Quick wear heroine super short

Chapter 287 Interstellar Love Manual

Chapter 287 Interstellar Love Manual (19)

in the palace.

Su Xian turned on the global live broadcast, and this page was updated on the electronic screens of all the residents of Small Star for a while.

Seeing that Yan Yun was also nearby, the barrage on the electronic screen seemed to explode.

——"Is everything we mentioned just now in vain?"

——"Why does Queen Liuli come out in the palace?"

——"Your Majesty, if you are kidnapped, just blink!"

Yan Yun couldn't help raising her eyebrows when she saw the words slamming her on the barrage.

"I'll do it." Yan Yun patted Su Xian, Su Xian glanced at her, and took a step to the side.

Yan Yun stood in front of the electronic screen and casually clicked on a barrage.

A split screen of that person immediately appeared on the electronic screen.

The corners of Yan Yun's mouth curved slightly: "You just said that I deliberately provoked a war? Don't you know that it was the Liuli planet that was first invaded by the Small planet?"

"And you." Yan Yun clicked another one, "You say I'm cruel? What did I do? Did I dismantle your arms and legs, or put you in a frying pan?"

The few people who were harassed by Yan Yun were speechless to refute, they could only turn red.

Yan Yun glanced at the screen and continued: "I don't know where you heard these rumors, but I don't take the blame. If you have any questions about the judgment of the previous King Small, you can go to the Interstellar Administration Ask. The people of Liuli Star haven’t spoken yet, why are you so excited?”

After finishing speaking, Yan Yun added another sentence: "See with your eyes and heart, OK? Donate your brain if you don't need it!"

Although the residents of Small Planet didn't understand some of the words in the rhyme, they roughly understood what she meant.

For a while, there were fewer people speaking on the screen.

Su Xian returned to the screen, told everyone the whole story, and finally added a sentence: "Queen Liulixing has always advocated benevolence and peace, and it is not exaggerated at all. If she hadn't been merciful, the previous king would not only have been arrested It's that simple."

That being said, there were fewer comments on the screen, and many people were apologizing for their previous remarks, but Yan Yun didn't even watch them.

Seeing the twisted speech on the screen, Su Xian turned off the live broadcast.

After the live broadcast was turned off, Su Xian took the initiative to invite: "Want to visit Small Planet?"

Yan Yun raised her eyebrows: "Are you with me?"

Su Xian: "Of course."

Yan Yun is the guest, and he should be the guide.

Yan Yun decisively agreed: "Look!"

As long as there are Raiders around, anything is allowed!

The traffic on Smol Star is very developed, there are roads underground, and there are roads in mid-air.

Yan Yun and Su Xian are wearing flight suits and hovering shoes under their feet. The hovering shoes can freely control the direction, which is standard equipment for the empty road.

"Smoker Star is very beautiful." Looking at the surrounding scene, Yan Yun boasted without hesitation.

Small Star and Liuli Star are different styles of beauty.

Most of the buildings in Liulixing are made of Liuli, and the sparkling ones are very beautiful.

In comparison, Smoker Star is more developed, and there are many things that Liuli Star doesn't have. Comparing the two, each has its own beauty.

Su Xian was also very happy to hear that his planet was being praised.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, the man took her to another place.

The place Su Xian took Yan Yun to was not as prosperous as before.

The two fell to the ground, and Su Xian walked to a house with Yan Yun.

Su Xian pointed and introduced, "This is where I lived before."

Yan Yun frowned as she looked at the dilapidated house in front of her.

"It was like this before?"

There was nothing in the house, nothing more than a bed and a broken table.

"Well. The environment here was very bad before, even worse than now. I have been here since I was born, and my family members starved to death because there was no food to eat."

(End of this chapter)

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