Chapter 230 Yin-Yang Strange Qi (1 more)
The dance teacher was taken aback when he heard the words. Lu Xingyi was the lead dancer he was very determined to choose. He had already thought about it since the first stage, but he didn't expect that there would be someone to fight for.

However, even if he didn't specify Lu Xingyi's strength, it might be difficult to win.

"Teacher, I'm already the lead singer, let Qiao Ru be the lead dancer." Lu Xingyi took the initiative to give up the position in consideration of the overall situation.

Qiao Ru gave Lu Xingyi a grateful look, and then turned to the dance teacher: "Teacher, I will practice hard and try not to lose the stage effect brought by Lu Xingyi."

After saying this, the wind direction in the comment area changed.

[Why does it sound so strange, yin and yang strange]

[It looks quite simple, but the words seem to be connoting Lu Xingyi]

【There is always a feeling of dissatisfaction.】

"Everyone can dance with their own unique style. Teacher, Qiao Ru also has her own style of dance. As long as the arrangement is reasonable, she will interpret this song well." Lu Xingyi heard something wrong and added said a word.

Qiao Ru just made her debut, so she doesn't understand that it's normal to have to think about every sentence under the camera, which is also very good, pure and lovely.

One addition saved Qiao Ru's reputation.

【That's what it means, Sister Lu is generous】

[Sister Xing Yi's explanation is clear to me, it has helped Qiao Ru a lot]

[The relationship between the two just met is so good, and the appearance is so high, I want to fuck again]

【The lilies in my hometown are blooming.】

The dance teacher took out the demonstration video prepared by the director team and put it on the screen for everyone to follow. Qiao Ru immediately danced hard to follow the lead dancer in the video, cherishing this opportunity he won.

Lu Xingyi sat cross-legged on the spot, staring at the screen seriously, his face was cold and expressionless.

The first pass of the video has finished playing.

"Okay, everyone has a preliminary impression of the dance in the video just now, then I will play the accompaniment directly, and everyone will go through it according to their own memories."

Most of the trainees were stunned, so they only read it once, how much can they remember?
And Qiao Ru didn't have time to be dazed, and started to replay on the spot, with only one goal in mind, and he must not disappoint the dance teacher!

Lu Xingyi remained calm. She was the only one who didn't move during the broadcast just now. She didn't know if she had her own way or was distracted.

Ji Jiayan had just packed his luggage upstairs, and when he passed by, he saw Mr. Mu, and he poked his head in from the door to take a look.

Sure enough, Miss Lu is here.

"Master Ji." "Hello, Teacher Ji."

The trainees greeted him one after another.

Ji Jiayan noticed Mu Chengxi's expelling gaze, and Hanhan smiled at the trainees: "Hi everyone, I'm just passing by, I'll come back later."

After speaking, he slipped away, running faster than a rabbit.

After 5 minutes, the music starts.

Qiao Ru was standing at the C position. She had studied very seriously just now, and quickly entered the state. The current movements are basically correct, except for some small problems in the details.

The dance teacher nodded in satisfaction, and moved his gaze to the next trainee.

This one obviously didn't have the effort of Qiao Ru's practice, and he could keep up at the beginning, but immediately exposed his problem and began to look around to see other people's dance steps.

Shaking his head, he's next.

A little bit better than the second place, but only a little bit.

The next one only memorized the movements of his hands, and his dance steps and positions were a mess.
Finally, the dance teacher's eyes fell on Lu Xingyi.

(End of this chapter)

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