Quick wear heroine super short

Chapter 288 Interstellar Love Manual

Chapter 288 Interstellar Love Manual (20)

Listening to Su Xian talking about his childhood, Yan Yun felt a little distressed.

The girl comforted: "It's okay, you still have me."

As long as she is there, the Raider will never return to his previous life, and she will not allow anyone to bully him.

Su Xian, who was immersed in the memory, froze for a while.

He and she...

"The identity chip prepared for you is still there, but it should not be used now."

Now Su Xian is King Small, if the two of them are together, he only needs to add a new identity to his original identity.

In fact, it could be like this before, but she originally planned to let him change to the identity of the Liuli star, so she made a new identity chip.

"You still keep it?" Su Xian was surprised.

He thought she would throw it away, after all, she had thrown it in the trash can in front of him.

It was only after Su Xian talked about the rhyme that he remembered that he had lost it at the beginning.

The girl avoided her eyes and coughed lightly: "That's right, you didn't pick it up? Dill put it away when he saw it."

Huh, fortunately she was clever and almost slapped herself in the face.

Fairies can't lose face!Raiders can't do it either.

Su Xian stared at Yan Yun, as if trying to see something from her expression.

Yan Yun was uncomfortable being stared at by Su Xian, so she directly changed her strategy and leaned closer to him.

"What are you staring at me for? Or do you have any other ideas?"

Su Xian didn't expect Yan Yun to stick it directly, the man's pupils shrank slightly, and then quickly took a step back.

"Sorry, I have no other meaning."

Seeing Su Xian withdraw so quickly, Yan Yun was slightly dissatisfied.

How does the little thing move so fast.

"You can have other meanings." Could it be that she is not attractive enough?The little thing didn't think too much about her.

While speaking, Yan Yun saw a figure flash past.

Yan Yun's eyes lit up, and she patted Su Xian on the shoulder: "I seem to have seen Yi Hang just now."

"Yi Hang?" Su Xian frowned.

"Yes! Let's go, chase." Yan Yun flew up on the hovering shoes while talking, and Su Xian followed closely.

They are in the air, and Yihang is underground, so it will be much easier to hunt them down.

But they didn't find Yi Hang's shadow after searching around.

It is impossible for Yi Hang to run so fast, he must be hiding in some house.

But when they went down to look for it, they couldn't find anyone.

Yan Yun's eyes were cold and severe: "Let him run away again."

Good luck, dog!

Su Xian's face was calm: "He doesn't have a spaceship, so he can't escape from Smol Star. I've already issued an order to hunt him down around the world."

Yan Yun responded: "Well, let's go back first. Although Yi Hang is a native of Earth, he has stayed in Liuli Star for a long time and knows a lot."

In comparison, the palace is relatively safe.
in the palace.

When Yan Yun came, she didn't plan to go back immediately.

Dill looked at Yan Yun as if he was going to live forever, and asked cautiously: "Queen, aren't you going back to Liuli Star today?"

"In a few days, it's not far away anyway." Yan Yun waved her hand, as if thinking of something, the girl paused, then looked up at Dill, her bright eyes turned, "Well, you go back and see Come on, if you need anything, contact me as soon as possible."

Tell Dill to go back and look at the planet so she can stay longer on Smoor.

Anyway, there is nothing serious about the planet at ordinary times, so don't panic.

"This..." Dill hesitated, and when he met Shang Yanyun's undeniable eyes, Dill swallowed the rest of the words, "Okay, then the subordinates will go back first."

"That's right. By the way, don't ask me for some small things that you can handle."

Otherwise, she was afraid that she would have to go back tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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