Chapter 233 Mr. Mu panicked (4 more)
"Tuanzi doesn't cry." His voice was still low, but much stiffer than usual.

Moreover, it always felt weird to say these words from his mouth in a comforting tone.

Tuanzi, who hadn't fully woken up from the dream, didn't pay attention so much. He only felt that Mu Chengxi was comforting him, and his aggrieved mood improved a lot.

In fact, when most people are wronged, they just lack this heartfelt comfort.

Mu Chengxi gently rubbed the place where Tuanzi fell, and sat on the edge of the bed, coaxing her to sleep.

It wasn't until Tuanzi fell asleep again that the tension in his heart eased a little.

The bony hand pulled out a napkin from the side, wiped off the teardrops stuck to the fur for the dumpling, and breathed a sigh of relief.

After returning to the desk, he quickly turned off the computer, took 3 minutes to wash himself, and returned to the bed in a hurry.

During the process, he was in a panic all the time, afraid that the dumpling would fall again, even if he put something on the edge of the bed to protect him, the dumpling was too small and soft, so a lump of stuff would accidentally slip through the cracks and fall.

Crawling under the covers, Mu Chengxi leaned close to the dumpling, sleeping next to her, with two arms holding the other side of the dumpling from above, one from the bottom, making sure that she didn't fall asleep before she dared to fall asleep.

Although the position was somewhat uncomfortable, he maintained it all night.

Lu Xingyi's sleeping position had always been bad, and his little furry head had somehow fallen asleep on Mu Chengxi's arm, tightly pressed.

Mu Chengxi was startled awake by her movement, and didn't dare to move a bit, but just confirmed that Tuanzi didn't kick the quilt, then closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

There are really many similarities between Tuanzi and Lu Xingyi, and they all have the same poor sleeping posture when they practice sleeping.

next morning,
The sunlight came in through the window and fell on Tuanzi's face, gently waking her up.

Lu Xingyi opened his eyes and felt that he slept very comfortably last night, especially his shoulders and neck. The pillows prepared by the program team were really good.

Just thinking about it, when she turned her head, she saw her own arm under her hairy head, full of muscles.

The group froze.

It wasn't really a pillow.
Seeing the somewhat congested arm, Lu Xingyi couldn't bear it. He found a few acupuncture points on it, and used his little furry paws to give Mu Chengxi a massage.

After stepping on it for about 5 minutes, she seemed to have almost recovered, and she pursed her lips in satisfaction, then jumped out of bed decisively, opened the door and returned to her room, transformed back into a human form and began to wash, preparing for a new day of training.

It is rare for Ji Jiayan to get up early, the location of this villa is too remote, on the mountain, the sun is so strong early in the morning, it directly wakes him up.

I couldn't fall asleep even thinking about it, so I got up and took a stroll, and as soon as I went out, I looked around and found that the door of Mr. Mu's room was open, as expected of the president, who got up so early.

He walked over to say hello.

As a result, as soon as the door was opened, he saw the sofa cushions all over the floor beside the bed, making a complete circle, and Mu Chengxi was still asleep on the bed.

He looked surprised, looking at the mess on the ground, he seemed to know something.

Does Mr. Mu always roll out of bed at night?So you need to lay so many cushions.

No way, the domineering president Mu Chengxi is actually this kind of person in private.

Ji Jiayan's expression gradually became excited.

"How did you get in?"

Ji Jiayan looked down happily, when a dull voice sounded above his head, when he looked up, Mu Chengxi had already sat up, leaning on the bed board and looking at him with scrutiny.

(End of this chapter)

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