Quick wear heroine super short

Chapter 280 Interstellar Love Manual

Chapter 280 Interstellar Love Manual (12)

In the end, Star King Small didn't catch Yan Yun, but Yan Yun caught him.

Yan Yun sneered: "Why, let me catch you so impatiently?"

Being captured by a woman, Star King Small felt completely humiliated.

King Small's voice was cold: "Yan Yun, do you know what you are doing!"

"I know, what's the matter?" Could it be that he was the only one who hit her, and she couldn't fight back?

While talking, Yan Yun put the halo on King Small's hand and handcuffed him.

Afterwards, Yan Yun let go and kicked King Small to the ground.

At the same time, the soldiers on Small Star were also caught in the net.

The catch net is made of special materials, and the creatures covered in it cannot switch to other forms.

Seeing his party losing so miserably, Star King Small blushed with annoyance.

Yan Yun bent down to look at him, her lips slightly curved: "Are you saying that you gave me the planet yourself, or am I going to occupy the Small Star now?"

Before Star King Small could answer, Yan Yun straightened up and gave orders to the soldiers behind him.

"Take away the warships on Planet Small, and call other soldiers to go to Planet Small with me."

After finishing speaking, Yan Yun bent down and pulled Star King Small up.

"Let's go, Brother Smelly, I'll take you back to Smol Star."

Yan Yun escorted him onto the spaceship while talking.

In the spaceship, Star King Small kept staring at Yan Yun coldly, Yan Yun only glanced at him lightly, in comparison, Star King Small looked like a clown.

Arriving at Planet Small, the people of Small Planet were shocked to see King Small being tied up.

After unlocking the defense system, Yan Yun directly pressured King Small to go to the royal family.

"Where's Su Xian? Hand over Su Xian and Small Star, and I can spare your life."

Su Xian?

King Small's eyes flashed, and he sneered: "Don't think about it, I will never give you Planet Small! Even if you kill me, you will not have Planet Small."

Obtaining a planet requires the approval of the people of Smos. He had already spread the news of cruelty and cruelty in Smos, and no one would recognize her.

Su Xian rushed over immediately after hearing the news, and couldn't help being taken aback when he saw Star King Small being rhymed with words.

Before Star King Small insisted on sending troops to attack Liuli Star, in order to prevent him from stopping the troops, Star King Small directly grounded him in the palace.

Now that the Star Soldier Small was about to lose to the Star Soldier Liuli, and Star King Small was captured, he wanted to say a few words to intercede for King Small, but he didn't know what to say. After all, Star Small was at fault.

Yi Hang originally thought that Star King Small had returned victorious, but when he heard that King Small was captured by Yan Yun, he was in a bad mood.

If Yan Yun finds him, he will definitely be killed, and he must not fall into Yan Yun's hands!
Yi Hang's eyes lit up, and he left immediately.

"Su Xian! What are you still standing there for!" Star King Small was instantly annoyed when he saw Su Xian standing there motionless.

"I really shouldn't have believed you. You have been speaking for Liulixing since you came back from Liulixing. What kind of ecstasy soup did she give you?! All these years, I really misjudged you!"

Yan Yun raised her eyebrows slightly.

Hey, the little thing actually helped her speak?

Was it conquered by her charm?
She said that it is impossible for the Raiders to be misbehaving!
After hearing that Su Xian helped her speak, Yan Yun directly forgot about Su Xian's anger at her before.

Knowing mistakes and being able to correct them is a good strategy character!
Su Xian gave Star King Small a complicated look, and finally leaned slightly towards Yan Yun, begging for him.

"Sending troops without permission is the fault of Small Star. Please forgive me and let the king go."

"Don't let go. Su Xian, you are following the wrong person. Even if Star King Small saved your life, you should have paid off your allegiance to him for so many years."

(End of this chapter)

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