Grandpa Mu's little milk cat exploded in the entertainment industry

Chapter 227 An Opportunity to Take advantage of

Chapter 227 An Opportunity to Take advantage of (2 more)
Wang Chuan was next to Huo Huo and witnessed his swish comments in the comment area, all of which were to safeguard his own sovereignty, and he didn't see other people's dreaming remarks at all,
I have such a strong possessive desire at a young age, and I don't know who I learned it from.

"Hug, it's not that I don't talk about you. It's not good for my mother to be so young at such a young age. It will affect your mother's ability to find a girlfriend."

Lu Baobao:? ? ? ? ? ?
"Auntie is talking nonsense, Mama is straight! I have been with you for so many years, and it is not easy for Mama to stick to her heart!"

"Hug, if you talk like this, you won't get candy easily." Wang Chuan threatened.

"Hmph, Huo Huo won't give in to evil forces!"

One big and one young were bickering on the sofa, and the grouping of the two groups of members on the screen had ended.

Just as they were about to go to the two practice rooms to practice, there was a sound of the door opening suddenly.

The director team has already left, leaving only the shots all over the room, and everyone is in the villa, who else will come?
Lu Xingyi and Ye Xuanyan discussed to go down to have a look. As soon as they went down the stairs, Lu Xingyi saw several familiar figures.

The amount of help
The five judges came in with their own luggage, as if they wanted to live here.

This is a link that has not been discussed before. When was it added?
The other colleges were very excited to see the instructors, and stepped forward to greet them one after another.

Lu Xingyi had no choice but to step out. When he walked in, he saw a smile in the corner of Mu Chengxi's eyes, and had a guess in his heart.

Throw a questioning look.

Mu Chengxi understood instantly, and nodded without hesitation.

Sure enough, it must have been his idea again.

Lu Xingyi was annoyed, he knew that he would not choose such a big villa, and the few rooms left gave him an opportunity.


Hugging at home, seeing his uncle and Ma Ma in the same frame, he lost interest in arguing with Aunt Wang Chuan in an instant, holding a big mobile phone in his two small hands and looking at it seriously, pointing at it from time to time, and sending it out got several comments.

【Lu Baobao: Wow wow wow】

【Lu Baobao: I'm eating CP】

[Lu Baobao: Mu Chengxi and Lu Xingyi are a good match]

【Lu Baobao: Together together】

Wang Chuan next to him looked at the corners of his mouth up to the ears, looking like a crazy little boy, "You look like this, be careful when your mother finds out and scold you to death."

"Ma Ma is not as fierce as you said, and she already knows."

"Got it?" Wang Chuan was dumbfounded.

"That's right, when you're abroad, you can tell Ma Ma that uncle is very nice, and you don't object to them being together, but you always listen to Ma Ma."

"Then what did your mother say?"

"I didn't say anything."

Wang Chuan's mind was in turmoil for a moment, what the hell was Lu Xingyi up to, and he didn't tell her about such an important matter.

In a moment of fire, when I turned on the phone, I sent a bunch of messages to Lu Xingyi like a bombardment, and I could hear constant message notifications in the live broadcast room.

Mu Chengxi heard the voice coming from Lu Xingyi's pocket, and frowned: "Who?"

"I do not know?"

"Look now." The tone could not refuse.

Lu Xingyi took out his mobile phone and followed Mu Chengxi. He was so engrossed that he didn't notice that the man had already stopped at the door of the room and bumped into him.

"I'm sorry." He blurted out an apology, his eyes still on the phone.

Mu Chengxi turned his head and leaned over to look at the note on the top of the screen: super invincible beauty.

"Who is this?"

Hearing this, Lu Xingyi raised his head and met Shangmu Chengxi's probing gaze, and quickly covered his phone.

He pretended to be calm and replied: "No one."

(End of this chapter)

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