Chapter 253 Mucheng West Sour (2 more)
Huo Bao immediately ran over: "Ma Ma, what's the matter?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, he quickly covered his lips.

"Auntie, I'm sorry, I called the wrong one by the way."

Lu Xingyi patted Xiaomengbao's head, bent his lips and smiled slightly: "It's okay. Hugs, I have a question for you."

"What's the problem, Auntie?"

"When we were on the balcony just now, did Grandpa Lu Tingfeng touch you?"

Huo Bao thought about it for a while: "Touched Huo Huo's hand, and then squatted down to tie his shoelaces. I seemed to see something he picked up, but it was so small that I couldn't see it clearly."

Lu Xingyi and Liang Ming understood.

Let Baobao go back to watch TV, Lu Xing turned back: "Have you told Lu Tingfeng the result?"

"The result is you and Huo Bao, right? There is a 99.999% chance that they are related by blood, but I asked my friend to tell Lu Tingfeng that you are not related by blood."

"Ahem." A male voice suddenly sounded from not far away, interrupting Liang Ming and Lu Xingyi's thoughts, and they looked in the direction of the voice at the same time.

Mu Chengxi stared unhappily at the two people who were so close to each other and whispering.

Does Liang Ming not want to live anymore?How dare you get so close to Lu Xingyi!
Liang Ming bounced away quickly, moving one meter away from Lu Xing.

And Lu Xingyi hasn't gotten his mind off the topic just now, so Lu Tingfeng doesn't know the relationship between her and Baobao yet, that's great.

But why did Liang Ming keep a secret for him, as well as his aunt's illness, she hadn't talked to him about the specifics yet.

Mu Chengxi's coming here at this time is somewhat in the way.

Just as she was thinking, the familiar woody scent approached her, and Mu Chengxi sat down beside her, with a cold face and a chill all over her body.

"Master Mu, I'm really exchanging medical skills with Dr. Lu, not what you think." Liang Ming was so panicked that cold sweat broke out on his forehead, Master Mu looked at him as if he was about to eat himself.

Huh, no matter how urgent he is, he won't dare to whisper to Dr. Lu next time. He must find a place where Mu Chengxi won't show up.

"Are you dumb?" Mu Chengxi said coldly, his black eyes fixed on Liang Ming's sweaty face.

"Huh? No, no." Liang Ming was confused.

"Such a loud voice is not enough for you to communicate academically!" Mu Chengxi raised his voice, making Liang Ming tremble with fright.

The latter immediately apologized and apologized sincerely: "I was wrong, there will be no next time, Master Mu, please forgive me, we are really here."

"Eat fruit." Lu Xingyi stuffed a piece of kiwi into Mu Chengxi's mouth. Liang Ming stood aside and turned to look at the fruit plate.

So much fruit!Can't you choose a good color!

He chose a green one, and he felt that his situation was more dangerous: "Hey, hug, do you want to play in the yard for a while, I will accompany you."

"Stop, how do you know his name is Huo Bao?" Mu Chengxi caught the details again.

Liang Ming stopped in mid-air before one leg landed on the ground: "I just found out, when he came in just now, he introduced himself."

Hugging and looking around, why did Uncle Mu and this funny new uncle bring the topic to him?
Lu Xingyi secretly gestured to Liang Ming to let him go quickly, and then stuffed an orange for Mu Chengxi.

The man refused the orange that the woman fed to his mouth, his brows furrowed: "Why are they so sour."

The tone was still angry, and it looked a little funny, Lu Xingyi couldn't help laughing, "I think you are also very sour."

(End of this chapter)

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