Chapter 242 Hidden poking candy (2 more merged chapters)

The trainee was questioned. Although he was guilty, he had to try his best to regain his confidence: "Yes! Mr. Mu is not someone who can be coveted by my rank. I still have this self-knowledge, okay? Team leader Lu, don't misunderstand me."

Lu Xingyi's expression was clear, and he raised his lips casually: "Anyone has the right to love someone, take care of yourself, and don't maliciously speculate on others."

The trainee was speechless. He thought not to covet Mu was always the most correct answer, but he didn't expect to be crushed back by Lu Xingyi mercilessly.

She just stood at the point of not being scolded by netizens, while Lu Xingyi stood at the point of justice. The difference in height also proved the gap in thinking between the two.

Was killed again.

The trainee was upset, opened his mouth but couldn't think of a rebuttal, walked away resentfully, and sat farther away from Lu Xingyi.

After the first group of performances, the judges began to score,
The scoring method this time is different from last time. Each judge has [-] points. After scoring on paper, it will be displayed on the big screen immediately. The highest and lowest scores will be removed, and the remaining three scores will be averaged to obtain the final score. rating.

Soon, five scores were impressively displayed on the big screen.

Judge 65: [-]
Ren Yu: 68
Mucheng West: 40
Ji Jiayan: 88
Judge five: 66
The two in the middle, one tall and one low, are very conspicuous.

Ji Jiayan looked at Mu Chengxi in disbelief: "Mr. Mu, isn't it, 40 points is far from the passing line."

Mu Chengxi's dark eyes glanced at the score given by Ji Jiayan,
It's outrageously high.

Yang on the stage also held the microphone, and was dumbfounded when he saw the score on the screen.


She never expected such a low score, and it was played by Mu Chengxi.

Why?Had he not received her winks?
She looked at him clearly.

Impulsively, he raised the microphone and said, "Mr. Mu, why are our scores so low?"

He dared to pick the most stringent judges to comment, and the trainees in the audience all sighed in their hearts: big courage!
Mu Chengxi slowly adjusted the microphone on the table, and a deep and magnetic voice came out from the live speaker: "The whole song is less than 3 minutes long, and there are many mistakes. There is nothing wrong with vocal music, dance, and group cooperation. One to pass the mark."

The tone is sharp and merciless.

Yang on the stage also had a very embarrassed expression, "But each of us has tried our best. I think you should respect the results of our efforts. This rating is very difficult for us to accept."

"It's up to you whether to accept it or not. My task is to be fair."

The two of them didn't give in to each other, and Ji Jiayan saw that the situation was not right and smoothed things over: "Trainee Yang Ye, don't worry, don't you see that I gave you a very high score, I fully respect your efforts, and Mr. Mu is the same." Occupational disease, it’s rare that the last variety show couldn’t change it, so it’s justifiable.”

Mu Chengxi glanced aside, and Ji Jiayan's voice instantly weakened.

[Hahahahaha, how can anyone be strict with Young Master Ji?]

[Pfft, what kind of nonsense are you talking about upstairs]

[Sister Yang Ye is the best, it's just a small mistake this time, we believe in you! 】

[Yang is also great, Mr. Mu is indeed very strict, but it doesn't matter, the lowest score has been removed]

[The scores of the two people who have been talking for a long time are all excluded. What is this arguing about? 】

[Mu Chengxi can't get used to it, let's just say it, I think Lu Xingyi can catch his eyes in the audience, the royal family is the royal family, it's not fair at all, sister, don't be discouraged]

【Sick, what does it have to do with Lu Xingyi】

[Damn it, thanks for the reminder from the sisters upstairs, after reading your words, I glanced at Lu Xingyi who squeezed a small face into the middle of the judges!Then find out! ! ! ! ! ! 】

【What did you find? 】

【What to do】

[I saw it too!Another wave of hidden sugar]

[I said why Mr. Mu took off his coat, it doesn't look very cold at the scene]

[No, no, it's not just the coat. Mr. Mu has Lu Xingyi's lipstick on hand. I have this color number. The only one in this series with special fireworks packaging is Lu Xingyi's lip color today]

[You are all microscopes!Oh my god, it's too sweet, it's over]

[It's not Lu Xingyi's lens that is out of focus, how can you see it clearly? 】

[Because we have a special eye for CP]

There was a lot of chatter in the comment area, and the live competition was still going on.

It was Shang Hui's turn to play. Lu Xingyi just walked back a row to find Shang Hui to help her relieve the pressure, and returned to her place when the five of them took the stage.

Qiao Ru leaned over: "Xing Yi, do you have a good relationship with the movie queen?"

She is a new artist who debuted, and she didn't pay special attention to all the interpersonal relationships in the entertainment circle before, and sometimes what she saw in this circle was not true, so it was safest to ask her personally.

Lu Xingyi nodded slightly: "Yes, what's wrong?"

"I'm so envious of you. I've watched the drama of Queen Shang, and I like her so much."

"Well, I also want to learn her acting skills."

"Xing Yi, you are too humble, and your acting skills are also superb. The TV series you acted in with Mo Yingdi was so popular, maybe you will be able to win the Best Supporting Actress by the end of the year."

"I hope so too." Lu Xingyi joked.

Qiao Ru nodded seriously: "It's definitely possible. The most deeply rooted part in this drama is your character."

Soon, the ratings of Shang Hui's group came out, and the ratings were [-]% higher than the first group.

Lu Xingyi immediately applauded for their efforts.

Shang Hui's hanging heart also let go, and she bowed to the audience to express her gratitude. Seeing Lu Xingyi's eyes, the two looked at each other and smiled.

At the end of the first three groups of competitions, the judges' scoring showed a clear pattern.

The ones who are excluded every time are the scores of Mu Chengxi and Ji Jiayan, one is always the lowest and the other is always the highest.

In line with the identity of the president and "comedian".

Lu Xing moved to the villa, playing with Lego while hugging, and watching the live broadcast with a mobile phone in front of him.

Every time the camera of Uncle and Ma Ma appeared, he would look up, and when the camera turned, he lowered his head and continued to play with the toys in his hands.

Wang Chuan sat with her on the thick cashmere carpet all morning, his buttocks were numb, but he still focused on enjoying it.

"Little ancestor, will Auntie take you out to wander?"

Lu Baobao divided his third heart to listen to Wang Chuan's words, and waved his fleshy little hands: "No, no, I want to sit here and watch Uncle and Ma Ma."

"Don't accept the phone, just hold it and walk." Wang Chuan yawned again, it's really boring to bring a baby, she will definitely not have one in the future.

The hug still refused: "Auntie, go by yourself, I can play alone."

Aunt Wang Chuan worked here all morning, fell asleep and made several calls, answered several phone calls, and just sat around for the rest of the time. She didn't help at all with other tasks, and it was useless to stay there.

Although Wang Chuan is very fragrant and frees herself, she is still very responsible. Kai has gone out to perform tasks, and she will not really throw someone in her hug home. She rolled her eyes and thought of a good way.

(End of this chapter)

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