Grandpa Mu's little milk cat exploded in the entertainment industry

Chapter 205 Lu Xingyi took the initiative after being drunk...

Chapter 205 Lu Xingyi Takes the Initiative After Drunk (6 more)
The bodyguard subconsciously caught her, his expression instantly turned disgusted.

They exchanged glances with a bodyguard at the back, and the two lifted Song Xueer up and carried her downstairs.

The two people in the office heard Song Xueer's voice, and Ji Jiayan poked his head out to take a look, and it was really Mr. Mu who came.

On the other hand, Lu Xingyi drank the last glass of wine in his hand, put the glass aside, and licked his lips to avoid leaving traces.

Pretend to sit obediently on the office chair, waiting for Mu Chengxi to come.

Every time Song Xueer and Song Lili mentioned what happened five years ago, there would be a monstrous hatred in my heart, which was difficult for me to control, and in the end I could only suppress it with alcohol.

As soon as Mu Chengxi entered the door, he could smell the smell of alcohol. The woman on the office chair had a soft and cute face. Her face, which was pink and tender because of the alcohol, seemed to have a layer of blush on it. Her lips were moist, and Mu Chengxi's Adam's apple rolled.

As soon as Ji Jiayan turned her head, she saw Sister Lu in a rare drunk state. How long has it been since she drank like this?

He walked over and shook the bottle tentatively: "I lost it, sister Lu, you can finish a bottle in 5 minutes???"

Teammate Pig, Lu Xingyi wanted to sew his mouth shut.

Sure enough, when the man at the door heard the words, his aura sank and he walked over steadily.

Lu Xingyi naturally stretched out her hand, she guessed that Mu Chengxi wanted the princess to hug her.

As expected, Mu Chengxi picked her up, wrapped her tightly in his arms, and walked out of the company without saying a word, maintaining a low pressure.

Lu Xingyi put his hands around Mu Chengxi's neck, looking up at his handsome and perfect face like a sculpture.

This seductive face, if you don't fall in love after getting along for a long time, it's because of your sexual orientation.

Entering the carriage, let the drunken Lu Xingyi do whatever he wanted. His slender fingertips ran from the man's tall nose all the way down, across the thin lips, Adam's apple, collarbone, and pectoral muscles, and finally touched and touched his tough and firm abdominal muscles. .

The touch of a man's abdominal muscles is indeed easier to touch than his own vest line.

Being touched by her soft and boneless little hand, Mu Chengxi felt hot from his body, he grabbed her scrambling little hand and raised it above his head.

Lowering their heads, the tips of their noses were very close.

"Mu Chengxi, you are not allowed to lie on my bed tonight, I'm drunk and I can't control myself."

Lu Xingyi spoke softly, his pink lips pursed slightly, directly attracting Mu Chengxi's attention.

"What does it mean to be uncontrollable?"

The hoarse voice was full of bewitching, and Lu Xingyi trembled uncontrollably.

This man is so damn sexy right now.

Feeling dizzy in his head, Lu Xingyi didn't know what he was thinking, he just felt that some people in the car were staring at Mu Chengxi's thin lips.

Every time I touched his lips, it was cool, and it must be now.

As if his body was out of control, Lu Xingyi involuntarily pressed his lips against the man's.

Unlike the coolness before, this time it was hot.
After 2 minutes, the close distance between the two gradually opened up.

Lu Xingyi's face had turned from pink to red, and his mind was blank.

What the hell are you doing!

Mu Chengxi looked satisfied, and teased, "So that's what it means."

Lu Xingyi covered his face with his hands, he was really drunk and humiliated.

Now she wants to kill herself 3 minutes ago.

The car stopped in front of the villa, and the driver got out of the car and opened the door for the two of them. Seeing Mr. Mu happily leading Mr. Lu out, he was glad that the partition was lifted before the two of them got into the car, and they were not fed dog food.

(End of this chapter)

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