Chapter 208 Come to sleep~~ (9 more)
cat coffee.

Wang Chuan is so good-looking that cats like to surround her. As soon as she sat down and opened the snacks, both male and female cats came over.

"It feels good to be surrounded by cats. Except for the cat fur flying all over the sky, there is nothing wrong with it."

"These cats must be so impressed by my good looks, they all came to see me." Ji Jiayan said shamelessly, with a confident face.

Wang Chuan glanced at him, he was so handsome that even his own mother could barely recognize him with a hat and a mask on his face.

"Pull it down."

"Hey, why are you still not convinced? Do you know what breed these cats are? I don't understand."

Wang Chuan picked up the long-haired cat that was closest to her. This cat had been rubbing against her side just now, and he didn't know if it was in heat or acting coquettishly.

Unconventional, she subdued the cat on the table with its four legs in the air, staring at an indescribable place.

"Miss, what are you doing?" The little brother who was invited was dumbfounded when he saw this operation.

Wang Chuan frowned: "This cat is growing strong, is it in heat?"

"Pfft—" The little brother sprayed water on the table.

These words can no longer be described in terms of tigers and wolves.

Is this young lady so wild?I can't hold it anymore.

"Sister Chuan, can you restrain yourself, she just wants to beg for a hug."

"Hug," Wang Chuan glanced to the side: "But I like light-colored cats, this khaki cat is for you to hug, I want that one."

Then he got up and grabbed the puppet next to him.

With quick eyes and quick hands, even cats can't escape her speed.

He picked up the puppet in one go.

"Could you be gentle, you're catching wild rabbits and preparing to roast them, so carry them?" Ji Jiayan couldn't help complaining.

Only then did Wang Chuan exert some strength, and changed his posture to hold the cat in his arms.

This puppet is very well-behaved, the fur is nice and thick, and it is soft and warm in the hand, very comfortable.

"Wang Chuan, do you know how expensive this cat is, just throw it to me like this?" Ji Jiayan made an expression on his face that he was about to teach Wang Chuan a cat breed lesson.

Wang Chuan became addicted to petting the cat immediately, and was not interested in listening to his long-winded chatter.

Sometimes she really feels that Ji Jiayan's character is like a woman, a mother-in-law.

"Handsome guy, do you think mine looks better or his?" She raised her eyebrows and asked the little brother next to her.

"I like puppets." It would be too emotionally illogical for the little brother to answer another answer at this time, of course he answered Wang Chuan's hand.

Ji Jiayan cast a sharp eye over him.

but completely ineffective.

Wang Chuan didn't understand the cat's breed: "What's a puppet?"

"It's your breed."

"Understood." Wang Chuan held the cat with one hand, and cast his eyes on the little brother's arm: "Handsome guy, your muscles are well trained, can you touch them?"

"Of course." The little brother was very generous, sending his arms to Wang Chuan.

Wang Chuan also stretched out his hand to caress unceremoniously.

It’s not bad, but it’s much worse than Kai’s.

Click on WeChat and delete this little brother's friend.

The appearance is average, and the figure is not as good as others. What's the use of keeping it, so I decisively deleted it.

Ji Jiayan saw all her actions, and in his heart he was grateful for his golfers who didn't know why.

Keeping it is looking for abuse, it's better to delete it, it's over.


After entering the door, Tuanzi jumped off Mu Chengxi's arms, landed on the ground and ran for two steps before jumping onto the bed.

"Meow meow~~"

come to bed~~
(End of this chapter)

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