Chapter 363 Lu Xingyi reveals his identity! !

Then he broadcast another number again, this time the target was Nan Qingfeng.

"Hello?" The other person quickly answered the phone.

Recently, Mu Chengxi's mood has been unstable. Nan Qingfeng has been paying attention to his movements. When he sees his call, he immediately puts down everything at hand and calls.

"Have Xing Yi and Wang Chuan contacted you?"

Nan Qingfeng recalled: "I chatted with Wang Chuan yesterday, what's the situation with you?"

"I called Lu Xingyi just now, and the phone was turned off."

The man's tone was obviously different from the previous days.

Nan Qingfeng hooked his lips on the other end of the phone: "Haha, now you know you're in a hurry?"

Mu Chengxi frowned. The point now is that he is in a hurry?

"Do you know where they are?"

"you guess?"

Nan Qingfeng is very smart. After hearing Mu Chengxi's urgency just now, he pressed the recording button on the phone call. If Xiaolu got angry, he would definitely use this recording to hit Mu Chengxi mercilessly.

"I don't have time to talk nonsense, I will arrange for the helicopter to fly to the United States now."

"Hey, hey," Nan Qingfeng quickly stopped him: "No, no, I'm teasing you. Xiao Lu and Wang Chuan are already on their way back. It is said that Xiao Lu is exhausted these days. Wait for her to come back Go ahead and explain it to her."

"Tired? Why?"

Mu Chengxi was very concerned about any news about Lu Xingyi.

"I don't know either. Wang Chuan didn't elaborate, but I guess it's because of you."

"Me?" The expression in the man's eyes changed.

"I guess, one o'clock this afternoon, private airport, remember to arrive early."

Mu Chengxi took a deep breath: "Don't make fun of me about Xingyi in the future!"

The other person was just about to hang up the phone, and was taken aback for a moment before realizing it.

Good guy, Mu Chengxi also holds grudges against such a small joke.

"Got it, my fault, sorry."

"Are you going in the afternoon?"

"Of course, I won't treat Wang Chuan like you did to Xiao Lu, even if she hasn't accepted me yet."

Mu Chengxi snorted softly and hung up the phone.

Nan Qingfeng heard it clearly, what is he, was he being laughed at? ? ?

At an altitude of one thousand meters, a private jet is flying smoothly in the sky.

In the clean and simple all-white leather cabin, on the two high-end seats lying flat, Lu Xingyi slept deeply, and he was deeply tired at the moment.

Beside her, Wang Chuan took off his black woolen coat and covered her, then continued to lie back on his sofa seat, watching the movie on the screen in front of him.

I have to say that the protagonists of some current suspense films have too much halo, so many extremely dangerous scenes can come and go freely without any damage.

Wang Chuan rubbed his forehead, shook his head, and then fast-forwarded to the later part of the emotional scene.

The protagonist brought his man into a bedroom, and the scene that followed brought a seductive smile to Wang Chuan's face.

Lu Xingyi opened his eyes slightly, and what he saw was the exciting scene on Wang Chuan's miniature TV screen.

"Oh, what are you looking at?" She was almost raving, moved her body to a more comfortable position, closed her eyes and continued to sleep.

Wang Chuan looked sideways reluctantly, and straightened the broken hair that was scattered in front of her eyes due to her movements, "Go on to sleep, baby, we still have to fly for a few more hours."

"En." The girl responded softly, saying that she was answering subconsciously. Lu Xingyi actually didn't hear Wang Chuan's words at all.

"Wow! What's wrong with Mr. Mu? Do you regret it?"

After a few hours,

Wang Chuan came down from the gangway, looked at Mu Chengxi who was holding a huge bouquet of roses, and raised his eyebrows.

The man in a formal suit leaning against the car door saw her coming down alone, and frowned: "Where's Xingyi?"

"You answer me first, do you regret it?"

"Yeah." The man didn't hesitate, he only cared about Lu Xingyi's whereabouts at the moment.

Wang Chuan raised his lips and patted his tall and generous shoulder: "Don't be so nervous, Xiao Lu fell asleep on the plane and hasn't woken up yet."

Before the words fell, the man was empty, and the man had already walked up the gangway with his long legs.

Wang Chuan glanced back, shrugged, and looked at Nan Qingfeng next to him: "Honey, are you here to pick me up?"

"Of course, compared to Mu Chengxi, do I know more about current affairs?"

Wang Chuan stretched out a finger and waved it: "I didn't see it. Although you took the initiative to pick me up as the person involved, I readily accepted it, but for your consideration, I think you should go after your pretty girl."

"I just came back from the United States, and I can't adjust my language at once?" Nan Qingfeng joked: "It's okay, if you can't catch up, you will have the bottom line. If it doesn't work, I will spend a lot of money to invite you to be my girlfriend at every banquet in the future."

Wang Chuan flicked his long hair: "It's not impossible, it mainly depends on the price."

From the corner of the eye, he saw Mu Chengxi coming out of the cabin holding Xiao Lu, the girl in his arms was still sleeping deeply.

"Let's go, let them resolve the conflict by themselves." Wang Chuan looked at Nan Qingfeng.


"I woke up on the plane, if you don't mind, go fishing?"

"Excuse me, go to my house. I bought a few new consoles, which are said to be very suitable for playing games."

Wang Chuan squatted and stared at him until the latter became a little flustered by the stare, then she said, "There's no need to make detours between us, you don't want your waist anymore, I don't care."

Nan Qingfeng paused, why did Wang Chuan automatically think wrongly, he really didn't mean that in the first place!

Subsequently, the sports car of the two disappeared at the airport.

Mu Chengxi also carried Lu Xing into the car, and told the driver to turn up the air conditioner in the car and put down the partition in the middle.

I don't know if it was because he entered the familiar embrace, Lu Xing moved his body, his long legs had no place to rest, and he was uncomfortable no matter what,

He was so sleepy, without the ability to think, that he subconsciously turned into a ball, and naturally nestled into the man's arms, lying on his lap and wrapping his tail around his small body.

The weight on the legs suddenly became much lighter, Mu Chengxi lowered his head, and found that someone's transformed body was completely covered in Wang Chuan's perfume-smelling coat.

He took off his suit, removed the original woolen coat, and put his own on Lu Xingyi, not forgetting to put her little furry head outside for him to stroke.

What did Xingyi do in the United States?Tired like this, I think it's like I haven't slept for a few days and nights.

Half an hour later, Mu Chengxi walked into the villa with the still sleeping dumpling in one hand, and the housekeeper greeted him.

Tell him something, the man just listened, went straight into the study, took a cushion, put the dumpling and the cushion on the desk, turned on the computer and was busy with the company's urgent documents.

Perhaps because of the noise, Tuanzi's sleeping state suddenly became unstable, moving his legs and hands from time to time, and then talking in sleep.


It worked!
"Meow meow meow---"

Mu Chengxi, Auntie's illness can be cured!


Can you forgive me?
The dream was so real that she woke up suddenly from her sleep!
Mucheng West!

Has she arrived in the country yet?

A bunch of exclamation points in her mind came out at the same moment she woke up.

Opening her crystal blue eyes, she first observed the surrounding situation, a very familiar scene.

It was finally realized that this was the study of Mu Chengxi's family.

Why are you here already?

Turning her eyes, she saw a man holding a high-end pen staring at her. Her dark eyes were no longer as cold as when she went abroad, but she couldn't see any emotion.


She cried out in aggrieved.

The man is probably still angry, she thought, and took the initiative to touch the man's hand with her little furry head.

"Meow meow."

"Meow meow~"

don't be angry~
Mu Chengxi looked at Xiaotuanzi who was actively arching the back of his hand, calling for a lick, and didn't understand.

wife what does this mean?
Arch your hand to express your dissatisfaction?Swearing?

He glanced at the closed door, and without any hesitation, he knelt down on his knees with a "plop".

"Honey, I was wrong"

Tuanzi:! ! ! ! !
Tuanzi: Where did this come from? ? ! !
Tuanzi: Have you learned to kneel?
After thinking about it, Lu Xingyi couldn't understand it, his eyes were full of surprise, and he had no choice but to return to his original body.

But after she melted back, she seemed a little unconfident again.

Silently got down from the table, squatted down, and avoided the man's sight: "What's wrong with you?"

Mu Chengxi thought that his wife didn't want to talk to him, and didn't even want to look at him, so he felt wronged: "I'm sorry my wife was impulsive that day, I shouldn't treat you like that, have you been out for so many days, have you lost your anger?"

cool down?

Lu Xingyi understood, it turned out that Mu Chengxi thought he was angry before leaving the country!

Oolong incident!

"Honey, didn't I make you angry?"

Hearing the girl's soft and waxy voice, the man felt that although it was only seven days old, the longing in his heart could no longer be suppressed, and he hugged her tightly in his arms almost instantly.

"I didn't, baby, I was wrong, I shouldn't be angry with my wife."

Lu Xingyi could feel the man's strength, and her waist hurt a little from the hug, so he patted his back comfortingly.

"But... I was wrong about this matter." Mentioning this, Lu Xingyi remembered: "By the way, how is Auntie's symptoms? I have researched the special medicine, have you got it yet?"

"Cui Han has contacted" Mu Chengxi halfway through the conversation, and found something wrong: "Did your wife develop the medicine?"

Lu Xingyi also came to his senses, and was taken aback for a moment.

Finish the ball!

I accidentally exposed my identity!

The man's face darkened, he picked her up while lifting his legs, put her on the office chair, and fixed his eyes on the girl's face.

"Be honest!"

"Why are you so fierce." Lu Xingyi tried to fish in troubled waters and divert the man's attention.

"It's caring."

The girl rolled her eyes awkwardly, and the man's heart was like a mirror: "Don't lie!"

was discovered again.
The ones I learned at the headquarters before are usually very useful, but when I encounter Mu Chengxi, I can't use anything.

She took a deep breath: "Well, I am U."

"Professor U?"

"En." The girl nodded weakly, always paying attention to the man's gaze.

The man froze for a moment, his brain shut down for a second.

"So you were the one who made the video conference with me before? You are also the partner, and these, you returned to the United States to study the medicine my mother needs?"

Lu Xingyi listened to the man's questions and nodded cautiously.


The man who had just stood up knelt down again.

"Honey, don't dump me."

What kind of trouble is this? ?
Lu Xingyi made a gesture of pulling him with one hand: "Where did you learn it? Kneel down every now and then."

Needless to say, Professor U's reputation, she is recognized as a great person all over the world. Even Mu Chengxi, the world's richest man, would have to work hard to find her to cooperate with. One can imagine what kind of character she is.

Now thinking about those netizens who once beat to death on the Internet and said that Lu Xingyi was not good enough for Mu Chengxi, it was a joke. They were so ordinary and so confident.

Then, Mu Chengxi thought of the push message he had glimpsed this morning.

"Baby, tell me the truth, how long did you sleep during the seven days you went to the United States? How long did you rest?"

Lu Xingyi was startled, looked at the man, and smiled awkwardly.

"tell me."

"Actually, my schedule is quite normal, and I can sleep for four, four, five or six hours a day."


It only took four or five hours to tell a lie, so one can imagine how much sleep she really got.

Mu Chengxi wondered if she had slept for four or five hours in seven days, so Da Heng picked her up and threw her on the bed.

Before lying down, Lu Xingyi struggled to get up, and took out a sealed bag from his coat pocket, which contained several bottles of medicine.

"I have a few bottles of medicine with me, and I want to use them for my aunt as soon as possible. Please pack them up, and we will go to the manor together."

Seeing her disobedient appearance, Mu Chengxi bullied her and pressed her down, with an undeniable tone: "Lu Xingyi! You stay at home and have a good rest!"

His sudden approach made Lu Xingyi instantly honest, but she still wanted to fight again, her tone was softer than ever, her hands hooked the man's neck, and her fingers slid and teased the back of his neck casually,
"Husband~~ This is the prescription that I found out after seven days of research. After nearly a thousand experiments, I called on the staff of the entire research institute to work overtime, just to achieve results as soon as possible. This is the last step, just spoil me once. Well"

The man got angry when he teased him, and his tone was low and hoarse: "Lu Xingyi, you will only make me unable to resist the Fa-rectification on the spot! On the contrary, it will slow down the time!"

The girl smiled: "It doesn't matter, you can send someone to deliver the medicine, one bottle per day."

She went all out, and looked up like she was being slaughtered, showing her slender and sexy neck and shoulders: "My husband is so powerful, after the wind stops and the rain stops, I can actually sleep better."

The man's body burned at an alarming rate. He snatched the medicine bottle from the girl and opened the door to go out.

The housekeeper downstairs saw the young master panting like this, and his expression was nervous: "What's wrong with you, young master? Do you have a fever?"

Mu Chengxi was impatient, and cut the long story short: "I'm fine, take the medicine to the manor, tell the housekeeper over there, and arrange for the doctor to inject the old lady with this medicine, one bottle a day."

"Alright, young master." The housekeeper took the old lady's medicine carefully, still worried about his condition: "Are you really all right? Don't you need to call the doctor?"

Mu Chengxi had already turned around and walked back to the room. Hearing what the butler said, he moved his lower lips slightly: "I will ask Xing Yi to look at it for me. In the next few hours, no matter what emergencies happen Go upstairs until I come down."

(End of this chapter)

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