Quick wear heroine super short

Chapter 289 Interstellar Love Manual

Chapter 289 Interstellar Love Manual (21)

After Yan Yun gave her orders, she went to find Su Xian, but Dill could only look at Yan Yun's back, and silently wiped away her tears.


Su Xian's sleeping hall.

Su Xian suddenly received an important report, and originally asked Yan Yun to wander around and come out to find her after he finished processing, but when he went out, he found Yan Yun was sitting on a swing outside his bedroom.

Smol Star has always been full of vitality. There are flowers and plants everywhere in the palace, especially outside the king's bedroom, there are some rare and unknown plants, and the swings are covered with delicate flowers.

Su Xian didn't pay much attention to this swing, but now that Yan Yun is sitting on it, it is particularly eye-catching.

"Finished?" Seeing Su Xian coming out, Yan Yun hooked her feet to the ground, and when it stopped, the little girl jumped off.

Su Xian gave a "hmm" and looked around: "Where's the person you brought?"

"Dill? I asked him to go back." Yan Yun said, changing the subject instantly, "So where is my residence?"

"Abode?" Su Xian paused, "Do you want to stay? Won't you come back today?"

Yan Yun nodded: "Yes! Not only today, but also tomorrow."

If I had to say a time, it would be when Liuli Xing had something important to do and when would she go back.

Su Xian didn't think far away, only thought that Yan Yun would stay here for a few days, so he pointed to the nearby palace.

"That's the best guest room in the palace, and you can live there."

"Okay, then I'll go and have a look first, you can do your work."

The days ahead are long, and he is not in a hurry to attack the little things for a while. If you follow him too closely, he will get bored.

Yan Yun went to the guest room to have a look, and was very satisfied with the decoration layout inside.

Many of the guards outside the door were former Star King Small, and they didn't look good when they saw Yan Yun.

Even though Su Xian had clarified for her, they still had a cold face.

Yan Yun also noticed their attitude, but she didn't take it seriously.

Except for Su Xian, she doesn't care about other people's attitudes, as long as the little thing thinks she is nice!
After Yan Yun stayed, Su Xian ordered someone to send some clothes and food to Yan Yun.

The food on Small Planet is quite different from the food on Liuli Planet. Most of the food here is related to flowers and plants.

After tasting the rhyme, the taste is not bad.

Most of the food on Liuli Star is glass, but they don't eat it directly, but grind the glass into powder, and then add other things to make food. (made up, no imitation)

Compared with those colored glazes, she prefers Smokey's.

While eating, a bold idea suddenly appeared in Yan Yun's mind.

How about giving Liuli Xing to Xiaoshi, so that she has a reason to be with the Raiders, and she will go wherever he goes.

Yan Yun squinted her eyes in satisfaction, thinking that her idea was very good.
The bulletin Su Xian received was about Yi Hang, and someone discovered Yi Hang elsewhere.

But when he sent someone to look for him, he couldn't find out where he was, and there were no records of his consumption and accommodation in various places.

Su Xian felt a little tricky.

Su Xian was sitting in front of the electronic screen, looking up information, when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Su Xian asked habitually, and after hearing Yan Yun's voice, the man got up and opened the door.

"Are you resting?" Yan Yun asked casually.

Su Xian: "No, I'm checking something, is there anything wrong?"

"Well, I want to give you the glass star." Yan Yun didn't go around in circles, and directly stated the purpose of her visit.

Su Xian was stunned: "What? Give me the glass star?!"

(End of this chapter)

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