Chapter 229 Small Details (4 More)
The words Mu Chengxi was about to say were choked in his throat.

What is Lu Xingyi thinking?

"Because you're not here."

"Pathologically, there is no such reason for insomnia." Lu Xingyi retorted mercilessly: "I will ask the housekeeper to add some Shouwu vine to your prescription to help you sleep."

"Need not."


All Mu Chengxi's words were blocked by Lu Xingyi, without mercy.

It's the first time I find her so stubborn, it's boring.

"Knock down."

As soon as the words fell, someone knocked on the door.

Lu Xingyi immediately bounced off Mu Chengxi's body, got up and tidied his clothes.

"Come in." Mu Chengxi said in an unhappy tone.

"Mr. Mu," Qiao Ru poked his head in, and greeted Mu Chengxi with a bow, "Xing Yi, Mr. Ren Yu asked us to go down and practice singing."

Lu Xingyi nodded and followed him out.

The moment the door was closed, Qiao Ru sharply noticed that Mr. Mu's suit pants were slightly wrinkled, as if they were pressed by something.

Without daring to ask, the two went downstairs to the practice room. Ren Yu had already prepared the score and was waiting in the practice room.

"Sister Xingyi." Ren Yu greeted Lu Xingyi politely when he saw Lu Xingyi coming in.

"Ren Yu."

The level of strength between the two can be seen from the greeting.

The other four trainees all looked up at Lu Xingyi. As soon as Ren Yu appeared, they remembered Lu Xingyi's identity as a gold medal producer.

Would it be a waste of time for her to come here to take vocal music lessons?Their goal may be to debut directly.

Stepping on high heels, she walked all the way to the most remote place and sat down. As the team leader, she had to observe each team member's learning situation and problems in the end, and make individual adjustments.

Ren Yu first studied the segmentation for all team members.

Sister Xingyi must be the lead singer, and the others will choose the appropriate part of the song based on their performance in the first round of competition and the strengths they have shown. In less than 5 minutes, everyone coordinated and started practicing.

They chose the song "Wild". The tune is relaxed, cheerful and full of wildness, with a strong sense of rhythm, and there are many points that need vocal knowledge to support it.

After getting familiar with the song, Ren Yu accompanied him, and Lu Xingyi was the first to open his voice.

Kneel down.

Just after singing half a sentence, everyone in the training room turned their heads one after another, showing envious eyes.

This singing is invincible! !

The beautiful voice reverberated in the training room, and the second person who spoke should be absorbed in listening, completely forgetting that it was his turn.

Sister Xingyi has no problem at all, and Ren Yu starts directly from the second accompaniment.

Only one of the next few trainees had serious problems in singing, and his ability to listen to the accompaniment was weak, and the other trainees were only slightly flawed.

Lu Xingyi recorded the problems of each person for the first time in his notebook. The first vocal class ended here, and the special session went to the next dance classroom.

The dance teacher was very excited when he saw Lu Xingyi. Her performance on stage last time had a deep influence on him.

"Lu Xingyi, I'm very impressed with you." He took the initiative to greet her, and Mu Chengxi just passed by the door, and stepped in to supervise the work.

After a while, he heard such words.

Compared with vocal music, dance learning is more difficult for the few in this group. Some of them have never learned dance systematically, and they entered Class S with their vocal music in the last round.

He was very confident to be the lead singer, but when compared with Lu Xingyi, he was still far behind.

"Lu Xingyi, you go to learn the lead dance." The dance teacher said directly before watching the dance video.

After finishing speaking, Qiao Ru raised her hand suddenly: "Teacher, I also want to try to lead the dance."

(End of this chapter)

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