Chapter 201 How could it be Lu Xingyi? (2 more)
She began to have doubts about the changes in her feelings,
In his subconscious mind, Mu Chengxi has always been a person who can't get close or doesn't want to get close, but after some memories, Lu Xingyi found that he seemed to be stuck in a quagmire and couldn't get out.

Whether it's an engagement, Mu Yue, or a follow-up cooperation project.

One vine after another binds the two more tightly
[Step [-]: May I ask the host, in the memory just now, did you find yourself having a heartbeat? 】

The answer is already obvious.

Lu Xingyi believed that the system already knew the answer when it asked this question, but just wanted to see if he had the courage to admit it.

If it wasn't for what happened five years ago and Lu Hug, she would have nodded with a smile and admitted it openly.

But now, she seems to have no courage.


The two words settled in my heart.

[Mission failed, love power score: 20]

Lu Xingyi opened his eyes and heaved a long sigh.

Looking towards the west of Mucheng not far away,
"I want to go out and get some air." The voice also sank a lot with the mood.

"It's raining heavily, where do you want to go?"

Looking at the rain outside through the glass, Lu Xing waved his hands: "Forget it, I'm tired, I'll sleep."

Star Entertainment Group.

Two days after returning from Xin County, Lu Xing moved back to the company.

After arriving home the day before yesterday, I developed a low-grade fever for some reason, and it took me a whole day in bed yesterday before the fever subsided.

Today I heard that a distinguished guest has come to the company, and she must come and see her.

"Mr. Lu." The lady at the front desk heard the sound of the elevator and greeted her. Mr. Lu, who was dressed in a neat professional suit, walked over with black high heels five or six centimeters high.

In the company, Lu Zonghe is completely two people in front of the camera. When she was in the company, she embodied "vigorous and resolute" to the fullest.

"Where is Song Xueer?"

"Already in the reception room."

Lu Xing moved to the direction of the reception room and glanced, Song Xueer seemed to be wandering around inside.

"Call her to my office."

"Alright Mr. Lu."

Pushing open the door of the office, Lu Xingyi sat down in front of the simple and clear desk.

Touch the switch of the computer with your fingertips to enter the working state and start processing the hoarded files.

Song Xueer followed the lady at the front desk to the CEO's office. The purpose of her visit today was to ask the CEO of Star Entertainment if there was surveillance in the stairwell. Song Lili hurt her so badly, so she couldn't just let it go.

The CEO of Star Entertainment Group has always been very mysterious and has never participated in industry activities. It is said that even many people in the company have no idea what the CEO looks like.

Song Xueer also explored the mystery by the way this time.

She guessed that he was the kind of greasy middle-aged uncle who was fat and oily, otherwise why would he always have no face in front of others?
With nervousness and curiosity, Song Xueer pushed open the door of the "President's Office".

She was taken aback by the familiar face inside, and poked her head out again to confirm that she had not gone to the wrong room.

The five large characters at the door are still "President's Office".

How could it be Lu Xingyi?
"Go out, knock on the door before entering." Lu Xingyi said coldly while scrolling through the files on the computer.

She could guess the expression on Song Xueer's face without looking up.

"Why is it you?!" Song Xueer ignored her words as if she hadn't heard her, and asked her own questions.

"Get out, I won't say the same thing a third time."

Seeing that Song Xueer was about to rush in, the young lady at the front desk immediately stepped forward to stop her and pulled her back to the door: "Miss Song, please correct your attitude and wait for Mr. Lu to allow you to enter after knocking on the door."

(End of this chapter)

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