Quick wear heroine super short

Chapter 377 Brother Don't Run

Chapter 377 Brother Don't Run (6)

"Miss, who are you looking for?" The front desk asked politely.

"I'm looking for Mr. Nie Qi Nie, please inform him that I have something important to ask him."

The lady at the front desk looked embarrassed: "I'm sorry miss, we need to make an appointment to see Mr. Nie."

"I know, if it's not important, I won't come."

The front desk looked at Yan Yun and saw that her expression was as she said, so after hesitating, he called the president's office.

"President, a lady said that she has something urgent to ask you."

"do not know."

"Okay, got it."

After hanging up the phone, the receptionist leaned slightly towards Yan Yun.

"I'm really sorry, our president is very busy right now, so it's not convenient to see guests."

Yan Yun pinched the center of her brows with some annoyance, and nodded to the front desk: "Thank you."

After thanking her, Yan Yun found a place to sit down in the hall.

Now that she's here, she has to see Nie Qi.

She didn't believe that Nie Qi didn't come out at noon.
President Office.

After finishing the last document, Nie Qi explained to his assistant about his work in the afternoon, then picked up his coat and prepared to go to lunch.

In the hall, afraid of missing Nie Qi, Yan Yun didn't dare to relax for a moment, and her eyes were sour from the last stare.

Finally, a familiar face came into her sight, and when Nie Qi was about to walk up to her, Yan Yun immediately stood up.

Who knew that Nie Qi didn't even look sideways, and walked out straight away.

Looking at Nie Qi who treats herself like air, Yan Yun's heart is racing.

Didn't he see her standing here at such a big age?
Yan Yun exhaled, suppressed the emotions in her heart, and followed quickly.

"Mr. Nie, wait."

As soon as he left the hall, Nie Qi heard someone calling him behind him.

The man stopped and looked back at her.

"I have something to ask you, is it convenient to take a step to talk?"

Nie Qi frowned slightly, looked at her for a while, and nodded: "Yes."

in the restaurant.

Yan Yun randomly picked up some topics to talk to him, because she didn't know Nie Qi very well, so the topics were a bit awkward.

Listening to Yan Yun's words, Nie Qi frowned even deeper.

"I think this lady has nothing to do with me, excuse me." The man picked up the suit jacket on the chair, and was about to get up and leave.

"Wait." Yan Yun suddenly stopped him, "I have."

Nie Qi paused for a moment, then sat back down again, his brows raised slightly, and his thin lips parted slightly: "Say."

"Isn't the Nie family recruiting employees recently? I can." Yan Yun recalled the information she searched yesterday, and said.

When she saw the recruitment information at that time, she clicked in and took a look. It was for IT personnel. She dared not say anything about other aspects, but she was still very confident about computers.

"Contact the HR department for recruitment, and there is a phone number on the recruitment information." Nie Qi's patience was gradually exhausted, and he was about to leave with his clothes.

Yan Yun immediately grabbed him, using a bit of strength.

Nie Qi frowned and looked at her.

A little girl with so much strength?

"What's your purpose?" While talking, Nie Qi looked down at the time, "I don't have so much time to chat with you about useless things here, if it's a prank, then congratulations, it's a success."

"I think I should be worthy of your personal interview. I can accept any test."

Hearing what Yan Yun said, Nie Qi chuckled lightly, but the smile didn't reach his eyes: "I don't have time to play pranks with you here."

"I am serious."

Yan Yun knew that what she did today was indeed a little nervous, but she was serious about computers.

(End of this chapter)

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