Chapter 204 That night five years ago (5 more)
"In the computer."

"So you already knew that Song Lili killed me?"

Lu Xingyi nodded frankly.

There is really nothing that cannot be admitted.

Song Xueer's eyes became fierce for a moment, she was still leaning on a cane, and she jumped forward anxiously: "You know why you didn't help me, the evidence is on your computer, and you didn't say a word when I called you." carry!"

Ji Jiayan could get a general understanding of the situation by listening to the conversation between the two. Song Xueer moved closer to Lu Xing step by step, and wanted to pull Sister Lu down with her bandaged hands, but he stopped her.

"What are you doing? Calm down."

Lu Xingyi remained expressionless from beginning to end, but when Song Xueer said "help me", he sneered.

help her?

The flickering light in the eyes all disappeared, leaving a black and gray haze.

"Song Xueer, do you still remember what happened five years ago? At that time, you not only didn't help me, but also made me angry. You were much more ruthless than me at that time."

Song Xueer's face froze. She knew that Lu Xingyi had always been brooding about what happened five years ago, but this was not a reason.

"What does that have to do with the present? Wasn't Song Lili your thorn in the side? Isn't it your long-cherished wish to get rid of her this time?"

The sneer at the corner of Lu Xingyi's lips magnified again. At this moment, Song Xueer's cultural level has improved. The words are really nice, and she seems to be thinking of herself.

"It doesn't matter, I don't like her so much for the time being, you go back, when will the video show you my mood."

Lu Xingyi suddenly seemed to be a different person, with a cold air all over his body, making people afraid to approach him.

Song Xueer couldn't breathe under the pressure of the two light words, she wanted to refute but she just didn't have the courage.


"You don't have to leave if you don't want to. If you don't leave after I get off work, I will ask the security to invite you out." Lu Xingyi added, then sat down, took out a bottle of red wine from the cabinet at the bottom of the desk, and gave it to him. I poured it myself and started tasting wine in the office.

"Sister Lu, calm down." Ji Jiayan was also dumbfounded. He was not very clear about the feud between Song Xueer and Sister Lu, but he clearly felt Lu Xingyi's emotions just now. He had never seen Lu like this before. sister.

Song Xueer didn't dare to provoke Lu Xingyi anymore today, so she propped up her crutches and got up to leave.

Walking to the door, he stopped suddenly and looked back: "Lu Xingyi, you wait, when I find the video of your night five years ago, I won't give it to you!"

The words were very loud, and it was at the door, and it could be heard several meters through the corridor.

Hearing these words, Ji Jiayan wanted to rush up and shut Song Xueer's mouth. "The video from that night" sounded like a huge melon was hidden, and whoever heard it was not curious.

But Lu Xingyi still didn't change his face. He drank half a glass of red wine in one gulp and responded silently.

As soon as Mu Chengxi walked into the gate of Star Entertainment, he heard Song Xueer's roar, and he hesitated a little.

Five years ago, the same time he remembers to this day.

"Mr. Mu?" Song Xueer walked over angrily on crutches, and when she saw Mu Chengxi's figure, she immediately changed her face: "Mr. Mu, do you still remember me?"

He glanced coldly at the crippled woman who was about to approach her, dodged without a trace, and continued to move forward.

Song Xueer wanted to pounce on her at first, but Mu Chengxi dodged it, and fell onto the bodyguard behind her because of an unsteady balance.

(End of this chapter)

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