Chapter 254 Mu Yue Appears (3 more)
Three days later,
Lu Xingyi stood in front of a row of cameras, and Shang Hui and Yang also stood on both sides of her.

Coincidentally, the three of them were drawn into the same group.

Their team building content today is to play a horror secret room with a high degree of horror that contains real NPCs.

Shang Hui was frightened when she heard the news. She has always been afraid of these things. A few years ago, she was frightened and passed out when she was filming a film. Fortunately, her hard work was not in vain. That time she won the scene. won the crown of actress.

"Xing Yi, I'll be right behind you today." She said weakly, already timid.

Lu Xingyi put his arms around her shoulders: "Don't worry."

A group of people got on the bus, and the director team handed them a task card.

Yang, who was eliminated, was also eager to grab the scene. The director obviously gave it to Lu Xingyi, but she snatched it and immediately read it.

Lu Xingyi's attention was all on Shang Hui, and he didn't care about it.

The secret room they are going to this time is called "Future Research Institute". In the background of the story, all of them are researchers in the research institute. things
There is not much content on the hand card. You only know the place you are going to and your identity in the background of the story from it. You don't know anything else, leaving enough room for imagination.

Hearing the word "research institute", Shang Hui felt a little better,

This theme doesn't sound that scary, but it is full of technology, and the scene should not be as dark as the one she went to last time.

The bus was about to enter the location, and the director gave each guest a blindfold for everyone to wear.

After Shang Hui put on the blindfold, she held Lu Xingyi's hand tightly. Lu Xingyi could clearly feel her fear from the strength of her grip on his hand.

I hope that there will be no single-line tasks in the secret room where everyone has to be separated.

Lu Xingyi Villa.

Just as Lu Xingyi went out to record the show, Kai and Wang Chuan received an urgent notice from the headquarters.

Mu Yue appeared in the imperial capital, and the observed location was near a large dilapidated building in the suburbs, and there were still people in the building.

Kai and Wang Chuan immediately returned to the room and quickly packed up their equipment, ready to go out.

"Uncle and aunt, where are you going?" Lu hugged the fairy and walked to the door of the room and asked.

Only then did Wang Chuan remember that Huo Bao can't stay at home alone.

"Brother Kai, I'll take the hug to Mu Chengxi's house, and you drive the car out."

"it is good."

Seeing the two of them hugging each other like this, they understood, obediently put down the fairy, and followed Wang Chuan to the next door.

Just about to ring the doorbell, Mu Chengxi pushed the door out with a group of bodyguards.

"I'll go." Wang Chuan sighed, knowing the news quickly enough: "Mu Chengxi, you have also received the news, let's sit in your villa with hugs, Kai and I are going out."

Mu Chengxi stopped in his tracks and nodded upon hearing the words: "Housekeeper, take good care of him."

"Yes, sir."

"Uncle and aunt will see you later." Baobao obediently followed the housekeeper into the door.

After the gate was closed, the man's majestic voice resounded through the courtyard: "Team, let's go."


A convoy drove neatly to the place where Mu Yue had appeared, at a very fast speed. Along the way, many passing vehicles took videos and uploaded them on the Internet.

While looking at the computer on his lap, Wang Chuan said, "There's no speed limit, so what's the use of these people taking pictures online."

"Has there been any new news from the headquarters?" Kai stepped on the gas pedal again and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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