Chapter 264 Assist or Pig Teammate?
As expected of a foreign film, the first time is as great as ever.

Lu Xing looked away, not looking at the screen broadcast on the projection.

If she was watching this in the room by herself, she would definitely not have this reaction, but with Mu Chengxi, a lonely man and a widow in the same room, it always feels a little obedient.

"Mu Chengxi, when are you going to the company?" She looked sideways and saw that the sunlight outside had already poured in through the glass and tulle curtains, and it must be getting late.

"Wait for a hug."


It was only then that Lu Xingyi realized that Huo Huo knew what happened last night, right?

"Do you know about hugs?" Her tone became visibly anxious.

Mu Chengxi watched the scenes in the movie with relish, and a "hmm" slowly escaped from his throat.

"Then how did you tell him?" Lu Xingyi continued to ask.

The picture on the projection fell onto the lamp on the bedside table, and the scene was cut.

Then Mu Chengxi turned his head, looked at the nervous Lu Xingyi, and his eyes began to explore.

"Before explaining, Huo Bao guessed it. Can't he know?"

"...Yes." Lu Xingyi answered casually to cover up his nervousness, lowered his head and sighed.

Every time she was hurt, although she didn't say it on the surface, she would secretly wipe her tears when she returned to her room. She found that she didn't step forward to expose it a few times, but just kept it in her heart, trying to hide the injury behind her.

This time it was still exposed.

"Knock knock."

Just as Mu Chengxi was about to ask further questions, there was a knock on the bedroom door.

"Master, I have brought breakfast." The butler's voice came through the door.


The butler pushed the door open, and a little white and cute Bao ran in first.

"Auntie!" Lu hugged and rushed over, rushing onto the bed.

Seeing that he was about to jump onto Lu Xingyi, Mu Chengxi stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Uncle, I'll pay attention!" Huo Bao said dissatisfiedly when he got close to Ma Ma and was carried away.

Mu Chengxi had a cold face: "Keep a distance of one meter first."

I haven't seen Xiaomengbao for a day, and Lu Xingyi also misses it very much. He pushed Mu Chengxi's back from behind: "Here comes the hug, can you go to the company now?"

Mu Chengxi turned around with a cold face, Lu Xingyi just wanted him to go.


He spit out two words lightly, got out of bed, put on his shoes and went to the cloakroom to change into a suit and get ready to go to work.

As soon as the door was closed, Lu Baobao rolled onto the bed and leaned against Lu Xingyi.

The scent on Ma Ma's body is always so warm.

"Hug, have you had breakfast?" Lu Xingyi kissed Xiaomengbao's head.

Lu Baobao nodded like a pounding garlic: "Yeah, I've eaten, I'm here to feed Ma Ma."

As she spoke, she also showed off her two little white hands: "I just washed my hands when I hugged them downstairs, they are very clean."


The door of the cloakroom opened, and Mu Chengxi happened to see Lu Xingyi being hugged and fed. Now in this room, he seemed a bit redundant.

OK, let him go.

"Wait." Lu Xing moved his mouth, staring at the man's loose tie around his neck: "Come here, I'll help you."

"I can do it, I can do it too, let's help uncle with a hug." Xiaomengbao thought that Mama was injured and it was inconvenient to do anything, so she put down the knife and fork in her hand and was about to step forward, but was stared back by Mu Chengxi.

Is this little guy an assist or a pig teammate? With such a good opportunity, he still wants to step in?
(End of this chapter)

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