Chapter 366 New Year's Eve Dinner
There is a golden yolk in the middle of the white and smooth egg white, which looks not fully cooked, but still runny.

The slight fragrance floats into the nasal cavity, with the unique fragrance of eggs, the slight fragrance of salt and just the right smell of vegetable oil.

Unexpectedly, it makes people move their index fingers.

Nan Qingfeng couldn't believe that Wang Chuan made such a perfect fried egg in such a short period of time. He had clearly tested it himself just now, and the difficulties were one after another.

"You are so good at cooking? Why haven't I seen you turn on the stove before?" He couldn't wait to take a small fork from the side, fiddled with a small piece, and put it into his mouth.

Not only the color and fragrance are complete, but also the taste is very good.

"Of course, when there are things as convenient as instant noodles and self-heating pots, why do you still need to cook?" Wang Chuan looked at him with a satisfied expression on his face: "How is it? Are the dishes I cook as perfect as mine? "

"Full of color and flavor."

Wang Chuan raised his lips in satisfaction, walked out of the kitchen with long legs, and put the plate on the dining table: "Okay, eat quickly, I'm still sleepy, I'll sleep later."

"Oh no, I originally wanted to cook for you." Nan Qingfeng stopped her and held her arm from behind with one hand.

Wang Chuan glanced at his hand, then moved to the fried egg on the plate.

She is really not hungry now, and she has no appetite. She casually shook off his hand and waved it, refusing: "Xue Nuannan is very good at learning, so I won't be allowed to learn it next time, which made me bring down the fire extinguisher. The fried egg If you can’t eat it, you can eat it.”

"Are you still sleeping?" Nan Qingfeng heard, "I planned to take you out."

"It must be very crowded outside on New Year's Eve today, where else do you want to go?"

"Look at you, where do you want to go?"

Wang Chuan covered his mouth and yawned, his eyes narrowed slightly from sleepiness.

"I don't have anything to go to, I plan to keep fit and watch a movie today."

Nan Qingfeng stepped forward to wrap her arms around her waist, and led her upstairs, saying: "No problem, you go to sleep for a while, I'll prepare, do you want to watch movies at home or go out to exercise, Take your pick."

Positively abnormal.

But Wang Chuan didn't think so much at the moment, "No, why don't you take your crush out on a day like this? What do you want me to do?"

Nan Qingfeng paused, and then pretended to sigh lowly: "Ham, why can't I catch up with you?"

Hearing this, the woman hooked her lips, and her usually dark red lips were now pink and tender without the embellishment of lip gloss.

"Understood, aren't you depressed?" Wang Chuan patted the man on the back: "How about this, sister will take you to the bar tonight, maybe you will meet some beautiful young lady and forget about it."

"Are you going to the bar?"

"I didn't have this plan in the first place, just to accompany you, but now I can ask a few handsome guys out to have fun together by the way."

As soon as the man heard this, he immediately stopped: "You don't have to leave the handsome guy. We're the younger sister's bureau, so it's not good to ask the handsome guy to come."

"What's wrong? A handsome guy can attract the attention of the young lady."

While talking, the two of them had already walked to the bedside.

Wang Chuan casually kicked off his slippers, threw himself close to the soft big bed, squinted his eyes and looked at Nan Qingfeng beside the bed: "Why, don't you have confidence in yourself?"


"Afraid that my old bacon's appearance will not be as good as those handsome guys I called?" Wang Chuan added: "Don't worry, you have a good reputation outside, and all the ladies and sisters know it."


Fortunately, Nan Qingfeng had already chewed and swallowed the fried egg in his mouth just now, otherwise he would have to spit it out.

What is old bacon?
What does it mean to live well!

Wang Chuan really dared to say it! !

"I haven't turned [-] this year, I'm younger than Mu Chengxi, how come I'm an old bacon?"

"Yeah" Wang Chuan turned over comfortably, the heating in the room just right made her comfortable under the quilt, and she was about to fall into a dream in almost a second: "Isn't Mu Chengxi going the route of a cold and domineering president?" Overlords are old men."

"Have you told Xiao Lu about your idea?" Nan Qingfeng couldn't help laughing.

"Tch," the enchanting woman sleeping on the bed disdainfully, too sleepy to open her eyes: "Don't underestimate our sisterhood."

"Okay, go to sleep, we will leave our time to you to arrange after waking up."


Wang Chuan's aggressive voice had completely softened, he lay down on the pillow with a cute face, and fell asleep.

In a high-end restaurant,
Mu Chengxi took Lu Xing and moved into the private room, but the elders hadn't arrived yet.

"Honey, I'll go to the bathroom to fix my makeup, and I'll be right back." Lu Xingyi was worried that his uncle and aunt would notice him if he went out hastily, so he opened the door and went to the bathroom to clean himself up as soon as he entered the private room.

Mu Chengxi took advantage of her time to go in and looked at the surrounding layout, and confirmed that the things he asked Cui Han to help prepare in advance were in place, and looked away.

"Okay, husband, do you think there is anything I need to improve?" Lu Xingyi quickly returned to the man.

Putting down his work, Mu Chengxi put his mobile phone into his suit pocket, raised his eyes to carefully examine the girl's face, getting closer and closer.

Just when Lu Xingyi sensed that something was wrong and wanted to hide, the man grabbed the back of her head: "Baby, don't move, there is a black spot on your chin."

Then he gestured with his hand,

The girl was caught off guard by his kiss, and some drowning voices subconsciously escaped from her throat.

"Mucheng West!"

Fortunately, the man just tasted it, and let go of it in just a second.

The girl blushed slightly, uncles and aunts are coming soon, you are still joking with me.

The man stared at her red lips with a satisfied face: "Well, now the baby's lip gloss is much more well-proportioned."

Lu Xingyi: "."

All right, he has a point.

"By the way, baby, we're going to take Bao Bao to the kindergarten interview in a few days. How many days do you need to prepare?"

Lu Xingyi was puzzled, "Did the kindergarten say anything to prepare?"

"No." Mu Chengxi had already arranged everything.

"Then what are you going to do in a few days?"

"I see, then I will contact the principal tomorrow, and we will visit in the afternoon?"

"I'm fine." Lu Xingyi said: "After the matter of hugging the kindergarten is resolved, Nan Qingfeng's variety show can be prepared. I haven't joined the group for a long time. O'Neill has read several books for me, but the schedule It has not been finalized yet, and none of them have been accepted.”

"What script?"

"Because I used to act in romance films, there will be more idol dramas, but there is also a big-budget war-themed movie. I watched it and the idea was very good, and it was also my first wish. But..."

In the middle of talking, Lu Xing suddenly stopped, hesitant to speak.

Mu Chengxi knew her well enough. Judging by this expression, there must be some bad news.

"Speak." He softened his face.

"This film needs to be closed for shooting."

In an instant, his face darkened again: "How long has it been closed?"

"The role I got was not the protagonist, so it should be finished within a month or two."

For such a large-scale movie with such a theme, Lu Xingyi felt that the time was too short, so he spoke with confidence.

The man frowned, and the eyebrows formed a cross.

"Supporting role will take so long?"

His answer was so far from what she had originally thought, that she didn't know how to answer.

"What movie, I invest."

"Ah?" She was taken aback for a moment: "But there are already investors."

Mu Chengxi really took every step she took in places she didn't expect.

"Tell me the title of the film, and I'll ask Cui Han to contact you."

Lu Xingyi waved his hand: "No, I haven't confirmed my participation yet."

"Contact first, if you want to join the group, we will open a green channel for you at any time."

The girl smiled, stepped forward and put her arms around the man's waist: "No hurry, we can discuss it after I'm sure."

"That's fine, I'll remind you of Nan Qingfeng's variety show."

Lu Xingyi's red lips parted slightly, and just as he was about to say something, he caught a glimpse of his grandfather coming in from the door out of the corner of his eye.

Mu Chengxi was in a good mood watching her little movements.

"Grandpa, you are here!"

As soon as Lu Huakang stepped into the private room, Lu Xingyi immediately trotted up to meet him and gave Mr. Lu a hug.
Then he squatted down and held the face of Xiaomengbao next to Mr. Lu with both hands: "Hug, don't you want to be numb?"

"Think!" Lu Baobao replied loudly, wrapping his arms around the girl's neck: "Ma Ma is so beautiful today! The lipstick color is super pretty."

Lu Xing moved his brows and eyes into crescents: "Really, it's so sweet to hug your little mouth, come on, give Mama a kiss."

He leaned over half of his face and waited for Xiaomengbao's kiss.

"Come on!"

Lu Baobao kissed her fair face hard.

"Is Ma Ma enough?"

"Thank you baby!" Lu Xingyi picked him up, and Lu Baobao leaned into Mama's arms.

Mu Chengxi who was next to him greeted Elder Lu and saw her stepping on high heels and hugging her: "Baby, sit down, I'm too tired to hug you."

While speaking, he moved the chair for her.

"Hmph! Papa is implying that hugs are heavy! Hugs understand!" The little cute bag in her arms said dissatisfied.

Seeing Baobao pretending to be angry, Lu Xingyi couldn't help laughing: "Hahahahaha, is Baobao angry?"

"Angry!" he echoed.

"Holding is not heavy, and Mama can move it," Lu Xingyi curled his lips and looked at the man behind him: "I'm not tired."

"Huabao, I didn't mean that you are so fat, we are men, we must know how to love our mother," he taught Huobao seriously, and then opened his hands: "Mom is inconvenient to wear high heels today, come here and give me a hug from Dad."

In front of the elders, he and the baby have always maintained the title of father and son.

Lu Baobao was very cooperative: "Okay, so what does Papa mean. Mama, let me come down."

Lu Xingyi directly handed the cute bag to Mu Chengxi, and the cute bag was put on the man's neck on his own.

"Wow, I feel taller on Papa."

"Dad is just a little taller than me, so he captured your heart?"

"No, no, how is it possible! Mama has led me all these years. If Baba wants to catch up, emmm still has a lot of ways to go."

Hearing what Xiaomengbao said, Lu Xingyi was satisfied.

"Dad will work hard."

The three of them were harmonious, Mr. Lu saw all of them, and nodded in satisfaction.

So far, his impression of Mu Chengxi has changed a lot, from the "rejection" at the beginning to the gradual appreciation now, all this is earned by this man himself.

His special care and responsibility for Xingyi infected him.

But it will take a while to observe.

Without saying a few words, the two elders of the Mu family stepped on to arrive.

"Happy New Year's Eve Mr. Lu, I'm sorry we're late."

"Master Lu, I'm sorry for the temporary delay."

Master Mu and Wen Xiujun apologized back and forth.

Mr. Lu smiled gently: "You two are too polite, the time is still 1 minute away, how can I be late, I came early because I happened to be carrying a hug, and the child couldn't wait."

"Maybe you don't mind." Wen Xiujun curled the corner of her mouth, and her mental state seemed to be much better than last time at the annual meeting.

Immediately, the two turned around and greeted Xiao Lu. They asked the housekeeper about the situation yesterday.

Even if Mu Chengxi is acquainted, he can coax Xiao Lu back.

The two elders were very annoyed why they had raised a child like Mu Chengxi who didn't understand human feelings, and didn't even know how to take care of his girlfriend's emotions.

Mr. Lu, as the biggest elder, immediately greeted everyone to take their seats.

Hugs and a few old people are there, and there is almost no silence at the dinner table.

The dinner was very pleasant, except for the relationship between the two elders of the Mu family and Mu Chengxi.

They didn't say a word from the beginning to the end.

The second elder was unwilling to talk to this shameful son, while Mu Chengxi was busy picking up vegetables and peeling shrimp for Lu Xingyi and Lu Baobao, so he didn't notice at all.

Suddenly, Wen Xiujun mentioned something about medicine.

"Xiao Lu, Auntie heard from the housekeeper that you brought the potion back from abroad and handed it to the west of the city. At that time, the potion was just successfully researched. Your uncle sent someone to contact and it hasn't been shipped yet. Thanks to you."

There was obviously curiosity in the words, but he didn't say it directly.

Lu Xingyi smiled, and did not answer directly: "You're welcome, I happen to be in the United States, and I have a friend who knows the professor, so I asked him to help with a few bottles."

"Auntie, have you insisted on taking medicine every day? How do you feel now?"

The latter nodded again and again: "I have used it, the medicine developed by the professor has a good effect, and I obviously feel that my condition has eased a lot."

Lu Xingyi breathed a sigh of relief. This research result was rushed. Although the finished product has been tested many times, it only ensures safety, and its efficacy has yet to be considered.

Hearing what my aunt said, she was relieved.

"Auntie, take your medicines well during this time. I'll give you a week's worth. I'll find someone to pick them up later. I'll keep using them for half a month. We'll go to the hospital for some special checkups to see if there's any symptoms. Get better."

"Okay, okay, thank you Xiaolu, thanks to your aunt's disease, we can wait for the medicine that can be completely cured now to be researched."

When it comes to this, Mu Chengxi's voice is calm: "Mom, why did you keep it from me before? I'm very fragile psychologically?"

When Lu Xingyi heard the man's words, he quickly tugged at the corner of his suit.

Mrs. Mu was taken aback when she heard her son's questioning, and nodded slightly.

Master Mu immediately stood up: "It was my idea. When your mother found out about the disease, you were abroad. It was inconvenient to contact you at that time to check about your uncle."

(End of this chapter)

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