Chapter 593 I Won't Let You Go

Chapter 593: I won't let you go

"Except for this?" Lu Haocheng thought for a while, for these years, he didn't seem to have anything else to do except to find Lanlan and his mother.

Now the business is doing well, and he feels a sense of accomplishment.

Lu Haocheng looked at her and said in a low voice, "Lanlan, it's still you."

"Eh..." Lan Xin felt ashamed, can't she keep doing this?

She couldn't stand such pampering. During this time, she felt that she had become the happiest woman in the world.

Lu Haocheng looked at the girl slightly sluggish, and asked with a smile: "Lanlan, why do you want to know this?"

Lan Xin also said bluntly: "What do I want to do for you?" She felt guilty from the bottom of her heart and felt sorry for him.

It's distressing, she can't get it wrong.

When Lu Haocheng heard this, he was extremely moved. He stretched out his hands to hold her shoulders tightly, and said in an extremely gentle tone: "Silly girl, as long as you stay by my side, you will do the best for me."

He doesn't want her to do anything for him.

Lan Xin lowered her head slightly, not daring to look into his gentle eyes, then she can figure it out, if there is anything she can do for him, she will try her best to do it for him.

Lu Haocheng looked at her silently, the elevator reached the first floor, and he led Lan Xin out.

The two returned to the exhibition together.

Later, Lu Haocheng took Lan Xin to the designer exchange meeting, which lasted for an hour.

After that, Lu Haocheng went to the fashion show with Li Yina and Lan Xin.

The show didn't end until after six o'clock in the evening.

There was still a schedule for the next day, Li Yina saw that it was late, so she didn't plan to go back.

"Lanlan, Mr. Lu, it's getting late today, so I won't be going back tonight." Li Yina smiled.

This is exactly what Lu Haocheng wanted, and Lu Haocheng said in a calm tone: "Teacher, I will arrange someone to take you to the hotel I arranged for you later."

Li Yina smiled and nodded, "You are interested, go have a good dinner with Lan Lan, tell me the address, I will go back to the hotel by myself after dinner with my friends." She also knows that Lu Haocheng is in love with Lan Lan Lan's intentions would naturally not disturb them.

Lu Haocheng nodded and said, "Okay! I'll send the address to the teacher later."

"En!" Li Yina nodded, she looked at Lan Xin again, and said with a smile: "Lanlan, someone spends their entire life to wait for the right person. It's actually very difficult."

Lan Xin was slightly taken aback, not knowing what she meant by that.

Li Yina looked at Lan Xin's ignorant appearance, smiled, and left without saying anything.

Lan Xin looked at her back with a lot of feelings in her heart, as if between her and Lu Haocheng, she would always be the passive one.

Lu Haocheng understood what Li Yina meant.

He looked at the girl's expression, and just slightly hooked his lips. Love is a feeling, even if it is painful, he will feel very happy.

"Lanlan, let's go!" Lu Haocheng whispered.

Lan Xin glanced at him, "I'm going to the bathroom, you wait here for me."

As Lan Xin said, she turned and walked towards the bathroom.

Lu Haocheng stood there and waited for her.

"Ah Cheng." Lin Mengyi brought Gu Yicen and Gu Yilin out.

"Aunt Gu." Lu Haocheng called lightly.

Lin Mengyi asked, "Where's Lanlan?"

"Go to the bathroom." Lu Haocheng's tone was calm, and he was always indifferent in front of outsiders.

Lin Mengyi nodded slightly, "Aren't you going back?"

Lu Haocheng: "No, I will go back after the exhibition."

"That's good. Running back and forth is tiring. We won't go back. We'll go back after the exhibition is over." She hoped that Lan Lan and Ah Cheng would spend more time together, and they would get married soon, so she could rest assured.

"Alright!" Lu Haocheng replied.

Gu Yicen who was on the side took the opportunity to say: "Haocheng, you have to protect Xiao Yi well. What happened to you today can't happen again. In order to cooperate with you, we can't do anything while watching our sister being bullied."

Lu Haocheng frowned, but did not speak.

"Brother, what are you talking about? Everyone is worried about Xiao Yi's safety." Gu Yilin couldn't help but speak, the elder brother often speaks out of his head, and if he doesn't pay attention, he will offend others.

"I know, isn't it because Xiao Yi is by his side? If Xiao Yi is in our house, we will naturally protect Xiao Yi well." Gu Yicen glanced at his younger brother, could he not tell the difference?

Lin Mengyi didn't say much, and looked at Lu Haocheng: "Ah Cheng, let's go to the hotel first, you and Lanlan can go have dinner together!"

"Okay!" Lu Haocheng nodded quickly, no one should disturb his date tonight.

What Lu Haocheng was most worried about was Le Jinxi, that lingering guy.

When they came out just now, Le Jinxi was still very busy and hadn't left the venue yet.

After Lin Mengyi and the others left, Lu Haocheng hadn't seen Lan Xin come out, and there was a slight worry in his deep eyes.

As for Lan Xin, she ran into Gu An'an the moment she came out of the bathroom.

Lan Xin had just washed her hands and was going to get a tissue when she was suddenly taken a step ahead.

Lan Xin glanced sideways and saw that it was Gu An'an, who was glaring at herself.

Lan Xin smiled: "Miss Gu, I don't seem to provoke you today, why are you looking at me so angrily?"

"Lan Xin, let me see how long you can be arrogant. Remember, no matter how successful you are, I will drag you from heaven to hell. You stole my brother Haocheng, and I will not let you go." " Gu Anan said with a sneer every word.

For her now, a rising tide lifts all boats, and Lan Xin can't afford to climb high!

Lan Xin listened to her words, and asked with a sneer, "Are you sure this is what you've been aiming at me all this time? Are you sure that Lu Haocheng is really your brother Haocheng, and Lu Haocheng is really something I can snatch away?" Is it someone from your family?" Gu An'an hated her so much, and it has something to do with Lu Haocheng, the most important thing is that she is Gu Yilan, and she was afraid that if she went back by herself, she would take away everything that belonged to her.

In fact, even if she really returned to the Gu family, and the Gu family raised Gu An'an, they would definitely give her what should be given to her.

But she is too ambitious and wants to get more things, so she wants to ruin her in a hurry.

"Hehe..." Gu An'an sneered again and again, "Lan Xin, do you know what brother Haocheng did to me when you didn't come back? He listened to my mother very much, and when my mother asked her to go to Gu's house for dinner, he would go , My mother asked him to go shopping with me, and he would go shopping with me... But since you appeared, he has been extremely indifferent to me, all because of you. "

Lan Xin laughed it off, she believed that Lu Haocheng went to Gu's house for dinner, but she didn't believe that Lu Haocheng went shopping with Gu An'an.

Lu Haocheng did this because of Lu Haocheng's guilt towards the Gu family. This was a moral kidnapping. Her disappearance had nothing to do with Lu Haocheng.

But that man, with his own principles and responsibilities, forced himself to be like this.

(End of this chapter)

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