Grandpa Mu's little milk cat exploded in the entertainment industry

Chapter 362 Lu Xing moved to the United States; Professor U overcame an incurable disease

Chapter 362 Lu Xing moved back to the United States; Professor U overcame an incurable disease
"Mr. Mu, how is the old lady?"

Mu Chengxi turned his head, his eyes were as dull as when they first met, and he said to Lu Xing, "Go in."

Lu Xingyi froze for a moment, then turned around and returned to the room.

After closing the mountain door, in the living room where there was no one, she leaned against the door panel, lowered her head, and breathed out a foul breath.

My heart has never been so confused.

Fearing that she might not be able to attend the reception, she thought of something, looked up and looked around, and then her eyes fell on the landline on the coffee table, and a call was broadcast.

Soon, the front desk delivered a bottle of wine to the adjacent presidential suite.

When Lu Xingyi entered the room where Mrs. Mu was resting, the housekeeper had already brought the medicine. She cleared her mind and thought about the old lady's symptoms. She took a pen and slightly modified a few medicines, and gave the prescription to the housekeeper again.

"Housekeeper, in the future, Auntie's medicine will be replaced by this prescription. It should be decocted for half an hour and taken while it's hot."

"Good doctor Lu, I will keep it."

"En." She looked away and looked at Master Mu: "Uncle, I'll leave for a while, and you can contact me anytime if you need anything."

"Okay, thank you Xiaolu."

"Uncle, you are being polite."

Although her face was full of smiles, Wang Chuan keenly caught a dark look in her eyes, and immediately noticed that her mood might not be clear, so he also greeted Master Mu and followed.

The rest of the people were still waiting in the room, hoping that Mrs. Mu would wake up.

outside hallway,

When Lu Xing moved out, Mu Chengxi was no longer at the door, and he was not seen when he looked around.

Her mood sank again, and she walked to the room where the hotel waiter sent things in just now. She didn't even think about going downstairs to get the room card, and directly used a certain technique learned at the headquarters to open the door and enter.

All the rooms in the hotel were prepared for the annual meeting today. Lu Xingyi had seen the arrangements of the guests before, and only the presidential suite on the top floor was vacant.

She was also free.

When Wang Chuan went out, he saw her in such a state, and pushed the door open before it closed.

Lu Xingyi knew it was her, so he didn't look back.

Go straight to the study of this room. On the desk in the room, there are ten bottles of high-quality wine.

She first turned on the computer, then picked up a glass, opened the wine and poured it into the glass.

The transparent wine entered the throat, and the hot burning sensation slid from the throat to the stomach.

Wang Chuan saw this scene through the crack of the door and knew that things were not easy.

"What? Are you in a bad mood and drinking away your worries?" She opened the door and came in, pretending to be a joke.

Lu Xingyi raised his eyes lazily, and nodded slightly: "Well, together?"

"Come on, drink!"

Wang Chuan generously filled himself up, drank it in one gulp, then poured another glass, and filled Lu Xingyi's glass back.

The latter looked at the computer and tapped the keyboard with his ten fingers.

Wang Chuan looked forward, and he understood that he was releasing a new mission.

"So the new research direction you proposed before is to learn about my aunt's illness."

"Yes, the results given to me by the institute are too slow. After so many days, there is no result at all. I have to fly to the United States."

"When?" Wang Chuan's tone was no longer casual as usual.

Lu Xing paused, as if thinking of something.

Wang Chuan raised his eyebrows knowingly, picked up his own cup and touched Lu Xingyi's, "Look at you, it doesn't look like it's just for auntie's business."

Lu Xingyi raised her glass, the spicy wine made her squint her eyes.


She knocked the small cup on the table forcefully.

"This wine has no strength at all, it's too boring to sip it in small sips." Then he picked up the bottle directly, and took a big gulp.

"Cough, cough, cough" coughed loudly.

Wang Chuan frowned, he hadn't seen Xiao Lu like this for a long time, every time she wanted to get herself drunk, something happened that made her helpless.

"You are proficient in medicine, so I won't say much about your health." She raised her eyes: "You are like this because of Mu Chengxi, right?"

"It's the sisters who understand best."

The aftertaste of this wine came up quickly, and Lu Xingyi's face had already started to turn red.

But it doesn't matter, once she wants to get drunk, her body will automatically enter a rebellious state, and she will never pour a thousand cups.

The past few practices have clearly told her this fact.

"Usually when he sees you like this, he would scold me a long time ago." Wang Chuan shook his head: "Sure enough, he's still a man, so it's unreliable."

"No, it's my fault this time, he should be angry, I just don't know how to bring myself to face him."

Wang Chuan paused while pouring the wine, bringing back some bad memories.

"No need." She spit out three words.

She used to be so humble, but in the end it was nothing, she got nothing and lost her dignity.

Lu Xingyi was also very clear about that matter: "I know what you're thinking, it's different, I... can't let go of Mu Chengxi for the time being, this matter is my fault, I want to apologize, I don't want to let go"

As she spoke, her voice became lower and lower, and she was still a little confused, and her head almost touched the table.

Suddenly, she raised her head again: "Wang Chuan, play a gamble with me?"

"What are you gambling?"

"When Auntie wakes up, I'll give Mucheng Xida a call. If he doesn't answer, he will fly to America with me right away."

"You want to go to the research institute in person?" Wang Chuan understood immediately, but her voice was indescribably low at the moment.

Perhaps it was the previous injury that made her sober. She didn't want to persuade Lu Xingyi at this moment, but just stayed with her and listened to her talk.

"Yeah!" With a red face, she nodded resolutely, and her big eyes were filled with stars again at this moment, exuding charming charm.

Hearing this, she thought for a while, then she smiled: "I'll be with you."

"Love you~" Lu Xingyi took another sip of wine, quickly edited an email and sent it out, got up and hung up the computer and made a detour to Wangchuan, slapped her hard on the face and sat down next to her, The phone screen was placed upwards, drinking while waiting for Uncle Mu's call.

In just 10 minutes, a large bottle of high-end baijiu had been swallowed by the two of them, and even if the bottle was upside down, no more drops could be poured out.


The phone vibrated.

It's Uncle Mu's call.

Lu Xingyi clicked the green "Connect" button: "Hello, Uncle."

"Xiao Lu, your aunt is awake, your medical skills are really good, within half an hour."

"Uncle Mu is full of praise, it will be fine if Auntie wakes up."

Master Mu's tone was full of joy at the moment, and he said, "Wait a minute, your aunt wants to talk to you."

Soon Wen Xiujun's voice came from the opposite side.

"Xiao Lu? Are you still there?" Wen Xiujun looked at her son who was guarding the bed. He hadn't said a word since he woke up, and his face was not good-looking. The point was that there was no Xiao Lu by his side.

Something is wrong.

Lu Xingyi immediately cheered up and replied, "Auntie, do you still feel uncomfortable?"

"No, thank you for helping Auntie keep the secret until now, and thank you for your prescription. What happened to Auntie this time is not your fault. Without you, the situation like Auntie might have happened a long time ago. I am very grateful to you. "

"Auntie, don't say that, it should be."

"Okay, are you coming over later? The west of the city is with me." Wen Xiujun raised her mouth deliberately.

Lu Xingyi listened, "Is he there? Auntie, can you ask me if he wants to answer the phone?"

When Madam Mu heard what Lu Xingyi said, she knew something was wrong, her face wrinkled instantly, and she glared at Mu Chengxi.

"Xiao Lu, what are you talking about? Can he still not answer his fiancée's phone?" Then he gave the phone to the west of Mucheng.

The latter stared at the phone for two seconds, then picked it up hesitantly, and stepped back to the corner.

Everyone else in the room also noticed this. Master Lu lowered his head with his pale hair, and then moved on crutches.

Lu Xingyi, who was on the other side of the phone, never heard the man's familiar voice, followed by footsteps, followed by silence.

Wang Chuan couldn't stand it anymore, and was just about to grab the phone.

A wry smile appeared on Lu Xingyi's face, she understood.

"I'm the one who disturbed you. I understand that you don't want to talk. I'm going out for two days. Please pass your phone to Hug. Please take care of him these few days."

"No trouble." The man finally said three words, followed by footsteps and hugs.

Lu Xingyi briefly said a few words to him and hung up the phone.

Holding the three bottles of good wine in front of him, he looked at Wang Chuan with a picturesque smile.

"I thought I could occupy the whole big bed in this room by myself tonight, but I didn't expect it to be impossible. Let's go, let's go."

"Don't worry, even without Mu Chengxi, I won't let you sleep in a bed by yourself."

"Hahahahaha I'm just kidding." Lu Xingyi took his bag at the door: "I don't have any luggage to pack, do you need it?"

"Need not."

"Well, let's go straight to the airport."


The two women immediately set off from the hotel gate, took a taxi to the airport in their dresses, and found helicopters with headquarters stationed in various locations in various countries directly on the private apron, and a dedicated pilot took them to the United States.

The two chatted happily in the back seat, and after finishing two bottles of good wine, Wang Chuan slipped a pill while she wasn't paying attention,

Then the two of them fell into a deep sleep, and only woke up when they knew they had landed.

He already knew the purpose of Lu Xing's move back to China.

Wang Chuan sent her to the entrance of the research institute, and only left when she saw her dark back, whose figure was hard to see clearly, entering the door.

Because the helicopter from the headquarters was used, she needed to go back and report.


After Lu Xingyi and Wang Chuan left, the reception continued as usual.

Master Mu and Madam Mu immediately called Mu Chengxi into the room to scold Lu Xingyi after learning the news of Lu Xingyi's temporary departure.

But when he came out, Mu Chengxi's expression was still cold, and it was Nan Qingfeng who greeted him at the door.

"Chengxi, it's not my uncle or aunt who blames you. What you did was indeed wrong." Nan Qingfeng couldn't help seeing his righteous look.

Wang Chuan told him that she and Lu Xing had moved abroad.

They have all reached this level, and he doesn't understand what Mu Chengxi is still struggling with.

"She shouldn't hide from me." The man whispered.

"How is this a concealment? My uncles and aunts have said that this is what they asked for. If it were you, you would do the same."

"I won't, there should be no reservations between me and her."

Nan Qingfeng paused: "OK, you're right. You think there should be no reservations between you and her, but this is just your idea, and you can't impose your own ideas on others. "

"Wang Chuan and Xiao Lu have already left the country, what do you want from them?"

"I didn't force them to go abroad."

Nan Qingfeng went crazy.

Mu Chengxi, the love merchant, seemed to have returned to before liberation overnight.

"Forget it, when I didn't say it."

"I just want to calm down, you all misunderstood."

"Okay, I understand, as long as you remember to step down the steps for Xiao Lu."

The man nodded slightly. While talking, they had already returned to the meeting place. The reception in the group had ended, and now it was the second half.

As soon as he entered, a familiar figure was waiting for Mu Chengxi at the door.

The woman from the morning came up and said, "Mr. Mu, we've met."

"We won't talk about work tonight." The man refused coldly, without any warmth. He is not in the mood now.

A woman is like Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death. Even if she refuses again and again, she still can't give up: "It doesn't matter if you don't talk about work, let's talk about relationship."

Seeing this, Nan Qingfeng had to intervene.

As soon as Xiao Lu left, the guests invited by Mu Chengxi tonight would probably be full of girls again.

Nan Qingfeng sighed from the bottom of his heart. At this moment, he had to stand up again and volunteered to be that shield.

time flies,
In a blink of an eye, seven days have passed since the reception, and one day later, it will be the new year.

Lu Xingyi and Wang Chuan are still in the United States. Lu Xingyi hasn't actively contacted Mu Chengxi in the past few days, and he hasn't even posted a message in Moments. If Wang Chuan and Nan Qingfeng hadn't contacted each other, they would have started to worry up.

In the past few days, Mu Chengxi has also calmed down, and analyzed the problem rationally. He was impulsive that day, and it was related to his mother's health. At that time, his mind was so hot that he didn't understand Lu Xingyi's behavior and made an unwise move. .

With the passage of time, he gradually understood the painstaking efforts of Lu Xingyi and his parents to unite. Looking at the hug and the emptiness by the pillow, the emotion of longing began to flood.

He took out his phone and was about to broadcast a call to Lu Xingyi to sincerely apologize, but he was attracted by the message that popped up on the front page of the screen.

[Professor U and his team broke through the incurable disease!Sleepless for almost seven days and nights! 】

And the incurable disease in the headline of this news is really the kind of disease that Wen Xiujun suffered from!
Before he had time to read the article carefully, he received a call from Cui Han.

"Mr. Mu, have you read today's news?"

"Looking at."

"I have already sent someone to confirm that the drug developed by Professor U is exactly what Madam Mu needs." Cui Han's tone was also very cheerful: "People from the company are already contacting the professor."

Mu Chengxi nodded in satisfaction, "Very good, let me know if you have any news."

"Alright, Mr. Mu."

After hanging up the phone, he continued to dial the number he hadn't dialed just now.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is off, please try again later"

His reply was a blind tone on the phone.

Mu Chengxi was taken aback for a moment, and his heart suddenly hung up. Why couldn't Lu Xingyi's phone get through?
(End of this chapter)

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