Grandpa Mu's little milk cat exploded in the entertainment industry

Chapter 202 Dare to pretend to be a fat man without hitting a swollen face

Chapter 202 Dare to pretend to be a fat man without hitting a swollen face (3 more)
"She's my sister, knock on some door."

"This is Xingyu, not your compound." The lady at the front desk ruthlessly snapped back.

Song Xueer's face froze, and this front desk again, where did she have the right to scold herself.

If she hadn't been holding a cane with one hand, she would have done it long ago.

"Come in." Lu Xingyi could guess from across the door that Song Xueer must be feeling dissatisfied with all kinds of dissatisfaction. He spoke before she cursed and was about to roll over.

Retreat to advance.

When Song Xueer heard this, she seemed to have made sense, and gave the young lady at the front desk a hard look, as if she was going to kill her with her eyes.

Turn around and enter the door.

With a cane in his hand, he limped.

In the office, Lu Xingyi was still processing documents on the computer.

Only now did Song Xueer see clearly what she was wearing today, and she looked like the CEO, but she didn't believe it.

Lu Xingyi is just one of Star Entertainment's newly debuted artists. Sitting in the president's office, he regards himself as the president?Can she manage such a big company well?

Dare to pretend to be fat without swollen face.

remarkably brave.

Song Xueer planned to stay here for a while, and she could file a complaint when the real President Lu came back. She was looking forward to the scene where Lu Xingyi was scolded for being down and out.

After the lady at the front desk brought Song Xueer in, she went to the side to make a cup of coffee for Mr. Lu, and then left.

Song Xueer thought that the cup of coffee belonged to her, so she reached out to pick it up, but it fell to nothing.The scene was once awkward.

She could only pretend to be scratching at the hairs flying around in the air: "Lu Xingyi, do you keep cats or dogs in your boss's office? Why are there so many hairs?"

Lu Xingyi could see through her small thoughts at a glance.

After reading the files on the screen, she took the coffee to the sofa and placed it in front of Song Xueer.


Song Xueer's disgusted expression froze.

"I don't want it. What kind of coffee are you? You are so kind. You won't drug me."

Lu Xing shifted his eyes and glanced at Song Xueer's leg wrapped in plaster.

"Do you still need me to take medicine?"

"Don't talk if you have a low EQ."

Lu Xing moved his lips, but did not answer her words.

There was silence in the office, Song Xueer hesitated and took a sip of coffee, the temperature outside was high, and she was already very thirsty on the way here.

The mellow aroma of coffee diffused in her mouth, Song Xueer couldn't help but took another sip, the coffee was not bad.

"Lu Xingyi, are you sitting here with a guilty conscience and dare not say anything?" She stared at Lu Xingyi next to her with a "see through" expression.

"Guilt? Why?"

"Sitting in your boss's office and pretending to be the boss, you must be afraid of being discovered by the boss."

Hearing this, Lu Xing moved the corner of his lips, Song Xueer's face hurt so many times and she didn't know how to learn her lesson, she was still so naive.

"Did you come to Star Entertainment?"

"Sure, but I'm going to talk to the real boss, not you."

"Okay, you wait here."

"Admit it, I knew you were not the real boss."

Lu Xing moved back to his desk and continued to process the documents in his hand, without talking.

After an hour and a half.

"Knock knock."

Finally someone knocked on the office door, and Song Xueer's eyes lit up. Lu Xingyi was looking at documents on the computer just now, looking very busy, and almost thought she was really the boss here.

Now that there was a knock on the door, she saw how she would explain it to the real CEO of Star Entertainment Group.

(End of this chapter)

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