Chapter 207 Tuanzi declares sovereignty (8 more)
"What is more important than your sister?" Murong Su looked displeased.

Thinking of Lu Xingyi, Mu Chengxi bent unconsciously: "Fiancee."

Murong Su was speechless: "I'm sorry, I offended you."

"Let's discuss business in the study." Mu Chengxi stopped to ask for her opinion.

The woman on the sofa sighed and nodded: "Okay, as expected of you, you only have work in your eyes."

An hour later, Bai Tuanzi walked through his garden and stepped into the yard of Mucheng West Villa.

I don't know what happened. Lu Xing moved home drunk and just wanted to sleep, but when he just lay down, he felt empty beside him, as if something was missing, and tossing and turning didn't help.

So I decided to come and look for Mu Chengxi.

Although she was proactive enough in the car just now, she still wants to save face!
Think about it and turn into a dumpling, let's go!

After a few jumps, reach the doorbell.

Bai Tuanzi was tired again, her jumping ability is really not bad, it's all because the doorbell is placed too high, it takes so much effort every time.

When the butler opened the door, he saw a fluffy mass lying flat on the grass.

Immediately he smiled happily: "Tuanzi is here."

Said and picked her up: "Why did you think of going home today?"

"Meow meow."

Come to Mu Chengxi.

"What? Are you looking for the young master?"


Don't forget to nod when answering.

The smile on the housekeeper's face deepened. He had never seen such a psychic kitten. No wonder the young master liked her very much and held her in his palm all the time.

The butler held the dumpling in his arms, and even slowed down when he walked, for fear of bumping her.

Tuanzi was so sleepy that she yawned a lot while taking the elevator, revealing two pointed teeth on the top and bottom. She didn't look fierce at all, she just felt more cute.

"Knock knock." It's at the door of the study.

Lu Xingyi pricked up his ears, trying to concentrate on what Mu Chengxi was doing inside, but he heard a female voice.

No wonder he left so calmly, it turned out that there was still a woman waiting at home.

The soundproofing of the door is very good, although she is now using a cat whose hearing is much better than that of a human, she still can't hear everything clearly.

But the word "fiancee" was mentioned in the woman's words, she was [-]% sure of this.

Knowing that Mu Chengxi has a fiancée, how dare you share the same room with him?How courageous!

The dumpling swooped down and landed on the handle of the study door, and then kicked the door open.

When Mu Chengxi saw the door open, he frowned immediately, but after seeing clearly that it was a dumpling, he dispersed again.

A pair of crystal blue watery eyes stared at Mu Chengxi as soon as he entered the door. He jumped onto his lap and got into his arms, as if swearing sovereignty.

"Hey, when did you have a cat? Aren't you allergic?" When Murong Su saw Tuanzi jumping on Mu Chengxi, he didn't react at all, and was a little surprised: "Your illness is cured?"

"Not yet, I'm just not allergic to her." Mu Chengxi scratched Tuanzi's chin with one hand, and continued: "My fiancee will treat me later."

"I heard from my uncle and aunt. I showed off my fiancée all night. What about you, you should take it home and show me."

Tuanzi got out of his arms when he heard the words, what do you mean, this woman is a distant relative of Mu Chengxi?
"Next time." Mu Chengxi pulled out a hand to turn off the computer: "I'm going back to my room, you can do what you want."

"Are you going back to the room with the cat?" Murong Su asked worriedly.


(End of this chapter)

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