Chapter 265 Advance by leaps and bounds (3 more merged)
The man's tall and straight body walked to Lu Xingyi's side, his plump chest muscles and well-shaped abdominal muscles were looming in the white shirt,

He bent down, and the tie fell into Lu Xingyi's hand.

Two little white hands rolled the tie around his lean neck, chose a suitable length, and folded it evenly.

The constantly threaded tie swept over Mu Chengxi's Adam's apple again and again, and the woman's soft and boneless little hands seemed to touch his chest again.

"Gudong." The man couldn't help but swallowed, covered Lu Baobao's eyes with one hand as quickly as lightning, put the other hand on the bed, and lowered his head to hold Lu Xingyi's soft and tender lips.

A pair of water eyes instantly enlarged, looking at the infinite warmth contained in the man's sharp cold eyes in disbelief.

Is he crazy?

Relying on her inability to resist, playing hooligans!
If I knew it earlier, I shouldn't have kindly proposed to tie him a tie. I really dug a big hole for myself!
"Baby, take good care of your wounds, I'll be back soon." The hoarse voice fell on the ear, and the warm wind blowing through the earlobe was indescribably ambiguous.

Before she could react, the man got up in the next second, and left the room after hooking his lips evilly, feeling much better than when he came out of the cloakroom.

"Ma Ma, what happened just now?" Lu Baobao was stunned, and his eyes were covered suddenly, not knowing why.

Lu Xingyi looked at his curious eyes and scolded Mu Chengxi for being shameless!
Also, who wants him to come back sooner!It is true that she wants to get along with her son more!

Top City Group.

Mu Chengxi walked into the conference room with an extremely oppressive body, and all the conference members were already waiting inside.
I don't know if it's their delusion, but I always feel that Mr. Mu is in an unusually good mood today. He seems to have won a sky-high lottery today despite his stern face throughout the meeting. His expression is relaxed, and he even seems a little happy?
Bah, Mr. Mu doesn't care, I don't know what good thing happened.

Perhaps it had something to do with his mood. The content of the meeting was less critical than that of Mu Chengxi before. The meeting time was several times shorter than usual, so much so that he left the meeting room, and a burst of warm applause erupted in the next second.

Let's celebrate!
All of you present have been working in Dingcheng Group for so many years, and finally met the most relaxing day, not easy!
"What's wrong with Mr. Mu today? So tolerant?"

"I don't know. I've been working here since I founded the company. It's been a few days since Mr. Mu was so happy. I can count them all on my hands."

"What big project did the company negotiate? It shouldn't be, Professor U's project didn't make Boss Mu happy."

"There couldn't be a bigger project than the Institute."

"I sneaked a few glances at Mr. Mu's expression just now. He seemed to be looking at his tie all the time. Every time he saw it, the corners of his lips would bend a few millimeters."

"It's ridiculous. Mr. Mu has never seen such a tie. What are you doing with the few millimeters bent?"

"Could it be sent by someone special?"

"Is it Mr. Lu?"

Top office.

Cui Han followed Mr. Mu into the office and put the documents to be processed on the table.

"Have you found Mu Yue?" Mu Chengxi's face turned cold when he mentioned this name, no matter how happy he was, it was useless to meet him.


The man's ink eyes narrowed: "Don't hesitate when answering my question. If this happens again, you don't need to do it."

"Yes, Mr. Mu, Mu Yue was not found."


Cui Han: All right.

"Mr. Mu, what should we do next?"

"Continue to keep an eye on all countries and regions, and report any traces of Mu Yue at any time, focusing on the imperial capital and Haicheng."


at night,

Mu Chengxi walked back to the room under the moonlight. Lu Xingyi was having a lively chat with Liang Ming who came over at some time.

Mu Chengxi, who had just returned from the banquet, was full of anticipation, but the moment he saw Liang Ming, his heart turned cold again.

"Why are you here?"

Liang Ming and Lu Xingyi turned their heads at the same time. Mu Chengxi was holding his coat with one hand and supporting the door panel, his tie was pulled loose, and his brows were frowned.

Liang Ming bounced off the bed in a second. According to his understanding of Mu Chengxi, as long as this man's eyes were so dark that they couldn't see the bottom, he must be angry, such as now.

"I'm here to diagnose Dr. Lu's wound." Liang Ming found the most reasonable reason, and it was also his most common reason.

Doctors are so convenient, no matter what they talk about, they can be called a diagnosis.

Mu Chengxi's eyes darkened even more, "What do you diagnose with your little medical skills?" His voice seemed to be icy, and he turned to Lu Xingyi who was lying on the bed: "Didn't it be inconvenient?"

"Don't listen to his nonsense, I was the one who asked him to come here. A friend was seriously ill. I watched it from Liang Ming before. I was worried and wanted to take over."

Lu Xingyi was telling the truth. She called Liang Ming over today to understand Mrs. Mu's condition on the one hand, and on the other hand, she also wanted to ask about the details of the paternity test.
She remembered the chat that was interrupted by Mu Chengxi before, and she was still feeling uneasy.

Hearing this, the sharp knife-like eyes fell on Liang Ming again.

He was stunned, and knelt down with a "plop": "Master Mu, I was wrong, I shouldn't have lied to you."

Lu Xing moved his hand to his forehead.

There was nothing wrong at first, but Liang Ming's sudden surprise seemed like the two of them had done something.

She swears she really didn't!
"Mu Chengxi, you know I don't like Liang Ming." She said, this sentence is the most powerful explanation she thinks.

The man at the door glanced at Liang Ming coldly, and walked straight to Lu Xingyi's side: "How's the wound? I'll help you change the dressing."

His tone became extremely gentle, and Liang Ming was stunned.

It's fine for Dr. Lu to dislike him face to face. His medical skills are not acceptable to the enemy, but what's the matter with this 180-degree change in attitude?

And this pot of dog food fell from the sky too fast, which caught him off guard.

"Okay." Lu Xingyi agreed, and then Mu Chengxi's strength lay down flat.

Mu Chengxi picked up the medicine from the bedside table and was about to lift the quilt, when he caught a glimpse of Liang Ming who was frozen in place as if struck by lightning from the corner of his eye.

"Still leaving?" His tone was full of anger, as if he was going to eat people in the next second.

Liang Ming crawled out of the room. He didn't know how he got out of these ten meters. There was only one thought in his mind——

Run away! !

The door was closed from the outside, Mu Chengxi gently lifted the quilt, and her warm fingertips fell on the white gauze.

Open it carefully, revealing the still terrifying wound.

Lying down, Lu Xingyi closed her eyes, she could clearly feel the man's extremely gentle movements, and the pain on her body was much lighter than expected.

"All right."

Mu Chengxi heaved a sigh of relief and got up from the ground on one knee.

Just now, I was absorbed in it, and I was not in the mood to pay attention to my posture. I just wanted to make Lu Xingyi less painful.

"Do you often change medicines for others?" Lu Xingyi was suddenly curious.


"Huh? Is it?"

The man nodded, with a cold expression on his face: "Every time I change someone else's medicine, they will cry like ghosts and howl like me for being too harsh."

Crying and howling? ? ?

Lu Xingyi wondered for a moment whether there was a problem with his senses or his ability to endure pain had increased.

It shouldn't be, Mu Chengxi moved so lightly, how could it be like what he said.

"Lie down obediently, I'll be right back."

The man went out and came back 2 minutes later, followed by a bunch of servants with boxes in their hands.

Mu Chengxi gave a look, and everyone lined up to put down the things in their hands, opened them, and left in an orderly manner.

It was done in one go, as if he had received military training.

Lu Xingyi looked at the row of boxes under the bed, dumbfounded.

"Do you like it?" Mu Chengxi looked at the lipstick piled up on the floor of the whole room, and seemed to be very satisfied.

Lu Xingyi hesitated a little: "Did you send it to me?"

"Except for you, no one around me needs lipstick from me."

Lu Xingyi didn't say much, and nodded: "I like it very much, thank you. But next time you don't need to give so much."

First all the limited edition bags, flowers all over the city, bracelets made of rare materials, and now all the colors of all brands.

After spending a lot of money again and again, Lu Xingyi was really afraid that one day Mu Chengxi would buy all models of luxury cars as gifts for her.

Although they are engaged, it seems that they haven't confirmed the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend. It is somewhat inappropriate to send these.

"Then send me off." The man responded with hooked lips.


"Next time, you can give it to me. You can give me anything, and the quantity is not important."

"Then is my hair tie okay?" Lu Xingyi casually took off the hair tie that bound his chestnut hair, and tried.


Hearing this, Mu Chengxi took the hair rope from her hand and put it on her wrist directly.

"No, I just asked casually." Lu Xingyi thought that he would not accept it, so he put it on unexpectedly, and quickly added: "You can change me, I will prepare a gift for you."

"If you send it out, you can't take it back. Prepare another copy."

"Then what do I use to tie my hair now?"

"I'll ask the butler to bring up a hundred new hair ropes in a while, and I'll keep yours."

Lu Xingyi:
There are [-] new ones, but she insists on picking a used one.

She couldn't figure out a man's mind.

Ten days later,
The wound on Lu Xingyi's body has almost healed, and he can already walk on the ground.

She had told Mu Chengxi that he would be able to recover in a week, and he insisted on increasing the price. Now it's all right, and it has become like this.

The man was brazenly grabbing her waist and holding her in his arms, pretending to help her recover.

She suddenly thought of something, the system hasn't automatically popped up for a long time, and she doesn't know if there are any extra points.

Since the one time she almost missed a shot, there have been several ambiguous incidents in succession, the system will not pretend to disappear and not give her extra points.

【Ding!The host should not slander with empty words!The system does not! 】

[Host: Lu Xingyi]

【Age: 23】

[Appearance score: 100]

[Ability Score: 100]

[Charm score: 81]

【Love Power Score: 70】

70! !!
This is simply advancing by leaps and bounds!

The woman in his arms became excited for a moment, Mu Chengxi didn't know why, "What's wrong?"

For a moment, Lu Xingyi felt that Mu Chengxi's face had become handsome, so he went up and smacked on his cheek,
"It's nothing! I just suddenly felt that you are so handsome, and I earned it!"

(End of this chapter)

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