Chapter 220 Hugging is cute! (3 more)
"The United States? Lu Xingyi has been in the United States all these years?"

"I don't know." Liang Ming spread his hands.

Song Xueer thought for a while, then changed the topic: "How much medical expenses did Lu Xingyi pay me?"


"20?" Song Xueer's eyes lit up. These days, she doesn't even have 20 yuan. It's a windfall!
"Then there is at least 18 left, so withdraw it to me!"

"Dream your dream, big sister! You live in a VIP ward, and it costs thousands a day. Where did you get 18?"

Song Xueer did some calculations. She was hospitalized for half a month, and the calculation was [-] a day, which was only [-], plus medical expenses.
"There is always 15. You can give me 15."

"No, but more or less."

Song Xueer doesn't care about the bad ones anymore, just take as much as she has.

"All right, all right, give me as much as you want, I know you are reluctant, I will leave you 100 hard work fee, okay."

"President Lu said that the rest of the money will be donated to the hospital to replace equipment."

Song Xueer:? ? ? ? ? ?
"Donate to fart, I'm the master of the money you give me, take it out quickly."

"No, if you discuss it with Mr. Lu, I can't make the decision." Song Xueer still wanted to refute, but Liang Ming said again: "I haven't had lunch yet, I'm hungry, so I'm leaving first."

After speaking, she strode towards the cafeteria. Song Xueer chased after her. She had just finished removing the plaster cast and her legs and feet were uncomfortable. She followed all the way to the cafeteria door. Liang Ming swiped her card to enter. The glass door closed too quickly, and she was stuck outside. .


Invalid call.


In the villa, a young girl and a child hugged each other, and next to them was a suitcase that was free to roll around.

"Ma Ma!" Lu Baobao ran down from the toy room as soon as he heard the door open, and fell into Lu Xingyi's arms: "You are finally back!"

"Hug, Mama misses you so much."

"Hugging too!" Lu Baobao pulled Lu Xingyi to pull her off, and then slapped her fair face suddenly.

Lu Xingyi picked up his son and walked to the sofa, put his soft body on his lap, and rubbed his little face vigorously.

The child's face is so playful and feels good to the touch.

"Ma Ma, how long can you stay here this time?" Huo Bao asked excitedly, expecting an answer with a larger number.

Lu Xingyi's heart melted when he looked at his anxious little eyes.

It's a pity that she can't stay long this time.

"Hug, this time Ma Ma will take you back home after work, okay?" Lu Xingyi also suffers from longing every day in China. He is obviously the closest person, but thousands of kilometers away. made this decision.

The eyes of the little cute bag on his body lit up all at once, and he shouted childishly: "It's true!"


Lu Xingyi also answered him in a surprised tone.

"Yeah yeah!!! Long live Mama, I love Mama, let Mama give me another hug and kiss."

Lu Xingyi brought his right cheek closer and received a firm milk kiss.

"Not enough, I want to kiss on the left~"

She switched sides again.

Get another milk bag kiss.

"Can Baobao and Mama go back to China and sleep with Mama every day?" Huobao asked curiously, blinking his big eyes.

Lu Xing moved his little nose.

People don't ask for a lot.

"It's beautiful to think, hug is a little boy, you have to develop a good habit of sleeping~"

"But you are my Ma Duck." Meng Bao looked puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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