Chapter 219 Mr. Mu Gives Millions (2 Merged Chapters)


As soon as the words fell, the doorbell rang.

Mu Chengxi also received a WeChat message.

The nanny opened the door, and Cui Han walked in carrying a large bag of luxury bags, worth several million in total.

"Master, madam, good evening." He greeted the elders, and then turned to Mu Chengxi: "Mr. Mu, the bag you want."

Mu Chengxi gave Cui Han a look, signaling him to give the things to Lu Xingyi: "For you."

Lu Xingyi was a little absent-minded, and suddenly came back to his senses: "Huh?"

"Give it to you."

Seeing more than a dozen luxury packaging bags in front of you, what is the situation?
"give me?"

"of course."

Mrs. Mu, who was on the sidelines, had a smile on her face, and Chengxi finally got the hang of it.

Cui Han: "Mr. Lu, I don't know what kind of bag you like. As long as it is a limited edition in the mall, I bought it back. If you don't like it, just send me the style you like. No, let Mr. Mu send it to you. Me, I'll buy it for you."

In the middle of speaking, he suddenly changed his words, and his desire to survive was extremely strong.

To be honest, if there is not a large shopping mall near home, Mr. Mu may not be able to deliver it within half an hour stipulated by President Mu.

Lu Xingyi faced more than a dozen packages, but he didn't understand, so he asked, "Why send packages?"

"Give a gift to your fiancee, it should be."

In fact, Mu Chengxi saw that Lu Xingyi put his traditional Chinese medicine in the bag, and he probably wouldn't be able to use it in the future, so he immediately ordered Cui Han to pack all the limited editions in the mall and send them all.

Lu Xingyi choked, it was too generous.

"Thank you."

Mu Chengxi pursed his lips in satisfaction, and turned to Cui Han: "Send the things to my room, and then you can leave."

"Alright, Mr. Mu."

"Wait," Master Mu said, calling to Cui Han who had just started walking: "Assistant Cui, from now on, whether in life or work, help me keep an eye on Mu Chengxi. Report to me, if there are any unhealthy employees, they will be fired immediately."

Cui Han was taken aback for a moment, and then he glanced at Mr. Mu, whose face remained unchanged, before he dared to agree.

It's too difficult for him to be a tool person these days.

Lu Xingyi came down from the bedroom while Mu Chengxi was taking a bath, and the elders were still watching TV in the living room.


Lu Xingyi has studied medical skills for many years and knows that the last thing every critically ill patient wants to see is to be looked at with sympathy by everyone. She said in the same tone as usual: "Auntie, your illness has not yet reached the most serious stage. , there is still hope."

Mrs. Mu took Lu Xingyi's hand, "Xiao Lu, thank you for helping us hide the west of the city, don't tell him about it for now."

This doesn't sound right. Auntie misunderstood herself, and she wasn't trying to comfort her.

"Auntie, I'll write a prescription for you. You can drink it twice a day after lunch and dinner, and you can control your condition." With only a brush and rice paper in front of him, Lu Xingyi picked up several Chinese medicines and wrote them on: "The medicine is a little bit bitter. But the medicine works well."

Master Lu sat on the side with a complex expression, and couldn't help but say, "Xiao Lu, don't comfort us."

"No, uncle. Although my medical skills can't cure my aunt, I can stabilize her condition. Don't be too pessimistic."

"Xiao Lu, I know that your medical skills are better than Dr. Liang's, but Chen Ming said that this is a terminal illness that has no history of recovery in the world. Once it is diagnosed..."

Wen Xiujun couldn't say what she said later.

Lu Xing waved his hand: "Auntie, this is not the first time I have encountered this kind of patient, please trust me."

Her words were very sincere, her eyes were sincere, and Master Mu's heart was shaken.

Wen Xiujun is the most important thing in his entire life, even if there is a one in ten thousand possibility, it is worth trying.

"How is the previous patient doing now?"

Lu Xing moved his lips and handed the rice paper on the table to his uncle: "I met a patient three years ago. Her illness was more serious than my aunt's. She was approaching the terminal stage. Now she lives abroad and insists on drinking the prescription I gave every day. There have been no late symptoms until now."


"Well," Lu Xingyi took out his phone, and flipped to the chat history with a friend: "This is the photo she sent me two days ago."

Wen Xiujun was also a little shaken when she saw the photo.

Master Mu directly called the servant to cook another pot of medicine according to Lu Xingyi's prescription.

"You can add more rock sugar when frying, it won't be so bitter."

"Okay Doctor Lu." The servant nodded and answered, took the prescription and went to the kitchen to decoct the medicine.

Back in the room, Mu Chengxi hadn't come out of the bathroom yet.

Lu Xingyi sorted out her thoughts. She might have to go to the United States. Auntie's disease, she had been researching it before, but it hadn't been successful for several years. It's time to speed up the progress.


Song Xueer walked into the orthopedic clinic, ready to remove the plaster.

"Miss, please register first."

"Do you still need to register to remove the plaster?"

"Yes, there is also the cost of plaster and demolition."

Song Xueer, who had been desperate for a long time and couldn't even afford food, didn't have the money at all, let alone the fee, she couldn't even afford the five yuan registration fee, and she became angry on the spot.

"What do you mean? Are you a black-hearted hospital? Do you want to remove the plaster cast?" The voice resounded throughout the hall, and many people's eyes turned to the woman who was tightly covered.

"Ma'am, please calm down." The nurse was stared at by everyone, and she was in a bad mood: "Our hospital doesn't charge you when the plaster is put on you, and you have to pay the fee when you dismantle it. How can you be unscrupulous?"

"Why is there no charge for installation? Instead, there is a charge for dismantling. This is compulsory consumption."

The nurse was speechless: "The plaster is on your body. We only charge you after you have used it. How did it become a compulsory consumption?"

"Garbage hospital, quack doctors misleading people." Song Xueer yelled, causing the whole floor to know what was going on here.

Liang Ming had just finished an operation, and before he went downstairs, he heard chattering noises, and looked this way with his head.

I saw Song Xueer at a glance.

Why does he always go crazy when he meets her?

However, Mr. Lu spent a lot of money and directly threw 20 yuan to the hospital. As the saying goes, if you take money to do things, you have to do things well.

He shook his head helplessly, and went in the noisy direction: "What's going on?"

The little nurse saw Liang Ming as if she had seen a savior. She had never seen Song Xueer make trouble so unreasonably in her many years of work, so she told Dr. Liang what happened.

It turned out that it was a question of money, so that was easy to handle.

"Song Xueer, come with me." There were too many people watching the excitement, so he grabbed Song Xueer's arm and wanted to leave.

"What are you doing?" Song Xueer shook off Liang Ming's hand, "Don't move."

Chen Ming snorted coldly, he didn't despise her for being dirty yet, but she did.

"I'll take you to register."

"What number to hang, I have no money." Accidentally revealed the truth.

"Boss Lu paid for you."

Song Xueer was taken aback, Mr. Lu, is it Lu Tingfeng?

"My dad? He paid for my previous medical expenses?"

The co-author spent thousands of dollars out of someone's pocket, and Liang Ming helped her forehead. Song Xueer was really stupid.

"Lu Xingyi, President Lu, Doctor Lu."


It turned out that Song Xueer didn't know.

"It's nothing, come with me, I'll take you to pay the fee."

Half an hour later, Liang Ming watched as Song Xueer finished removing the plaster cast and walked towards the hospital gate.

Just when he thought he could finally be liberated, Song Xueer suddenly said, "Please make an appointment with Lu Xingyi for me, and I want to ask her face to face what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd."

"Unfortunately, she just flew to the United States this morning."

(End of this chapter)

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