottom of her heart: She is a ghost only if she knows.

If she wanted to be a good person, she wouldn't do those things before.

At this time, the door was suddenly pushed open, and brothers Gu Yilin and Gu Yicen walked in. The two brothers' faces were full of exhaustion.

Especially Gu Yicen, who still had skin trauma on his handsome face and messy hair.

When Gu An'an saw her elder brother, her heart pounded. Although she didn't say a word last night, she kept communicating with Lu Haokai on her mobile phone.

She didn't know that the three of them had a good talk, but Gu Yicen suddenly lost control and hit Lu Haokai when he stood up.

She was stunned and looked at Gu Yicen in a daze.

Lin Mengyi got up and looked at her two sons with distressed expression, "Yi Cen, Yi Lin, come and sit down, mom has prepared juice for you."

Unexpectedly, Gu Yiyan suddenly yelled at Gu Anan: "Gu Anan, get out of my house immediately." Gu Yicen's angry voice echoed throughout the villa.

Lin Mengyi and Gu Xihong were also taken aback, looking at Gu Yicen in disbelief.

Gu An'an tightened his mind, and looked at Gu Yicen who was glaring at her with some fear. Did he see the content of WeChat?
No, she must not be kicked out of the Gu family. If she leaves the Gu family, she will have nothing.

"Brother, I know it's my fault that I didn't say a word to our family last night, but I don't have any right to speak. Even if I persuade Lu Haokai, he won't listen to me, will he?"

Gu Yicen sneered and said: "Your mother is not human, you are just a white-eyed wolf. Although you did not speak, you have been using your mobile phone to communicate with Lu Haokai, and you will not let Lu Haokai help our family. I have seen this process long ago. Otherwise You think I'm crazy! I beat Lu Haokai for no reason, and finally sent myself to the detention center."

"Brother, I..."

"Don't call me big brother, I only have one younger sister, but it's not you, get out of our house immediately, we don't raise white-eyed wolves." Gu Yicen's attitude was firm, as if he wanted to tear Gu An'an apart.

(End of this chapter)

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