Chapter 218 The Second Elder's Illness (Merged Chapters)
Ji Jiayan received another stare from Mr. Mu, and cold sweat dripped down his back.

What's the matter, he didn't do anything?

The dance judges sat on the other side of Ji Jiayan, still not satisfied with Lu Xingyi's performance just now, and patted Ji Jiayan's shoulder: "Ji Shao, you and Lu Xingyi belong to the same company, her singing and dancing ability is so strong, why is it Debut as an actor?"

Ji Jiayan: Sister Lu is the CEO, so he has no control over the CEO's affairs.

"I don't know either, maybe it's her own wish."

"Well, her performance just now was really good. I haven't met such a talented dancer for a long time."

Ji Shao suddenly became superior, and waved his hand: "Teacher, don't worry, the live broadcast in the future will definitely be bombed again and again."

"You know her very well."

Finished, said the wrong thing again.

Before Mr. Mu's eyes could kill him, Ji Jiayan felt rounded: "I don't know you well, Mr. Mu is the one who knows Sister Lu the most."

most familiar?

The dance judge looked up, "Mr. Mu, are you and Lu Xingyi real?"

Now that both of them are judges of this show, it's not too much to ask. If the other party really minds, he can just say it's a joke.
Mainly out of curiosity.

Mu Chengxi looked the judge up and down. He was older than him, and still craving CP?

Answer with silence.

[No denial! 】

【I'm serious, you can do whatever you want】

[I have a bad feeling that Lu Xingyi is also one of Mr. Mu's many Yingyingyanyans]

[Honey juice is silent, this party is a bit broken]

【My heart also hangs up】

[As long as Fanmu Chengxi didn't have so many scandals before, I just believed it]

[The sense of substitution is very strong, I have already started to scold the scumbag. 】

The instant commentary in the comment area was unexpected by the director, so he quickly turned the camera elsewhere.

Mujia Manor,

The live broadcast lasted until the evening, and Mu Chengxi and Lu Xingyi stayed behind to have a meeting with all the staff, and it was already [-] in the evening when they returned to the manor.

"Xiao Lu, Chengxi, are you back?" Madam Mu's voice came from the living room as soon as the door was opened.

Murong Su told the elders what they said last time, and the two decided to return to the manor to stay tonight.

"Auntie." Lu Xingyi changed his shoes at the entrance and entered to say hello.

"Master, Miss Lu, have you had dinner yet?" The servant next to him asked aloud.

"have eaten."

Lu Xingyi dug out a pack of medicinal materials from his satchel, and handed it to the servant next to him: "Please help Mu Chengxi decoct the medicine, it will take half an hour."

"Good Miss Lu."

Mu Chengxi frowned slightly: "Is there still Chinese medicine in the bag?"

"You didn't take it in the morning."

When Mu Chengxi heard this, a flash of emotion flashed in his eyes, he took out his mobile phone from the inside pocket of his suit, and typed a line of words on it with his knuckle fingers.

Mrs. Mu who rushed over saw all this with a smile on her face.

Xiao Lu took good care of Chengxi.

"Dad, Mom, what do you want us to do?"

Master Mu didn't know what was wrong, he seemed to be in a bad mood, with a sullen expression on his face, leaning on a cane, sitting in the middle of the sofa with his back straight.

"Mucheng West." He slammed his crutches on the ground, "When I got engaged, I asked you to quickly clean up Yingying and Yanyan around you. What's the hot search now?"

The old man looked very angry,
Hot search?

Mu Chengxi immediately opened the app and found the hot search list, Lu Xingyi also moved over curiously.

Hot search list:
5. The scumbag in Mucheng

Mucheng West:
Lu Xingyi:
Clicking in and looking, it is a video of Mu Chengxi not answering the dance instructor's question, and the marketing account even described it in the copy:
During the live broadcast of today's new talent show variety show "Top Stream With You", many netizens found that Mu Chengxi did not respond to the dance judges' question "Is Lu Xingyi for real?"

Previously, Mu Chengxi had scandals with many female artists, but none of them responded. Could it be that the sincere CP with a large number of fans is also one of the scandals?

"Chengxi, what you have done is really inappropriate." Mrs. Mu was also very dissatisfied. She was supposed to discuss the marriage of the two of them today, but after being disturbed by this trending search, she didn't have the old face to open her mouth.

Mu Chengxi knew that he was entirely responsible for this matter: "Give me one night, and I will take care of this matter."

"It's been dealt with?" Master Mu tapped his crutches again: "I gave you time, but you didn't do it. You let Xiao Lu down and disappointed me at the same time. I have already sent someone to deal with it. All your previous scandals will be dealt with tomorrow. It will be swept away before, leaving only the part of Xiao Lu."

Mu Chengxi nodded: "Understood."

"Xiao Lu, are you satisfied with this treatment?" Master Mu suppressed the anger on his face, and asked Lu Xingyi: "If you need any compensation, you can ask for it at will."

Lu Xingyi didn't mind this matter, but after recognizing her feelings, Mu Chengxi's previous scandal made her feel a little nervous.

Although the two times I saw with my own eyes when I became a dumpling were all illusions, who can say for sure what happened before, let alone five years ago.
Thinking of five years ago, she suddenly calmed down again,

Since there will be no ending, there is nothing to care about.

"I don't need it." Her voice was extraordinarily cold, with a hint of coolness.

Mu Chengxi keenly caught it.

Suddenly, Lu Xingyi raised his eyes again: "Uncle, calm down, your face is blushing, let me take your pulse and check your body."

Mu Erlao's illness has always been a knot in Lu Xingyi's heart.


Unexpectedly, Master Mu agreed so readily, Lu Xing stepped forward, knelt down, and felt his pulse.

Except for a few common symptoms of the elderly, everything else is normal.

Isn't it uncle's problem?
"Uncle is in good health, Auntie, let me take a look for you too." She pointed her finger at Mrs. Mu who was next to her.

Different from Master Mu's calmness just now, Mrs. Mu showed a flash of dodge, and then quickly pretended: "No need, I am in good health. I just went to the hospital for a physical examination not long ago."

"Mom, let Lu Xingyi take a look at it for you," said Mu Chengxi who was sitting next to her, "She has excellent medical skills."

Mu Chengxi had already said that, but she seemed guilty when she tried to evade it.

Wen Xiujun could only nod hesitantly and agree.

Lu Xing shifted his position, with his back to the west of Mu Cheng, and felt the pulse for his aunt.

The heartbeat was visibly fast and tense.

"Auntie, please relax."

"it is good."

One minute later, Lu Xingyi's expression changed drastically, and his face immediately turned pale.

She raised her head and met the eyes of the second elder.

Wen Xiujun shook her head slightly, signaling her not to speak out.

With such a serious illness, it was hard for her to imagine how the second elder felt when he heard the news, even she was frightened.

"Auntie is also in good health, nothing serious." She said, calmed down her mood, and went back to sit on the sofa just now.

Mu Chengxi sensed that her emotions were wrong: "What's wrong?"

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(End of this chapter)

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