Quick wear heroine super short

Chapter 279 Interstellar Love Manual

Chapter 279 Interstellar Love Manual (11)

After Su Xian left, Yi Hang leaned slightly towards Star King Small, and said, "Your Majesty, don't you find it strange that General Su speaks for Queen Liuli Star like this?"

Star King Small frowned, and glanced at him indifferently.

"I have my own measure, Yi Hang, I don't like people who pretend to be smart."

Yi Hang immediately put his hands on his chest and lowered his head: "Sorry, it was Yi Hang who made a slip of the tongue."
Glass star.

Since being invaded by Small Star last time, Yan Yun has been trying to strengthen the defense of Liuli Star.

The original owner was too conservative and kind.

It would be fine if the original owner held a lot of power, but she is neither an interstellar manager, nor does she have many planets under her command.

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself. Of course, those ambitious people like to bully a small planet like Liulixing.

Yan Yun sighed, and continued to sit in front of the console to study.

Suddenly, the screen on the display screen of the console automatically switched, and a group of unexpected guests came to Liulixing.

Looking at the familiar spaceship, Yan Yun always felt that she had seen it somewhere.

When the people on the spaceship got off, Yan Yun looked at the people who were wearing similar clothes to Su Xian, and finally remembered.

It turned out to be someone from Small Star.

Why, she put the little thing back, and the little thing brought people to attack her now?
But Yan Yun scanned around, but didn't see Su Xian's shadow.

Could it be that the little thing was afraid of seeing her, so he didn't dare to come?Or is he under house arrest by the Smalls?
Unable to guess anything, Yan Yun told Dill to keep an eye on the console, and then led them to the place where the Smalls were.

Star King Small raised his mouth slightly when he saw Yan Yun coming out in person.

"Queen Liuli, long time no see."

"Huh? Who gave you the guts to attack Liuli Star again?"

haven't seen you for a long time?Who hasn't seen you for a long time!

Hearing Yan Yun's crazy words, Star King Small laughed even more presumptuously.

"Yi Hang is right. I'm still worried that I can't find a reason to launch a war." When Yi Hang came, he not only gave him a reason, but also told him the weaknesses of Liuli Queen and Liuli Star.

Hearing this, Yan Yun's mouth twitched into a sneer.

Easy to sail?The dog man is not only alive, but also fled to other planets so soon?Really great.

Fortunately, she had changed everything that Yi Hang and An Qianyi knew before, otherwise it would be troublesome.

"Really? That's really congratulations on your acquisition of a talent. Should I be happy for you?"

While speaking, Yan Yun applauded twice symbolically.

Star King Small looked at Yan Yun like this, his face sank.

This is not congratulating him, this is clearly mocking him!

When he hadn't seen Yan Yun before, he really thought she was advocating benevolence and peace as rumored, but when he saw her today, it really didn't match the rumors, she was extremely arrogant and domineering.

Without further talking to her, Star King Small directly ordered the attack.

Yan Yun's face turned cold instantly, and she gave an order to Dill in the operating room.

"Lock the location of the Smalls and release the catch net."

If you dare to be so presumptuous on her territory, your head will be smashed!

Star King Small's target has always been Yan Yun. Seeing Yan Yun backing up, King Small rushed to her with quick eyes and hands, ready to catch her.

Yi Hang said that Yan Yun's arm is a weak point, as long as he catches Yan Yun, then Liuli Star will be his!

He originally thought that Yan Yun should have little fighting power, but he never thought that Yan Yun's agility, not to mention her physical strength, is even superior to him.

(End of this chapter)

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