Chapter 217 The audience explodes! ! ! (2 more)
Lu Xingyi specially wrote a brand new single for this competition. From arrangement, composition to lyrics, she completed it by herself. She has never communicated with anyone else. She wants to see everyone's first reaction on the spot. .

At the end of the first paragraph, Ren Yu couldn't help standing up and applauding. As expected of Lu Xingyi's song, every capital is a must-see song, and the vocal music is as stable as ever.

When the rap was sung in the middle, the frequency of dance movements suddenly became stronger, from traditional choreography to hip-hop dance. The speed of speech and movements accelerated at the same time, but there was no sound of panting at all, and the lung capacity was amazing.

The dance steps are precise and the card points are perfect. Even if the speed is adjusted to 0.1 times, Lu Xingyi's movements are still precisely on the beat.

Another judge who specializes in dance followed suit. Lu Xingyi's on-the-spot rendering skills are too good. After being a dance judge for so many years, few people can make him dance along with him in the audience, but Lu Xingyi did it.

The number of people in the live broadcast room skyrocketed, and in just half a minute, the netizens were already shocked in front of the screen, staring intently, not forgetting to call nearby friends to enjoy this visual and auditory double feast.

The number of people in the live broadcast room continued to increase, and the director burst into laughter in the background.

As expected of Mr. Lu, he has great professional ability!

After 1 minute, there was a warm applause from the audience.

Lu Xingyi's performance is definitely the best so far, bar none!

Even if some black fans watched it, it was hard not to admit the invincibility of this performance.

Blow up the audience! ! !

[Xingyi O'Neill is so flirtatious, sisters, I'll bend first! 】

【Pick up and kill】

[Sister is so A, so sassy, ​​I love it so much! ! 】

[The one who said the royal family just now, yes, our Xingyi is the royal family, who else is not convinced by this professional ability? 】

[I am handsome and gone! 】

[Is this a new song?It's so sweet and spicy, when will it be launched on the APP? 】

[Pure passerby, I was teased]

[Shang Hui Ye Xuanyan is sorry, I decided to call Lu Xingyi]

【Dia! ! ! ! ! 】

[The royal family is a good cow, I would be fine if it were me]

[The black powder turned red and was bent]

Lu Xingyi performed this song vividly and exhausted a lot of energy. Lu Xingyi bowed to the five judges and stepped off the stage without a word of nonsense.

The judges who stood up applauded and sat down, still excited, wrote the scores on the cards and handed them to the logistics staff.

The director was staring at the comments, received the card, and was dumbfounded.

All full marks.

The barrage is still swiping.

[This is the end?Say a few words? 】

[Oni is too low-key, it's much better than the previous ones who took the sensational route]

[As expected of Xingyi, people don't talk too much cruelly]

Just before the next contestant came on stage, the director picked up the microphone on the table and turned it on, and the sound came from the loudspeaker on the scene.

"Star Entertainment Group trainee Lu Xingyi, with a total score of [-], will directly enter Class S."

Hearing the director's broadcast, the audience fell silent, and two seconds later a heated discussion erupted.

"Total score of five hundred? All perfect marks, it's amazing."

"It's great, but it's not enough to get full marks, right? If you're directly promoted to class S, wouldn't that be one less place?"

"Lu Xingyi deserves it, she does have this strength."

"What, this is not what the royal family is. I don't believe that all the judges wrote full marks, and the inside story is too obvious."

"Yeah, yeah, how could there be all perfect marks? I think she looks just average, and she's just like that with makeup on."

"You can't get full marks for your looks, and neither can your charm."

"Didn't Teacher Ji Jiayan just say that charm is the heartbeat value? If he fills up the score, doesn't it mean that he has a heartbeat for Lu Xingyi?"

It's so hard to die, the girl who said this was sitting in the front row, and the words reached Mu Chengxi's ears.

(End of this chapter)

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