Chapter 243 Bombing the Recording Hall (3 and 4 Merged Chapters)

"Hug, let's go see your uncle and Ma Ma."

"Huh?" After hugging and listening, he became excited, "Let's talk about it."

"The two of us went online to find the contact information of the recording director, and quietly went to the backstage to watch your sweet competition, how about it?"

The hug was very happy, and he nodded vigorously, but soon felt that something was wrong: "Auntie, but there are no handsome guys over there? What are you doing?"

Unexpectedly, this little thing would see through his mind, Wang Chuan hesitated for a second: "Uh, there is no handsome guy, but I saw that the dance judge danced very well before. The little crotch is twisted, and it is more flexible than a snake. It's really good."

Lu Baobao: He just knew that Auntie never bites anyone who is not handsome!This is a handsome dancer.

He sighed silently, then ran to his and Ma Ma's room, changed into a small suit after 5 minutes and came out: "Auntie, let's go."

Wang Chuan was still putting on makeup, but he was ready for a hug that was not as high as his own legs, so he glanced down.

"Are you dressed so formally to attend a wedding?"

"Help you flirt with handsome guys~" Lu Bao hugged a bad smile, this smile is very similar to Mu Chengxi at certain times.

Wang Chuan still can't know his little thoughts, isn't he just wanting to show off his own god-defying appearance in formal occasions? will lose.

Refined the makeup, put the powder and lipstick in the bag and was ready to touch up makeup at any time: "Alright, let's go."

"Auntie, will you go racing on the road today?"

"Of course, the place where your mother recorded is in the suburbs, which is the best place to play speed."

"Okay! Let's go then." Lu Baobao was not afraid, but excited, and walked towards the yard with a bouncing bouncing.

As expected of Lu Xingyi's child, he has enough courage.

"Hug, Auntie thinks you look good. When you grow taller, be Auntie's boyfriend. I don't think you're young."

"I don't want it, you sea king, you want to eat tender grass even if you are twenty years older than me."

"You're ruthless, but it's impossible for us two. It's just a joke. Your mother will jump when she finds out."

Lu Baobao turned around and made a grimace: "Slightly slightly slightly, I won't do such a rebellious thing!"

"You can speak idioms. Did you grow up abroad?"

Lu Baobao fastened his seat belt: "Auntie, you talk too much, you won't be able to seduce a man like this, do you know that there is a lyric called 'If you can't get it, love it more, if it comes too easily, ignore it '."

Xiaomengbao is not a big person, and he talks about one thing.

Wang Chuan stepped on the accelerator, and 15 minutes later, one big and one small arrived backstage.

Wang Chuan thought it was too troublesome to find the director's contact information and then negotiate, so he made a new system directly, which looked exactly like the chat software, but in fact the information was all input by her.

After falsifying a chat record with Lu Xingyi, the two successfully passed the security guard and the director, and sat down in a private room with fruit and drinks. Opposite the leather sofa was a large TV that was broadcasting live.

It's not much more comfortable than watching it on a mobile phone.

Lu Baobao saw the numbness on the screen at a glance, and it was even more beautiful after zooming in!It's simply a fairy descending from heaven!
He is so proud to have such a beautiful mom! !
And the scene tens of meters away was full of excitement.

Just now, Ye Xuanyan's group competition was completed. As expected of the S group competition, it ignited the audience, and the scores of the five judges were much higher than before, but it was not the highest score on the field so far, but it was stable. Advance to the line.

"Thank you to the five judges." Ye Xuanyan bowed to the audience, and then stepped down.

Wang Chuan looked at the beauties on the TV, casually spit out the grape skins in his mouth, and landed them perfectly into the trash can next to him.

"This beauty looks pretty good, but she's not as good as Xiao Lu."

"It's a lot worse." Lu Baobao drank a small bottle of drink, aimed one eye at the trash can, and tossed the bottle with his little hand. The bottle drew a perfect parabola in the air and scored a goal.

One big and one small watched in the private room and almost fell asleep. They ordered two rounds of Wang Chuan takeaway, crayfish, fried chicken, and ate a whole table, and it was not Lu Xingyi's turn to play yet.

Xiao Lu was really a bit of a loser, and he drew the last number.

"Ma Ma is on the stage!!" The bored hug suddenly jumped up and shouted. The directors outside heard it. They thought something important had happened, so they pushed the door and entered. As soon as they entered, they smelled a strong smell of food, bowed their heads, A messy picture appeared in front of my eyes.

This... Mr. Lu's friend is too good at making things.

"You two, what's the matter?"

Both of them looked at the screen intently, and Wang Chuan took the time to say: "No."

"Okay." The director left obediently, and the moment he was about to close the door, he took another look at the mess inside.

The completely black screen suddenly turned on the lights, and the accompaniment sounded. The first sound was a strong drumbeat, and a wild atmosphere came out.

The attentive audience noticed that after Lu Xingyi took the stage, the suit jacket returned to Mr. Mu.

Hard hammered.

With full tension in the dance, powerful and uniform movements, tacit coordination of movement, coupled with Lu Xingyi's top-notch vocal, the performance of "Wild" became a veritable finale, and all the trainees were ignited.
Even Lu Xingyi was not pleasing to the eye all the time, and like some black fans who thought she was a royal, they also stood up and danced along, such as Yang Ye.

She's standing in the back right now writhing joyously, but it's really not very pretty.

Qiao Ru successfully held up the lead dancer position of the team in this official competition. She remembered everything that the dance teacher and Lu Xingyi told her to pay attention to and played it well here.

One singing and one dancing, the two highlights, coupled with the almost flawless performances of the other three, the judges' seats were also ignited along with the trainees.

Even Mu Chengxi had an obvious smile on his lips.

"Mama is awesome!!! Hug and love Mama so much!"

"It's too explosive!" Wang Chuan stared at the twisted dance judges, and it turned out to be the waist she liked, and it was so sexy just by twisting it casually.

Seeing the smile on Uncle Mu's face when the camera shifted, Lu Baobao jumped up and down excitedly, almost turning into a throwback scene.

Then, under Wang Chuan's surprised eyes, Wu Shi Zi Tong did a very difficult floor dance move.

"I'm going, is the power of genes so powerful?"

Hugged and stood up: "Hey, I can't lose face."

"Then I have to find a handsome guy, and I have to find a handsome guy who is excellent in all aspects, just like me, this match will definitely give birth to an all-around baby."

No, didn't she want to be born when she was at home just now?

Wang Chuan quickly dispelled his distracting thoughts, his mouth, the deceitful ghost.

Amid the sound waves that were about to blow over the roof of the recording hall, Lu Xingyi's group's performance ended.

The stage was their best speech, and the five of them did not speak, quietly waiting for the judges' marks——

(End of this chapter)

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