Chapter 226 Sister Sea King (1 more)
In the last round, Lu Xingyi was the only one who was directly promoted to class S during the live broadcast, and he was also the only guest who scored full marks in the first round.

After the live broadcast ended, the trending searches remained high, and they had been on the list for several days. No matter how much more popular trainees were than Lu Xingyi before, they were all suppressed by her trending searches, and they couldn't even spend money on it. .

The degree of shock to netizens can be imagined.

However, due to the high number of hot searches, it also attracted some black fans of lemon essence, who maliciously posted negative comments under the hot search, but most of them were passers-by who were fans of Lu Xingyi's first competition, and the performance itself was really impeccable .

Ye Xuanyan also successfully entered Class S and lived next door to Lu Xingyi, while Shang Hui did not enter Class S due to lack of experience in acting, but only entered Class A to continue her studies.

Lu Xingyi packed his things in the room and gathered in the training room, where the director was waiting for everyone to release tasks.

Class S has a total of ten people. The next round of competition will be divided into two groups, and they will compete with groups of five from other classes to choose the class for the next round.

One of the investors, Lu Xingyi, was recommended by the director to be responsible for this round of song selection. She selected all 200 songs from 40 people, but she didn't know the specific allocation.

The director was sitting right in front of the training room. He was still a little nervous about being stared at by investors for recording the show. He drank several sips of water during the announcement process and didn't dare to look directly at Lu Xingyi.

"The songs for class S this time are "Wild" and "TIGER"."

The two most difficult pieces were about the same as Lu Xingyi imagined.

Since it is Class S, we must give full play to our own advantages and use more difficult tracks to bring visual and auditory shock to the audience.

But the disadvantage of difficult repertoire is also obvious. If you don't practice it well, it may become the most hip-pushing performance in the audience. This is the biggest challenge for the ten members of their S class.

Next, the director announced the director. According to the scores of the previous round, Lu Xingyi and Ye Xuanyan with the highest scores will be the captains of the two groups.

Lu Xingyi gave Ye Xuanyan the first choice of team members. Everyone in class S is a top-notch member. She has seen everyone's performance in the last round, and it is not a big problem to control these two songs.

Ye Xuanyan didn't dare to take the first move: "You should come first to Xingyi, and it should be you according to the score."

Lu Xing moved his pink lips slightly, and agreed with a wanton smile: "Are there any trainees who want to be with me?"

Of the ten people present, except for the two captains, eight of them raised their hands.

Lu Xingyi glanced around, and his eyes fell on a charming trainee. She still remembered her name: "Qiao Ru, come on baby."

Qiao Ru didn't expect to be selected, and excitedly moved from the side to Lu Xingyi's side, "Thank you Xingyi."

Lu Xingyi noticed her cautious gesture of withdrawing her hand after she wanted to hug her. The corners of her lips curled up, and she took the initiative to give her a hug, narrowing the distance between them.

[How can my sister have such a good personality? When she came up, she asked her baby to give her a hug. ! 】

【Xing Yi, you can't be so fickle, didn't you hug me last night and say that I'm enough? 】

【Ok? ?That's what she told me too]

【Me too, me too, how many people did my sister get?】

【I, me, take me with you】

【Sisters upstairs stop dreaming, wake up】

[I can't wake up, let me indulge in the gentle township in my dream]

[Lu Baobao: Hmph, I brought cold water to wake you up! ! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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