Chapter 365

"Busy?" Mu Chengxi made a detour to Lu Xing and moved behind, from the large computer screen in front of her.

"Yeah." The girl agreed casually, took out a pen from the mahogany pen holder on the table, and circled the price list just printed out: "What time is the dinner appointment?"

"Five o'clock." The man replied, and his big palm with well-defined bones fell on the girl's warm and fair shoulders. The fatigue of the past few days obviously made the muscles under her delicate skin a little stiff.

Mu Chengxi kneaded her with moderate strength, while watching her work.

"Baby, do you plan to sign a contract to sell this drug through a one-on-one channel or to find multiple distributors?"

"Multiple." Lu Xingyi had already made up his mind, and blurted out without thinking. The watch in his hand had already turned to the last page.

"This time it is a medical product, not a certain technology. I will not pursue high-priced competition from a single channel from the perspective of a businessman. The research institute has already arranged a team to start mass production. We hope to make this drug as soon as possible." enter the market."

Lu Xingyi's stance on medical projects has always been firm. Her pursuit has always been the health of people around the world. This is the most important thing. As for profit, it is not that important.

Mu Chengxi heard her meaning clearly, and nodded approvingly: "Understood, if the research institute is willing to reach a cooperation with Dingcheng Group, we will give you a satisfactory price and arrange a special plane to the research institute for transportation, no matter which country , we can deliver it as soon as possible.”

Lu Xing moved his eyes back, lowered his eyes and glanced at his hand on his shoulder, as if hinting.

"So you came to discuss business."

The man hooked his lips, pinched the girl's chin with his thumb and index finger, and gently asked her to raise her head: "As the saying goes, you get the moon first if you are close to the water."

Lu Xingyi slapped his hand off, and went to the price list circled just now to find the price intention of Dingcheng Group. It was indeed an ideal price in the table.

But there is one thing that Lu Xingyi is very concerned about, and none of the company's emails mentioned it.

Lu Xingyi's hand fell to the keyboard, opened a new email, edited a string of characters, and then selected all the company mailboxes that sent her cooperation intentions, and sent them as replies.

The general meaning is that she has received all their emails, but she has doubts about one of them-the price of the medicine sold in the market.

She hopes that this point can also be finalized in the contract, so as to prevent certain companies from asking for extravagant prices, and patients who need medicines cannot afford it for their own benefit.

Again, this is a medical product, and the most important thing is to use it for those who need it.

Temporarily dealt with the issue of the email, while waiting for a reply, what she has to do is to record an official video introducing the new drug and write the product manual.

Finally, she also had to connect with the Institute to find out about the process.With extremely high efficiency, Lu Xingyi completed the above three tasks at 04:30, but what followed was a bunch of replies to emails and a new phase of work arrangements for the Institute.

Time was running out, so she took off her large black robe, went back to the cloakroom and chose a thick one-shoulder skirt, put on a woolen coat, and carried her small bag on her back to go out.

Seeing that most of her two long legs were exposed, Mu Chengxi frowned.

Today is New Year's Eve, and logically speaking, it should be a very cold day of the year, with heavy snow falling outside, and it's strange that she doesn't catch a cold with her naked legs.

"Honey, it's cold outside, change to a longer skirt."

Lu Xingyi didn't even need to look at the quartz watch in his hand. He put on nude high-heeled shoes at the entrance and walked out, and by the way, he pulled up the man behind him.

"It's too late, let's go, it's not good to let uncles and aunts wait for us."

"Don't worry, baby, your health is the most important thing, be obedient."

Lu Xingyi was helplessly stopped by the man: "I won't get sick, forget it, let the driver drive the car to the door, so I won't catch a cold, right?"

The man stared, thought for a while, and still wanted the girl to go in and change clothes, but soon his thoughts were forced back by the girl's eyes and compromised.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Mu Chengxi called the butler and asked him to instruct the driver to drive the car to the door.

After getting in the car, Lu Xingyi quickly touched up his makeup, and then took out his phone.

Mu Chengxi looked at the girl leaning on the seat, the slender waist was empty, and he didn't know where to find a pillow: "Baby, put this on the back of the waist."

Lu Xingyi took a look and smiled: "I'm not that delicate."

"It's not your squeamishness, it's the squeamishness I want to make you used to." The man doted on him.

Lu Xingyi's heart warmed, she didn't know why he made her feel completely safe and at home with just such a sentence.

Maybe this is fate, Mu Chengxi's words always make her feel different.

Looking back to the phone, Lu Xingyi was logging into Professor U's Weibo account and uploading the video he just recorded to the Internet.

At the moment, the hot searches on the new drug she developed have taken up several serial numbers on the hot search list, and there are several others that have been implicated. All netizens are lamenting and praising Professor U for the hot searches about her previous achievements. of greatness.

Lu Xingyi didn't pay much attention to those praises, but instead looked for comments in the vast comment area that had doubts about medicines or raised some professional-related questions.

Regarding the pharmaceutical and professional parts, she will give replies within her ability, and try her best to explain complicated things to netizens in simple and clear language.

Flipping through, she saw such a comment.

[5G surfing boy]: If you don’t understand, ask: Professor U can develop a drug for terminal illness that has been suspected for many years in seven days. How did he do it? According to this efficiency, can terminal illness be eliminated soon? ?
The following replies are divided into two camps, one is to follow his train of thought, and the other is to scold him for standing up and talking without back pain.

———[Internet name chua]: Professor U is such a great person, how can you express such a point of view? ? ?If it can be developed, it is obliged to develop it?If you can research this one, you can successfully research the other?Do you think terminal illness is so easy to solve?
———[Weibo hot search puncher]: It's hard to disagree with the upstairs, I don't know what the floor owner thinks, I'm used to it at home, and I want to gnaw on such a powerful character as Professor U, sick!

——[Yuan Yuan]: Well said, don’t say it next time!
——[Buddhist Kindergarten]: In fact, there is nothing wrong with what he said, and he put a question mark on it, and he didn't deny the professor. If the professor can always be like this, it will be a good thing for the whole world.

———[Broken used car]: Professor U is a big man, I respect and admire him very much, but I also hope that Professor U can continue to maintain this kind of research enthusiasm. Contribute more.

——[Can't wake up every day]:? ? ? ? ? ?What the hell? ?A genius from heaven should make more contributions?What kind of new moral kidnapping is this? Even if we all want the professor to be like this, the ultimate autonomy should be in the hands of the professor himself?What are you talking about here.

——[Say good things to me and the fifth person]: It’s really not necessary, the professor has always had his own pursuit, we just need to respect him.

Lu Xingyi turned to this point and didn't go any further.

Go back to the first message, click Reply, and edit a message.

[Professor U v: There is a certain lucky probability that this experiment will be successful within 7 days. We found the right direction for the experiment the second time. Not every experiment can be so smooth, please forgive me, thank you. 】

After replying, she put away her mobile phone, and there was still a distance away from the restaurant. She moved her position, adjusted to a comfortable posture, closed her eyes and rubbed between her brows, preparing to squint for a while.

Her eyes were sore from looking at electronic products all afternoon.

Mu Chengxi was watching her movements all the time, without disturbing her.

Nan Qingfeng's house,

All the servants in Nan Qingfeng's own villa went home for the New Year last night, and now only he and Wang Chuan are at home.

Yesterday, the two played games with his newly bought gadget until three o'clock in the morning. When the sky was getting bright, the two put down their headphones and mouse.
Wang Chuan was so sleepy, he yawned and walked into his master bedroom naturally, took a bath with hot water, and then got into bed.

Soon Nan Qingfeng also came back after washing, and saw that Wang Chuan had already put on the quilt, and lay down beside her.

"You are already so familiar with my family?" He said with a smile.

Wang Chuan's eyes were closed, and he vaguely heard the man's voice next to his ear: "Well, it's not so familiar. I have stayed in so many hotels with different layouts, and I already know the number of rooms."

"Hotel?" The man's originally bright mood sank: "A different man?"

Wang Chuan was very sleepy, and his chatter made her a little annoyed: "What man, I can't stay in a hotel by myself?"

After speaking, he frowned and turned around, turning his back on the man and falling asleep.

Hearing this, Nan Qingfeng felt better again. Seeing that she was sleepy, she didn't talk anymore, and turned off the lights to sleep.

He was not like before last night, he was very honest, without any restless movements in his hands.

Only Wang Chuan turned over in the morning and felt that there was someone beside him, and hugged him without opening his eyes, and slept on the man's body.

But at this moment, when the afternoon was approaching the evening, Nan Qingfeng woke up naturally after sleeping, and seeing the rare quiet and pure woman lying on his chest, he felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

After a long time, he pulled away from under the girl's head and walked out of the room.

The woman on the bed noticed the movement, opened her eyes immediately due to occupational diseases, looked around the surrounding environment to make sure it was safe, and then continued to sleep with her eyes closed.

She hadn't woken up yet. She ate a few bowls of instant noodles while playing games last night. She wasn't hungry at all, so she simply continued to sleep.


The man who hardly ever writes about cooking holds two raw eggs next to a pan and a bucket of oil.

He planned to make a fried poached egg for Wang Chuan. He saw that it was quite easy for the chef at home to make it, so he should be able to do it too.

Turn on the phone and search for the recipe first.

It only takes five steps.

This strengthened his confidence even more.

The first step is to turn on the range hood and wipe off the water in the pot.

It went well.

The second step is to turn on the fire and put a little oil.

Nan Qingfeng tried to start the fire, looking at the stove that he had never touched before, he didn't know which button to press first.

There is also an obvious on-off key on the range hood, but there is no key on the stove, and it cannot be unscrewed directly.

After staring at the small knob for a long time to study to no avail, he picked up another mobile phone and inquired how to turn on the stove.

After another 5 minutes, the fire finally lit.

The oil was also put in smoothly. I tested the temperature of the oil with chopsticks, and when it was as described in the recipe,

Nan Qingfeng confidently picked up an egg, slapped it on the table, and then quickly lifted it to the pot,



The eggs entered the oil pan smoothly, making a roasting sound,
But unfortunately, Nan Qingfeng raised his hand too high, and the moment he hit it, the egg yolk was already crushed by the excessive gravity.

But this is the beginning of the frustration,
After waiting for a while, Nan Qingfeng picked up the spatula and prepared to turn the eggs over.

For some reason, the five fingers with distinct joints are particularly clumsy on the spatula.

He tried to put the spatula under the egg and flip it smartly.

But in fact, the egg was only scooped up by one corner, and the uncooked egg liquid flowed down next to it, and the shape began to become ugly.

Not knowing what the problem was, he tried again, and again, and again.
Just the step of turning it over, stuck him to death, until the egg was burnt on the bottom side of the pot, and he just shoveled the ground around, making the pot a mess.

Upstairs, Wang Chuan, who was just about to fall asleep in a daze, smelled a bad smell, as if something had been ignited, got up from the bed in an instant, woke up from his sleepy eyes for a second, and put on slippers beside the bed Go where the smell is strong.

Don't forget to mention the fire extinguisher when passing by.

Finally, she found the kitchen all the way, and seeing the man who was at a loss with a spatula in one hand, she instantly understood.

Putting down the fire extinguisher in his hand, he stepped forward and turned off the fire.

"What are you doing?" After being disturbed from her dream, she asked the man next to her in an annoyed manner.

"I wanted to make breakfast," Nan Qingfeng said sullenly.

Looking at the scorched, completely black food in the pot, the original shape can no longer be seen.

She raised her eyebrows: "So, what is this?"


"Pfft, cough cough——" Wang Chuan couldn't help laughing, and accidentally choked on the burnt smell.

He quickly covered his mouth and nose, and lifted the pot: "Throw this pot outside quickly, and I will fry it for you again."

"Would you do it?" Nan Qingfeng asked worriedly after taking the broken pot.

Wang Chuan disdained: "It's just a little better than you. It smells too bad, throw it out the door."

Nan Qingfeng didn't understand what she meant, and thought she really knew a little bit: "If not, let's order takeaway, there's no need to cook it yourself."

Wang Chuan Fu forehead, did Nan Qingfeng change sex early this morning?It's fried eggs and can't understand her words.

"Little Lu and Brother Kai are both very good at cooking. With them taking care of me, I can still cook such an easy dish as fried eggs."

"Okay, then it's up to you." Nan Qingfeng replied, giving Wang Chuan trust.

After 5 minutes, he threw back the pan in his hand, opened the window for ventilation, and Wang Chuan's fried eggs were already out of the pan.

(End of this chapter)

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