Grandpa Mu's little milk cat exploded in the entertainment industry

Chapter 234 Meeting Rivals in Love, Extremely Jealous

Chapter 234 Meeting Rivals in Love, Extremely Jealous (1 more)
Ji Jiayan smiled, and pointed to something on the ground: "Mr. Mu, I didn't expect you to have such a secret."

Mu Chengxi had a straight face, and he didn't mean to be joking at all, while Ji Jiayan was still laughing.

"Have you seen enough?"

The smile on Ji Jiayan's face froze, why did he feel that Mu Chengxi's tone seemed to be angry.

And it's serious!
"Uh, it's enough to see, I didn't see anything." Ji Jiayan dropped a sentence, and ran out as if escaping. He had never run so fast in his life.

As soon as he went out, he ran into Lu Xingyi at the door.

"Shh," he hurriedly made a gesture to shut up, and said cautiously, "Sister Lu, hurry up."

He dragged Lu Xingyi to the dining room, where breakfast was already prepared on the table.

Picking a seat at random, sat down, and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Huh, you scared me to death."

[Ji Shao and Lu Xingyi, Mom, I found a new CP again! 】

[I ran down the road all the way while being held by the hand, this is too unavoidable]

【what's the situation? ? ? 】

[Lu Xingyi and Ji Jiayan seem to be very familiar with each other. They are from the same company. The last time they appeared on a variety show together, they feel that they have a good relationship.]

[I was eating CP last time, but there are too many sincere troops, and I finally found my allies here hahaha]

[Is it just me who is curious about what happened in the room? 】

[Looking at Ji Shao's expression, he should have been frightened by Mu Chengxi. Thinking about it this way, is Mr. Mu so scary?]

[When rivals meet, they are divided into red eyes (red eyes that kill red eyes)]

Lu Xingyi squinted her eyes. She heard half of the conversation between the two in the room just now, but she didn't hear the reason for it.

"What's going on?" She stood, looking down at Ji Jiayan who was gasping for breath.

[Ji Shao's wife is strict with her sense of sight]

Ji Jiayan managed to catch his breath, and took Lu Xingyi's hand to signal her to go down, then leaned into her ear, whispering something.

"not him."

Lu Xingyi raised his forehead after hearing the words, and explained a sentence.

Ji Jiayan's fierceness really cannot be saved.

"Ahem." Behind the two, came the hoarse voice of the man being discussed.

Ji Jiayan seemed to be strangled by the throat of fate, unable to say a word.
Mr. Mu is terrible
When Mu Chengxi went downstairs, he glanced around and saw the scene where Ji Jiayan pulled Lu Xingyi and finished speaking next to her ear.

Reminiscent of the time he whispered into Lu Xingyi's ear before, her shy expression was still clearly imprinted in his mind.

The mood became complicated in an instant, and the two of them were interrupted immediately.

This time, you will see Lu Xingyi's expression, which is completely different from last time.

A smile subconsciously formed on his handsome face.

Stepping into the two of them, Ji Jiayan immediately jumped up from his seat and gave up his seat to Mu Chengxi.

"Mr. Mu, sit down."

Mu Chengxi glanced at the seat where Ji Jiayan was sitting just now, with a hint of disgust on his expression, and sat in another seat next to him.

Ji Jiayan:? ? ? ? ? ?

"Xing Yi, are you here? Last night at one o'clock in the middle of the night, I finished extra practice in the training room and wanted to find you in the room. Why aren't you here?"

One sentence successfully attracted Mu Chengxi's attention, and he turned his attention to Lu Xingyi.

You're not in your room at one o'clock in the morning, where did you go?
Lu Xingyi was a little embarrassed for a while, so he stepped up his expression management.

"I was here last night, maybe because I slept too soundly, I didn't hear the knock on the door."

"But I asked your personal director, and he said that you don't seem to be in the room."

Lu Xingyi remained silent. Didn't he go to the west room of Mucheng to complete the task last night?

(End of this chapter)

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