Chapter 592 My Dream Is You

Chapter 592: My dream is you

Lu Haocheng smiled and said, "Chu Feiyang, are you still a man? Is there a man like you who can cry at every turn?"

Chu Feiyang: "Uncle, even you bully me, I won't tell you anymore, let me tell you, I'm not your nephew, woo woo woo..."

Chu Feiyang cried and hung up the phone.

Lu Haocheng looked helpless, who taught this child, he has nothing to do, isn't this sloppy?

I'm not your nephew, boy, that's a sad thing to say.

Lu Haocheng slowly shook his head, Lanlan has been both a father and a mother all these years, how did she get here?
Lu Haocheng really felt Lan Xin's difficulty.

But with him in the future, she won't work hard alone.

And Lan Xin, in the bathroom, took a bath very quickly.

Although Lu Haocheng was outside, Lan Xin didn't feel very safe.

She felt as if she was guarded by a wolf.

She couldn't help speeding up all her actions.

On the one hand, she thinks that Lu Haocheng is a wolf, but another voice in her heart is constantly trying to excuse Lu Haocheng, Lu Haocheng has waited for you like a jade for so many years, do you have the nerve to slander him like this?

Lan Xin, do you want to be ashamed?Doesn't your conscience ache?
Are you worthy of the ten years of hard work that others have waited for?
Lan Xin was very conflicted in her heart.

However, when she resisted Lu Haocheng in her heart, another voice in her heart would speak for Lu Haocheng, and all the good things about Lu Haocheng were said.

Lan Xin felt quite helpless in this conflicted heart.

She took out the little white dress in the bag and changed into it, and quickly dried her hair.

Then she put on some makeup for herself.She looked at herself in the mirror. On the whole face, these clear and bright eyes were the most dazzling. She smiled slightly, her long eyelashes trembling slightly, and her fair and flawless skin was slightly pink, pink The lip gloss makes her lips as delicate and charming as roses.

She glanced at the clothes on her body. This was the style she designed this year. She was the first to put it on. She is not that devilish figure, but a thinner one. With her soft and curly hair, she looks a bit Lazy, yet vaguely charming.

She looked at herself with satisfaction and walked out of the bathroom.

Looking up, he saw Lu Haocheng sitting on the sofa, looking down at his mobile phone. His perfect profile looked a little cold, and he sat there quietly, with a masculine aura of aloofness and arrogance spreading.

As she walked over, the man slowly raised his head, his dark eyes overflowing with tenderness.

Lu Haocheng glanced at Lan Xin up and down, and a look of surprise flashed across his eyes, "Lanlan, this year's new style is very suitable for you."

Lan Xin also glanced at herself, "Really? I like it too."

Lu Haocheng got up, a smile flashed in his eyes, and the corners of his lips were perfectly curved, which made people feel very comfortable, "Let's go! Put these three sets of clothes here first, and we will come back here at night. Just now, my mother and I Having said that, running back and forth is too tiring, we will go back after the end."

"Ah..." Lan Xin looked at him helplessly, and opened her mouth slightly. How could he make such a decision on his own?

He didn't even ask her if she wanted to?
"Mom agreed?" As soon as Lan Xin said that, she felt like she was asking an idiot question.

Mom wished she would marry Lu Haocheng right away.

"Yeah!" Lu Haocheng nodded lightly, and walked forward. When he turned around, he smiled darkly, his dark eyes filled with a smile, and his mother wished him to marry Lanlan back soon.

Of course, I hope they can have the space to be alone.

Lan Xin looked at Lu Haocheng's back, he felt wide and safe, this Lu Haocheng was her type that Lan Xin liked.

When it's cool, it's cool!When it's cold, it freezes to death, and when it's gentle, it drowns people. It's like the chief executive of novels, and also the chief executive of reality.

Lan Xin lowered her head, giving full play to her wonderful imagination, but accidentally bumped into Lu Haocheng's back who was standing at the elevator entrance.

"Ah..." Lan Xin felt a pain in her forehead, and she took a few steps back.

Lu Haocheng turned around quickly, quickly embraced her in his arms, and looked at her with some puzzlement, why did this girl hit him with her head?

He lowered his head slightly, seeing her flustered expression, he smiled slightly, and a faint fragrance enveloped him, as if there was nothing there.

"Fool, why are you so careless when you walk? Something will happen if I don't lead you for a while." His low, sweet voice rang in Lan Xin's ears, it was indescribably sweet.

woo woo woo woo! !
Lan Xin looked embarrassed. Could she say that she bumped into him because she was thinking about him while walking?

Her nose is so punchy!

I once read a passage where you secretly like someone, but you don’t want to tell him that every time you meet him, you can’t help but want to look at him, and when he looks at you, you have to pretend to be calm look.

She thinks that if she really likes someone, when he stands in front of you, she should express her feelings to the other person.

But what kind of mood is she in now?

She also quietly looked forward to a love that might accompany her forever.

Lu Haocheng saw that the girl didn't speak, and didn't say much. Seeing the elevator coming, he led the girl in.

Only then did Lan Xin quietly raise her eyes and glance at him. At this moment, her heart was full of things she wanted to say, but she couldn't say a word.

During this period of time, she and Lu Haocheng lived under the same roof. Sometimes, when he sat quietly by himself, he was as lonely as a fallen leaf in autumn.

But when the man's eyes touched her, it was like the sunshine suddenly seen from the darkness, and the whole person became gentle.

In the unpredictable future, he waited for her sincerely and stubbornly. When he was young, he had a secret love affair, and he persisted.

She understands all these, but the more she understands, the more inferior she feels in her heart that she is not worthy of him.

"Lu Haocheng." She shouted.

Lu Haocheng looked at her with downcast eyes, "Lanlan, tell me."

Lan Xin thought for a while and said, "What is your ideal?"

Lu Haocheng was slightly taken aback, "Lanlan, didn't I tell you?"

Lan Xin shook her head slightly, "When did you say that?"

Lu Haocheng smiled, and looked at her quietly with dark eyes: "Lanlan, my dream is you."

"Eh..." Lan Xin! !

This man was stunned, but she was too charming.

"Except for this?" In fact, she wanted to see if she could help him with his ideals.

He has been helping her fulfill her dreams, and she also wants to help him accomplish something.

He walked into her dream, and she also wanted to walk into his dream.Perhaps, this way the two are closer.

(End of this chapter)

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